
Chapter 15 Chaotic Beika

In the business district of Beika stood a tall building. It was a tower and was also a place which houses many different Company's office.

This tower was named Heisei Tower and on its 21st floor stood the office of a construction company. Having an office in Heisei Tower meant to be a matter of pride and it's occupants were some of the successful companies in Tokyo, yet inside the president's office stood a man with a grim face. His construction company started off well with many projects and had successfully taken off.

However these past 5 years the Company's profits have steadily decreased and now they have been operating on a red line for past 3 quarters.

"This cannot go on, else we would have to relocate to somewhere else. I might even become bankrupt. So long there is an opportunity I can get the project. But it should be a big one. Something which would bring new blood inside this company"

The Company president Gato looked at the quarterly results presented by the Finance Head and commented inwardly. He had been thinking of new ways to earn more money but he was running out of ideas.

'If only I could blow up some bridge or track. Heh who am I kidding, I don't have such conmections'.

Gato then pulled out his phone and called his connection within the goverment. It was a connection which he got by chance.

"Kacchan, it's been a while".

"Gato!! It's been a while. Wassup".

"Kacchan you already know why I am calling. Is there any new state project".

"No, sorry Gato, we don't have any active projects coming out way. But Gato there is a chance. I just don't know whether you would accept this".

"Kacchan I will accept anything. Just tell me more about this project".

"Sorry Gato. Not over phone. Why don't we meet up tonight. Let's meet at the Lemon Bar".

"Ok Kacchan I'll see you there. How does 7 sound".

"Hmm…. Ok I'll clear my schedule then".

With the call cut, Gato sighed and leaned against the chair and could not help but think about the offer Kacchan had given.

'I don't know what this project is, but I don't care. I'll do anything to keep my Company afloat"

At Beika Police Department

Inspector Megure and Superintendent Matsumoto had a grim face. The only problem was, it was not due to the recent case. They had just recieved the news that the MPD had somehow got infiltrated by some unknown party and though no one had gotten hurt, breaking into the MPD with building swarmed with security guards without being seen is the same as mocking the police.

"Any clues?".

"As of yet nothing. The guy is a pro, he had his head down and always looked away from the camera. He had made sure he took the best route filled with many blindspots and was even wearing a ball cap and gloves to make sure not to leave even hair samples".

The one who answered this was a senior in forensic department and this made Matsumoto sigh.

"We need to make sure this doesn't reach out. We cannot have the news that our MPD got breached right when we are in investigating the highschool girl's murder case.

We have the eyes of both the press and the top brass from MPD. The MPD is also under the scrutiny of the Public safety minister.

We need to wrap this case up as fast as possible. In any case what did this intruder look for?"

"We don't know. We are searching for any clue. Unfortunately we don't miss any document. Most likely the guy must have taken copies of the thing he was looking for".

"Megure, show this footage to Kudo Shinichi and see what he could infer from this. Also ask him the progress relating the case".

"Ok sir".

At Teitan High school

The cellphone on Shinichi vibrated making him excuse himself from class and made it to the silent restroom. In there he saw the call log to see it was from Inspector Megure.

"Hello, Megure Keibu, what's it. If it's about the case I might know the answer by the end of the day".

"What!!! Someone broke into the MPD and you don't know what has been stolen?

Tell me the details".

He heard the case details and went silent.

"The clues are too few to make any kind of deduction, but if I am to make a daring guess, then this break in has something to do with this case, though I don't know what it is, we will be able to figure this out once we get to the bottom of the case".

"Oh, it's rare for Kudo-kun to make guesses. Didn't you always say that guesses might mislead us from figuring out the truth because it creates a bias in mind".

"Yeah, but haven't you heard Inspector Megure. The process of reverse engineering, "Make a bold deduction and investigate to find the clues based on that, you might just figure out the truth".

"In any case I plan on investigating the other person of interest today afternoon and will tell you my findings in the evening".

The time was around 1.00 in the afternoon and classes in the school were entering at a last phase of the day with only 2 hours left.

Inside the Shuhou Academy the classes were busy with the teacher inside Haruto's class was teaching integral calculus.

Haruto who usually sat in the middle of the class looked at his watch. Seeing that the time was 1 in the afternoon stood up suddenly while holding his mouth for a bit.

His action attracted the teacher's attention.

