
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
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65 Chs

34. Guerra?

We were as welcome at Winterfell as you can imagine. My mother spent a lot of time with Lady Stark and the girl Sansa, while my sister was training with the Valkyries. Of course, this took the Starks by surprise, but after explaining it, they kind of accepted it.

Robb and Jon were the curious ones who went more than once to watch my sister's training, until one of the Specters asked if they wanted to try it out. It was just a headache for me the next day.

I was negotiating with Lord Stark for the improvement of the roads in the North, presenting some projects that could be of enormous help, both militarily and commercially. He was very comfortable with the ideas, and accepted the deal.

Each house would have to worry about the personal road to the kingsroad, while your house only cares about repaving and maintaining the kingsroad. For the houses adjacent to each other, the roads were their responsibility, so they made their arrangements.

Another important thing was the decrease in buying a lot of food from the south. I presented the same idea that I had sent to the Ryswell and Dustin houses, which, after all, were practically one nowadays. And to Tallhart house.

Using that beautiful space of land between the Barrow and Torren rivers to create a large growing area of various grains and vegetables. While the Ryswells would look after not just the horses, but other animals for slaughter as well.

This was already underway, and Lord Stark was more than aware of it. He, like me, wanted the North to sustain itself, no longer wasting billions of dragons on food, which often arrived spoiled, or claimed to have been looted along the way.

It was obvious to anyone, when they came by sea, the Greyjoys plundered everything, causing damage to the southern houses, who needed to send a new shipment, so they started to bring it by land, and of course, Both the Tullys and the Freys charged a fee. heavy fee to pass up.

The most important step now was to reinforce the Finger's Flint house. They were the closest to our southern enemies, the ones who caused us the most inconvenience and loss. Just over 8 moons away, we send an average of 3,000 soldiers from each house in the West to the Flints.

It was important to protect the Saltspear Pass from Greyjoy raids, as well as the many Frey infiltrations to steal. The Flints will also have the support of the Reed house, so we can only give it time.

Lord Stark said he would send 5,000 of his men there, to keep helping and who knows, help increase the cultivation area, giving more options and margin. It was also a way of giving the Frey and Greyjoy a message that the North was watching.

Then I had to negotiate the training of Stark soldiers, thanks to my Specter and his brilliant idea to train young Starks. Now I must send a Shade and a Valkyria to Winterfell and teach the men and women who want to learn.

Of course, there will be a good amount of money, both for me and for the soldiers that are sent.


On the third day, Maester Luwin hurries over to the table where we are having our breakfast.

"Lord Stark, urgent message." he comes, breathing heavily, and sweating a little.

For no apparent reason, a small shiver assaulted my back, and I knew the news wasn't good.

"Lord Glover, this is for you." he says, just after delivering Lord Stark's letters.

I thank the man, and predictably, he doesn't open them. The letter had a seal, and as much as he is a Maester, as long as he doesn't serve me and doesn't have permission, he can't know the contents. That's why he decided to deliver soon.

Then I open it carefully. It was the seal of the Wraiths. I made it especially so that anything important would be sent directly. We even train eagles instead of crows for this.

As soon as I finish reading the letter, unconscious I get up, calling the attention of the people present. For the first time, I saw my mother and sister look at me with fear. Not just them, but even Lord Stark looked apprehensive upon seeing my state.

Exhaling a long breath, I hand the letter to my mother. As she reads it, I walk around and face the Starks' table. "Forgive me, Lord Stark, but I have to go sooner than expected. My mother will explain everything, I hope to see you soon." I say and turn to leave.

I start barking orders at my Specters, and at the Valkyries as well. I would only take the Wraiths, leaving only one in case it is needed. The rest would be riding with me full speed back to Deepwood Motte.



"My lady, can you explain what caused Lord Glover so much?" asks in the most apologetic and mild way Lady Catelyn Stark.

"Forgive me, my lady. But it seems that a bunch of ironborn tried to break into some houses further south, which made my brother-in-law take some of our men with him to help. But it seems that the real ironborn idea was precisely Deepwood Motte.

Don't worry, the invaders now have their Drowned God, as none of them remain alive to tell the tale. But my brother-in-law was wounded, and it appears to be serious. As we speak, he is being taken to the healers' house." I explain as best I can.

"I hope Lord Glover gets better, he's a good man." says Catelyn, trying to assuage some of the anxiety I seem to be expressing.

"I'm not worried about my brother-in-law, ma'am, but what actions my son will take in this regard. He has always been someone who treasured his family more than anything else. My daughter and I are his most important treasures, but Galbart was like a father to him.

That was why my son always kept Galbart as a commander and not a warrior. Age comes to everyone, and Galbart is not immune to it. He no longer has the strength and speed that made him so respected.

His experience is there, but it will not always save him from the actions of many people at the same time. And that was precisely the case. Now I can only pray that the Old Gods take pity on the souls of the ironborn."

I tried not to speak directly, but I made it abundantly clear that my son will pursue this troupe. He always said he'd put an end to the Kraken once and for all, and as much as I doubt it, those sea monsters he created and named after us might as well do.

"Then I think he will have his chance, my lady, for King Robert Baratheon has just called the banners of the realm to end the Greyjoy spree. We are at war." says Lord Stark, and his expression was heavy.

"Lord Stark, I recommend that you send someone after my son, and stop him from doing something extreme. He may very well destroy the Iron Isles with the ships he has built." I pour out at once, earning the incredulous stares of the Stark family and their men.