
Viego. A being bound by Chaos. (DXD/MARVEL/?? Fanfic)

The story tells of a boy who reincarnates into the body of the son of the little-known Blacksmith God Walter from the Nordic Pantheon. And over time and events, the main character changes, but it is not known whether for good or bad.

Kriuswer · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 48

The view of the throne room of the palace of Asgard always seemed too simple for Vie's tastes. Giant golden gates lead to the throne room. Large enough for a representative of the dwarven race to enter the hall without having to lean under the door frame. And as you know, Dwarves are very tall, and even the smallest representatives of this race have a height of at least 3.5 meters.

The door itself is made of pure gold like most, and it's slowly starting to hurt Vi's eyes. However, a carving on the door depicting Bor, Odin's father. While slaying a giant dragon, it is the most interesting attraction of the castle's architecture. Rich decoration, the use of gold with many darker and lighter shades of gold. To give the door more depth and pattern, which compared to the rest of the castle looks like it was stolen from a better, better designed castle.

The throne room, which should represent the power and authority of the ruler, did not fulfill the required function. And despite its origins, the black gold baffle with many bright gold patterns had a certain charm. So golden walls and columns in the same colors, and with no coats of arms, paintings, tapestries. Instead of which there were golden bas-reliefs carved into the walls. They made Viego think he had visited King Midas. Not the All-Father Odin, who as the god of war should have more... of everything.

As for the main part of the throne room, which is the throne. It didn't look any better than the rest of the throne room. A rather peculiar golden throne, shaped like a Viego goblet or something. From the golden chair, golden plates, shaped like a bit of antlers or something, came out to the sides. Total lack of taste when it comes to Viego.


A straight road led to the throne, indicated by two rows of stationed guards in the golden armor of the Asgardian main guard. Armed with the "Touch of Surtur" and "Triaorg Creeper" artifacts. As a result, each of the guards he passes Viego, Loki, and Victoria bows respectfully towards them. And Viego senses no hostile intent or even caution from any of them.

What is the problem. Because Viego could be a Godslayer disguised as a Rune God or something equally dangerous. But they weren't his guards, so Viego just sighed and continued looking around the throne room.

To the left of Odin sitting on the throne, Viego noticed a large group of richly dressed Nobles who were looking at Vi with an exorbitant amount of greed. Which strongly disgusted Vi, and Victoria herself, because of giving a bow to the Allfather, joined a group of Aristocrats who were probably the royal council or something like that.

Odin himself, who was currently sitting on the throne, was watching Viego intensely. He looked a lot like Viego, his MCU counterpart. White hair, beard, oval piece of gold covering his empty eye socket. And a rather grandpa's face, which at first glance emanates a pleasant grandpa atmosphere. And as if it forces the recipient to trust the All-Father more easily. But it could have been a spell or something.

Odin was clad in royal day armor consisting of an Uru black gold breastplate, a red cape, and a pair of dark brown leather trousers. For a lover of gold, he had more colors than his castle. But this may be a property of Uru and that is why the amount of gold on his armor is so small.


However, despite being halfway to meeting Odin. Viego focuses his attention on Gungir, Odin's legendary weapon. Which at first glance appears to be a fairly simple Golden Spear with many black gold symbols. However, as an Artifact, designed to be an amplifier and conductor of Odin's power. Over the course of Odin's use of it. Viego sensed that the metal itself gained additional properties and is an ideal conductor of Odin's Power. However, it is still an amplification and guide type artifact. Just like Miolmir or Heimdal's sword. Without its primary user, even if another person can use it, that person will still not be able to use 100% of the weapon's power. So after that thought, Vi's interest in Odin's weapons disappeared.


(Odyn)-Did Gungnir really not live up to your expectations? Walter's son?

Odin said, with a rather obvious grandfather expression. Looking like his son Loki, he kneels before him as he should before his king. And as Viego makes a slight bow, not as if he is standing before a king but before a master or someone whom a person respects for something specific, but not looking at the hierarchy.

After asking Odin. Viego laughed briefly under his breath and said slightly arrogantly with a small smile.

(Viego)-all-father. Gungir is without a doubt a beautiful weapon. However, without Odin, without the history of battles, it's just a minor artifact unworthy of its Legend.

When Viego said that, even the guards glared at Viego. And the Aristocracy started shouting protests like what a commoner might know about this weapon. And stuff like that. Until Odin hit the floor with the flat end of Gungir, and the sound of the hit spread throughout the throne room. And Odin, he exclaimed a phrase that almost made Viego laugh.


Odin then looked around the room and looked at the louder representatives of the royal council, then immediately turned his gaze towards Viego and spoke again.

(Odyn)-Normally there is a punishment for offending a symbol of the authorities. Walter's son. However, it was I who asked for your opinion, and the answers were artificial to avoid punishment. It is a sign of cowardice. Your father would be proud. And now young Viego, my son, said you had business for me. I listen you.

When Odin was busy monologues how generous he is about forgiveness. Viego was laughing internally that despite standing in front of one person who could legally kill him without the slightest effort. He still doesn't feel fear and he kind of feels like he's better. Or that it will be better, and that poor toothpick will be funny as it develops another work sitting on the toilet

(Viego)-All-Father. I have come to you to make a very fruitful transaction for both parties.

However, before Odin could answer, the same noble who shouted the loudest at Viego. For offending Gungir, this time he burst into indignation again and shouted.

(Noble)-How dare you bargain with Odin. You should be welcomed into the palace and forced to forge artifacts for free. Just like Hephaestus in his past.

Odin was nervous. Maybe because someone insulted his dead best friend's son. Whose eyes Odin sees in Vie's eyes. Or that the Noble had the audacity to stop Odin from saying a sentence.

