
Viego. A being bound by Chaos. (DXD/MARVEL/?? Fanfic)

The story tells of a boy who reincarnates into the body of the son of the little-known Blacksmith God Walter from the Nordic Pantheon. And over time and events, the main character changes, but it is not known whether for good or bad.

Kriuswer · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 47

Even though this is Vie's second visit to the golden palace. He is always delighted with the architecture of this place. And the very fact of knowing the history of this place, how much blood was spilled to make such decorations, walls and everything, gives this place a unique character.

Currently, Viego and Loki are on their way to the palace via the official route. It's a bit longer, but with a good conversation, the distance didn't matter too much.

To get to the palace, an ordinary citizen, an ambassador who did not get here by Bifrost or by using teleportation in the castle grounds. Walking along the main street of the city, at the very end of it begins a gigantic golden bridge. The bridge itself begins in a place that can be boldly called a precipice.

In general, Asgard Castle is actually located on a giant lake. The size of which exceeds some of the seas in Mitgard. However, from the fact that the Ygdrasil Mystical Tree is said to be in the center of this lake, specifically in the royal palace. All the water from the lake is automatically absorbed by the roots of this tree. As a result, from the perspective of a city dweller, the giant golden bridge and the palace itself are located over a gigantic abyss, the bottom and end of which cannot be seen with the naked eye.

From what Viego had seen several times already, many houses were located literally minutes from the edge and the abyss itself. Why houses do not collapse, he attributed this merit to magic.

Po lewej stronie masztu, wciąż od strony miasta. Jest tam port asgardzkich łodzi latających, Viego nie widział sensu lokowania tam tego przemysłu. Domyślał się jednak, że było to łatwiejsze miejsce do testowania nowych modeli, niż specjalnie do takich testów stawiany wysoki budynek.

The port is a truly majestic place, many huge ships with goods, many industrial shipyards. And the sounds of work coming from that region. It is really a place teeming with life, where flying air machines are created.

However, this view fades by the golden bridge. The width of which is large enough for 5 trucks to drive side by side, with 30 cm gaps between them. And there would still be room for civilians walking around.

On the ground there are golden tiles, slightly reminiscent of the shape of perfectly profiled golden stones. The side walls of the bridge are actually pedestals on which you can see probably gigantic statues of gold. Dressed in Asgardian golden armor, and interestingly, each armor holds a completely different set of weapons in its hands.

Some statues hold two-handed swords, axes, halberds, and even bows or magic books. According to Loki, the armament of the statues is meant to symbolize Asgard's versatility to use any kind of weapon to defend the 9 worlds. However, Viego did not see the firearm, however, he decided to keep this fact to himself.

However, the most interesting part of the bridge is the inner part of the ceiling of this bridge. Because, according to Loki, on several thousand small gold tablets. Of really small size, rectangles measuring 5 by 10 centimeters. The names of people who contributed to the construction of this bridge are listed. Count builders, wofers, politicians, citizens giving donations as well as the royal family itself.

The biggest challenge was localizing the Odin tablets, and interestingly enough. Which really shocked Vi. About halfway across the bridge was a sign with your name written in really small letters. Although from what he knew. Names cannot be removed, and even Odin himself cannot because of a spell that feeds on mana extracted from Ygdrasil.

However, Viego noticed that while the name was not erased, the inscription had been diminished to the point where it could not be read without the appropriate incantation. It wouldn't be possible.

The name on the modified small golden plaque was Hela Odyndaugtnir. With a short note, "Beloved Firstborn of Odin".

It was an interesting find. And if it wasn't for the fact that Viego is really sensitive to such things. He would never have found it. Because this particular tablet, and most of them. It is mostly ignored by people crossing this bridge. Even if someone tried to read all the names on that bridge. All day, he wouldn't make it halfway across the bridge. And at night, the bridge is closed and patrolled by Guardians. So this tablet is virtually unfindable for the common citizen.


After crossing the golden bridge, Loki and Viego spotted many golden houses, really opulent luxury houses by Asgardian standards. The architecture of this place really showed the differences between the city on this side of the bridge and the one where Viego lives. Here, apart from a few restaurants, a spa, and one or two shops with luxury goods. The rest of the places are occupied by golden mansions inhabited by officials, gods and rich merchants. The attire of the people who live here is really something else.

