
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
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65 Chs

33. Winterfell

It was my sister, screaming from side to side, running around like crazy, happy to be going on a trip. Although she was always on some boat learning to sail, or just taking a day off and fishing, or learning to hunt with the Valkyries in the Wolf Forest.

But she never really traveled. Playing at being a lady as she says. It was also a way to be free of the heavy armor she wore, and be able to show all her beauty to the world. Of course, just seeing how beautiful they are, my hair is already turning white at 15 days of being named.

Jokes about my hair aside, I knew my mother's intentions in agreeing to go with me to Winterfell, she wanted to find a way to tie my sister up with one of the Stark children. Little did she know that her plot was doomed to failure.

The journey itself was quite smooth. The carriage proved to be much better than expected, and my mother made a point of giving her impressions of the ride. Sure, I could improve here and there, but overall, it was almost perfect.

For my sister, who loves to be simple about things, I just said it wobbled a bit, but nothing that bothered her. Says the girl who spends most of the day, being beaten and shredded by her fight teachers.

A few hours before we arrived in Winterfell, my mother and sister were changing in the carriage. I brought only 15 Valkyries and 5 Spectres. My uncle said that 20 men were more than enough for the trip, so I left most of the security to them.

It was also a way for my men not to be tempted to take a peek at my mother. I no longer want to gouge the eyes of the curious and lust-hungry. We already have 10 of them, working hard without being able to see.


As we passed through the entrance gates to Winterfell, a different Glover family was presenting themselves to the Starks.

I was riding a black mare, whom I named Celeste. She was my favorite of all the horses I bought from the Ryswells. Serena and Serana were the private mares of my mother and sister respectively, but now they were pulling the carriage.

My presence was noticed right away, not least because Eddard Stark would recognize his friend's face in mine. Despite the differences, I looked a lot like him. I wore leather armor over a shirt.

The coat of arms could not be missing, which all of us, including the carriage, stamped. Our iron fist could be seen in all its splendor as I dismounted and opened the carriage door to help my mother and sister down.

They were dazzling. My mother wore a navy blue dress, with details in white, tight, and that left her beautiful curves present to the imagination of men, while my sister wore a black dress, with details in green.

She really tried to follow my mother, but she lacked the attributes that only my mother had. But still, she was just as beautiful.

Walking off to one side, their hands clasped on my arms, I introduce myself to the then-still-growing house of Stark.

Lord Stark was accompanied by his pregnant wife Catelyn Stark, and from what I can see, there are only a few months left before the birth of the new wolf.

"Lord Stark." I say, as I kneel in front of her, and my mother and sister bow respectfully. "House Glover comes to pay their respects and enforce the oath of our ancestors. May my fist and my ax always be at your disposal, with honor and glory in the North."

I finish, keeping the glove and ax on the ground at his feet. He, with all his calm and simplicity, first makes my mother and sister get ready, and then he extends his hand, helping me to get up.

"I never doubted the loyalty and justice of House Glover. Even when our house suffered, yours remained true, honoring its word. I welcome you, as not just a sworn house, but as friends of the North, dwellers of the North, children of the North." ." he says, and gives me a hug.

It was light, fast, but enough for me to understand the man's intentions. It was his way of saying thank you for what my father had done for him, even with the loss of so much for so little in return. Still, our house was doing its best, supporting the Starks and trying to help the North as a whole.

"Thank you for your kind words, Lord Stark, present my mother, my most precious treasure, Sybelle Glover." and I take my mother's hand, making her take a step to stand beside me. After she greets him, I do the same with my sister.

"This is Erena Glover, my reason for waking up every day." I introduce her, and she looks at me in surprise at the way I've introduced her. It was rare for me to say such words, and it was even rarer for them to be lies, especially to them.

"It makes me proud to see that the North has orchids and lilies in full bloom." he teases, and I couldn't agree more with her words. "But I also have my flowers of unparalleled beauty my boy, let me introduce you." he says, smiling as he looks at his wife and daughter.

"This beautiful red rose is my wife, Catelyn Stark, carrying the seed of the wolf in her womb. That makes her even more stunning, don't you agree?" he stares at me, asking in all sincerity.

And yes, she really is stunning. It has nothing to do with the old woman I imagined I saw somewhere, it was more of a beautiful mature woman, smooth skin, long dark red hair, divinely sculptural body. Next to her, a younger version of her.

"Forgive me for this, my lord, but I can only say that our gardens contain the most precious treasures in the world. Such beauties will never be seen elsewhere." it was true, but up to a point.

"I fully agree." he says, laughing. "This is my eldest son, Robb Stark, he is the one who will take my place in a few years. I hope you can give him your opinions when they are needed." he says as I shake his hand in greeting.

"I'll be at your disposal, my lord." I answer looking at the boy, who seemed happy. I didn't bow down, because he's still a boy only 6 name days old, and as much as it would be out of respect, I wouldn't do it now.

"Here is my second son, Jon Snow." he says, and I notice that Catelyn's previously calm, slightly smiling expression has disappeared, replaced by a sharp, sinister look.

"He will be a good companion for Lord Robb, if both of them strengthen their friendship, they can make the North soar to unimaginable heights." I chime in, pleasing not just Eddard but Catelyn by calling Robb Lord Stark.

"Here is my princess, Sansa Stark." it shows the girl of only 3 years old. She had her mother's features, her beauty, her hair, and she was already behaving like her.

Very gently, I hold the girl's fingertips, and kiss her knuckles, bowing slightly, and maintaining a smile. "My honor to meet the Princess of the North." she just gives a silly little smile.