Viego didn't know that. And honestly, he didn't care in the slightest. However, Odin pointed Gungir at the guard and said in an angry tone.

(Odyn)-Secretary Skuree, I'd ask you to stop meddling otherwise your son may take over your position sooner. Did you understand what I said?

(Skuree)-Yes, All-Father.

(Odyn)-Back to the conversation, Son of Walter. I'd like to hear your offer for me.

While still on his ship, Viego explained to Loki his plan on how to get the things he wanted. And that he would be forced to use Loki lightly. Which he had no problem with.

(Viego)-First of all, I'd like to apologize. Because I have come into possession of knowledge destined for the Royal Family. More specifically, the health of the Allfather.

And again there was an indignation of all people present here, which made Odin hit the floor again with Gungir and gestured Viego to continue.

(Viego)-As the Allfather knows, the younger prince, Loki. He is my friend.... and unfortunately, I found out about the cause of the well-known "Odin's Dream".

Odin looked slightly crooked at Loki. Who tried not to look directly at his father. Loki latter spoke briefly about Allfather Vi's health problems, but he was sober at the time.

(Odyn)-What are you getting at, Walterson?

(Viego)-Odin. Based on the information I have. The capsule that the All-Father uses not only leaves you in a state of deep sleep to stabilize your magical core from bursting and thus damaging and dying your physical body. I have done some research on this, however, until this project is fully completed. I would need research not only on the capsule itself, but also on a sample of Odin's power. And I'd be inclined to say that if everything goes according to my research. Odin won't have to fall into Odin's Dream.

Again, the nobles exploded quite loudly, and some were confused, indignant at Vi's tone of voice, or belittled Vi's ability to create Artifacts. And after inviting some Nobles, Odin looked with serious eyes, now without a trace of his grandfather's smile. And he said.

(Odyn)-Of course you wouldn't do it for free. So tell me, Viego Walterson, God of Run. What do you expect from Odin and what exactly do you offer in return.

(Viego)-Firstly, I would like to acquire Blood Raven Island located in the Bora Sea southwest of Asgard and have the rights granted to my Asgard estate. They were also given to this island. This means no tax, no assignment of these lands to the Asgard Lands and making this island a kind of independent island state. Of which I am the only owner.

(Skuree)-How dare you, you wretched worm!!

(Odyn)-Take him out right now. I warned you, now I don't want to see you. Walterson, you continue.

(Viego)-My second and final request would be to receive one "Master" Rune known only to the Allfather. Specifically, the Space Rune, obtained after hanging myself for 7 days on the branch of the Ygdrasill tree.

After that, there was quite a long moment of silence, in which Odin and Viego looked intensely at each other's eyes.

(Odyn)-You know what you're asking for. I could understand your first request. You want to match and surpass other Gods in the field of Artifact creation. And like each of them, he has his own work. And even Hephaestus under Zeus. He has his own studios, where the power of Zeus does not reach. And I can respect that.

(Odyn)-However, your second request is what I can confidently call an attempt to gain a secret viewer. Which I myself banned by decree and only I had access to. However, out of respect for your father, I will give you a chance. Tell me what you offer. And I will consider your request.

(Viego)-As the All-Father knows. I am the only God able to create independent Artifacts. Which, like the Legendary Gungir, is not an amplifier and a conductor of the user's power. But my Artifact creation methods allow me to create universal Artifacts, whose limits and powers, properties are infinite and limited only by my will as their creator. And as the Chief Rune God and Allfather, you understand the power and fruitful future of my craft.

(Viego)-I would like to offer the Artifact in exchange for the two requests mentioned earlier. This artifact would passively regenerate your core and replace corroded core fragments in real time. Thus creating a regenerative cycle that would not only stop the further disintegration of the core. But Odin wouldn't have to fall asleep and waste the time he could spend as our ruler, father and husband.

(Viego)-And translated into the expected shortened years of Odin's life, caused by the corrosion of the core. Thanks to the Artifact, Odin would have died from disease or death in Battle if he hadn't. He would not die any sooner than our race predicts. Which means that for the next several thousand years we would have the same ruler. And the princes would have time to develop and become worthy of their heritage.

After Vi's statement, the silence that followed was terrifying. And Odin's eye never left Vi's, not for a second. In this terrifying silence, only quiet footsteps could be heard coming from behind Odin's throne. For it, after a while, Frigga, the queen of Asgard, emerged.

Frigga was undoubtedly a beautiful woman despite her age. And although her face betrayed her real age, it is still safe to call her beautiful. She has light brown hair that is currently styled in a hairstyle called "bun". She has beautiful green eyes, but her lips now show nervousness and hope. She is wearing a beautiful long yellow dress with patches and ornaments of pearls or white gold. emphasizes and shows her tempting figure which, despite the passage of years, awakens the desire of men.


Frigga approached her husband and quickly began to whisper in his ear. However, before she did that, she probably cast a spell and no one heard what she said. Then she would get up after a long time and stand behind her husband and wait for Odin to say

Odin then stood up and looked at Vi with a serious eye. He said.

(Odyn)-Viego Walterson. After much thought and consultation with the Queen of Asgard, my wife, Queen Frigga. I, Odin Bornson, agree to the terms and conditions mentioned above. However, due to the imminent date of my dream. I require you to start work on the Artifact immediately. And in a moment I and my wife will take you to my chamber. Where will you do the capsule research. In the meantime, I'm asking the Chief Secretary to prepare a deed of ownership with a complete rewrite of the rights and the addition of this island as an independent state. And delivering it to me. And after receiving the artifact and checking whether it actually does its job, I will give you the deed of ownership and the Book containing the knowledge and the Rune of Space itself. Is that understandable.

(Viego)-Yes. All Father.