
Villagers in Mushoku Tensei

I found myself in the body of a villager in Mushoku Tensei... So I will try to enjoy life as Edward in this world of magic and sword. *** This Fanfic is produced by my boredom... I can stop at any time so don't blame me too much :) In the meantime, enjoy reading! the cover is not mine, it is an excellent work, if you are the author contact me I will change it

lapluiearrive · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 6

Edward walked quietly towards Paul's house, his mind still focused on the latest events.

'Finally I can use magic, it's a big step especially at my age'

Edward continued throughout the drive to think about his accomplishment.

Without knowing it, he found himself in front of the courtyard of the Greyrat house, in front of him, Zenith was quietly tending to his plants.

"Oh, you finally came, wait a minute I'll get Paul~" As Zenith greeted him, Edward nodded awkwardly.

As Zenith walked home, Edward glanced at the plants she was growing.

Zenith's little garden was very well maintained, although Edward didn't have much gardening knowledge, even a neophyte like him could appreciate the love the young woman had given to her garden.

'Oh, she's really good, maybe use some magic to speed up their development?'

As Edward was studying the plants, he suddenly received a blow to the head.

"Hop you're dead, first lessons for you, never let your guard down"

As Edward rubbed his skull, he turned back to Paul who was watching him with a smirk while tapping a wooden sword against his shoulder.

Edward frowned at Paul's nonchalant attitude.

'This guy has no mercy even against a child his son's age'

Suddenly Edward pointed his fingers behind Paul "Oh, who is that woman walking around naked?"

Paul turned directly "Huh or that?"

Without wasting any time Edward jumped towards Paul kicking him in the knee, however a hand stopped his foot before he touched and Paul lifted him by the foot.

"Well done, I like that spirit but don't think I got me with that kind of trickery."

As Paul smirked at Edward, the latter simply stared at him as he finished casting his spell.

"Water Ball!"

A ball of water flew towards Paul's face, however he sliced ​​the ball of water without much effort.

'The water god style!'

"GOOD ! You have quite the spirit to become my student, lessons number two you can never win against me, in fact that's the real lesson number 1 don't forget"

Edward shook his head a slight smile on his face. "Are you sure? Still, I think I won this time."

Paul nodded "How so, even though..." Suddenly Paul flinched, a violent aura rose from his back, he slowly turned around while swallowing heavily.

"So you'd turn around to look at a naked girl Paul…" The evil aura came from Zenith, her gaze seemed to dig a hole in Paul's head.

"N-no Honey, calm down, that was part of the lesson, calm down…Please…Please…"

As Paul beg for his life, Edward was brutally dropped to the ground, however the pair's sight was hilarious enough to ignore the pain momentarily.

As Edward watched with a smile on his face, a soft voice filled with surprise spoke to him.

"H-How is it possible, I thought you couldn't use magic!"

As the voice called out to him, Edward stiffened for a moment before turning back to Roxy.

He was not surprised by the question, on the contrary, he had already prepared an answer on the way.

"Oh it's you, the young mage."

Roxy closed her eyes for a moment, whispering "I'm not young, the kids here have no respect.."

"Never mind, answer me."

Edward flashes a vague smile before responding in a carefree manner.

"This morning I cast the spell and that was it."

Roxy frowned while rubbing her temples "It's strange, yesterday you…"

The young girl apparently looked towards Rudeus who arrived accompanied by Lilia before sighing. "Well I guess those are things that happen…"

However, she flicked the flat of her hand on Edward's head and it turned around. "This is your punishment for disobeying."

Edward rubbed his forehead, the day before Zenith had asked him not to try magic anymore.

'Why is everyone hitting my head today?'

Edward had decided not to keep his new magic a secret for several reasons, first of all he wanted to use magic in his training and the sooner the better.

Secondly he had to confirm if Water Ball is the only magic he can use and if not he should take advantage of Roxy's remaining time in the village to learn as much as possible.

So he decided to show his magic directly from the start without wasting time.

Eventually Paul comes back while hugging Zenith, it seems like this guy always somehow manages to get away with it.

As Edward glared at him, Paul simply smirked.

'Is this guy bragging about having a wife in front of a 3 year old?'

"Very good kid, before we start, tell us what your name is.

Edward frowned for a few moments before realizing 'Oh I still haven't introduced myself.'

Edward stood up slowly, he had vague memories of a certain greeting that nobles used but he ignored it and just tilted his head forward.

"Sorry for the delay, my name is Edward, but you can call me Ed."