Women are dressed in the most expensive creations, and many of them even have jewelry that does not necessarily match their pantheon. Viego spotted members of the king's council buying some goods from a nearby shop. With earrings that resembled the eye of Horus, which, as you know, belongs to the Egyptian Pantheon. However, the price of such jewelry is really in a different way.

From the bridge runs a perfectly straight road with a huge square in the middle. Which does not function as a market as in the case of the city on the other side of the bridge. But more of a park, with many benches and a gazebo in the center of which a band plays nice tunes.

An interesting situation took place when Loki ended the story as he had sex with the daughter of the highest person in the royal council in the bush indicated by him earlier.

However, when they were about to leave the park and take the much shorter route to the main palace. Two of the Gods were approached by the same woman whom Viego had questioned Loki several minutes earlier.

She was dressed in a beige long dress with many patches of white gold. Of which some fragments of the dress, a really heavy layer. It functioned as a "plerina" or a really long scarf. Viego didn't know much about fashion, and the fact that the woman was now standing in front of him. Even he hadn't thought of asking Loki about that fact.

The woman's face seemed cold, unblemished by emotion. Or with any vibrations that are supposed to show any other emotion, she is absolutely calm. A woman like most people in Asgard where the affinity for the earth element prevails in most citizens. This Woman had intensely cold brown eyes.

She appeared to be about 27 years old, however, considering the longevity of the Asgardians and their greatly slowed aging process. This woman is much older than meets the eye. He has gold earrings with the Eye of Horus in his ears. And her silhouette does not give way to Viego's peer, despite her supposedly several times older age.


(???)-Prine Loki, mr. Viego. Could I have a moment of your time please?

When the woman called out to the two Gods, she was already slowly moving towards them. And Loki, who had seen her before, had warned Vi just moments before. And with him he turned towards the woman and together they slowly walked towards her. About halfway through, she asked them for a moment of their time.

Loki, due to his position as a prince, was the first to step forward. He bowed gently and kissed the Woman's hand gently and briefly. To then say hello and greet properly as indicated by the etiquette of nobility.

(Loki)-It's nice to see you. President of the Royal Council Victoriandi Vorgidaugtir.

Viego repeated Loki's gesture, then said himself, looking at Victoria.

(Viego)-It's a joy to see you on such a beautiful day. How can a humble craftsman like me and his helper help?

Loki nudged him lightly on the shoulder and he just laughed. Viego even caught a faint smile and an almost audible giggle coming from her lips.

(Victoria)-Please don't be so modest. It is rare for a young God to threaten the position of Head of another Pantheon with his skills. After all, the "God of the Bible" has so far been famous for artifacts. And Mr. Viego not only uses innovative methods that cannot be attributed to copying the main competitor.

(Victoria)-After all, the God of the Bible used the souls of powerful beings. And Mr. Viego has completely different techniques. My dear daughter bought the rapier "Touch of Surtur" from your workshop and I must admit that although it is a low-level artifact, its strength is incomparable.

When Victoria mentioned her daughter who supposedly visited his shop. That same memory had answered one question for him. Specifically, why the dirty noises were coming from his bathroom. Since his women were busy working. He had previously attributed it to the client, but now he knew the real answer. It's Loki.

(Victoria)-Me and some of my friends from the council. We were wondering why someone of your caliber, Mr. Viego. Doesn't have a facility in this better part of the city?

(Viego)-Dear lady. The answer is quite simple. As you probably know, as a member of the council. In my territory, I have quite separate rights. Which not even Odin himself can undo. I'm sure Odin will be able to answer most of your questions. As for the location of my shop. A very pleasant surprise awaits you soon, because one of the reasons why I come to the audition at the All-Father is the new location of my studio.

(Victoria)-Would you mind sharing a detail, young God?

She said enticingly, swaying her thighs and touching Vi's shoulder quite intimately. To which he remained unmoved and only laughed briefly under his breath.

(Viego)-With all due respect, beautiful lady. You'll know everything in a few minutes. Unfortunately, we really don't have much time and we can't keep the Allfather waiting.

Victoria narrowed her eyes, then sighed and said.

(Victoria)-I see. Well, let's be together, anyway, I have to go back to the palace too.