"Haruto-kun are you alright".

"Sensei, would you excuse me for a bit. I feel a bit nauseous".

He got a positive response and teacher even offered to send someone with him to which Haruto respectfully declined. Getting out of the class Haruto walked in the opposite direction of the infirmary and made his way to one of the empty rooms which was kept as a store room.

Haruto took out a transceiver and looked at the icon pointed in the map. This was the location of the phone of Sudo Akira which he managed to hack into exploiting his lack of awareness of security.

"So he is at school".

I still have 2 hours before school gets over. Then his calm face turned into a violent smirk and whispered "That means I have two hours to complete my investigation".

What followed was Haruto sneaking out of the school premises in an expert fashion as if he had done this many times and went towards the Hamado residence.

The place was an independent mansion on the east of Beika which was rare for any rich family to have as this was an industrial area. He had previously checked inside his locker and took with him a bag inside which a white hoodie and a black tracksuit was present.

He entered an alley near his school and when he came out on a completely different street he had long changed into his outfit and had his hand inside the pocket and waited in line for the metro.

It didn't take long for Haruto to reach the industrial district and near Hamado residence which only had a few security guards and security camera near the entrance.

Unfortunately a basic recon around the mansion made Haruto give up on direct infiltration because he couldn't find any openings and he wasn't exactly a pro in this.

"If only this was night, I could sneak in easily".

Just then he noticed a fencing with signs of danger a few yards away from the mansion.

'What the hell is that place?'

Few more minutes of recon made him identify what it was. It was a chlorine factory and knowing this made him formulate a cunning plan. Unlike the mansion this place had people coming and going and this was what he wanted. Sneaking in by posing as a worker Haruto went inside to see the plants producing the Chlorine.

Not going anywhere near it, Haruto searched for other places such as small storage yards to see if he could use a thing to create a big distraction, something which would create chaos or panic amongst people in the area.

And there it was a discarded chemical waste which is harmless but the pungent smell and thick smoke which it would cause when it is burnt would make people inadvertently think that it was chlorine gas leak which was poisonous.

Lighting it on fire, Haruto quickly escaped the area and waited till the smoke becomes visible causing panic amongst the workers and before the workers could react, Haruto pulled the fire and danger alarm which was present in all factories which are engaged in production of dangerous and hazardous chemicals.

The fire itself did not cause panic but the danger alarm caused widespread panic and this included the mansion of Hamado family. The workers and guards ran in and out without any order and this was what he wanted.

Using the chaos Haruto jumped in from a isolated location of the mansion and blended with the workers by knocking out one of the security guard who had come towards that location.

It seemed like that worker was searching for the gas mask kept inside the storage room and while the residents inside the house taking their car and fleeing the area and security guards leaving to protect themselves Haruto sneaked in the house.

Searching the rooms Haruto quickly found which was Sudo Akira's, Haruto quickly accessed Akira's computer. When he had hacked into Akira's phone this morning he had also heard the call he recieved from his father and while checking the call logs he had seen a phone number repeatedly called, especially during the night of murder of Miki.

From there all Haruto had to do was check the owner of the number and the area of cell phone triangulation, however the trail ended there. Unlike Sudo, this person was careful. The phone number was from a burner phone and had only switched on only for two minutes before switching off. Before that, though the phone was turned on most of its features were turned off including internet activity.

Accessing the computer of Sudo Haruto checked his mails and website history and he caught sight of the blackmail email Sudo had recieved.


Taking out the hardisk Haruto copied the video after checking it and also the uncut video was accessed and copied into his Hardisk.

Further he went on to search the room and found the presence of drugs and took photos of it before escaping from the mansion and returned safely back to the school before the end of the final bell.

Meanwhile in an undisclosed location

A handsome man was seated in his chair looking at his computer with an enraged look. The screen showed him the recording of an unknown man entering the room of his Target and downloading the video he had sent to the target and left.

Yes, he was the blackmailer who had sent the mail with the web link to Sudo Akira and had set up many wiretaps and cameras inside Sudo's room and had been surveiling Sudo as his next target for fun and this unknown figure had somehow managed to enter his game as the Joker of this game.

"I don't know who you are but I'll find you"

The handsome man's face warped with excitement as he cut this video and sent to Sudo as another link.

Next chapter