
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
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65 Chs

2. Caça

"So you are telling me that in this animagus form, you gain the benefits of the animal you transform into?" Vezemir asks me, very interested in my transformation.

"Yes, although we can't transform into any magical animals, ordinary ones are just as good a choice. For example, a friend transforms into a dog, so he has all the benefits that a dog has, just like my former teacher, who transforms into a cat." I explain.

"If you can, you can use this transformation until we get to the next village. There we can get you a horse and then decide what you will do on your way. Says Vezemir, who looked like he wanted to say something, but was holding back.

"I don't know if it's necessary, I have a broom in my bag, and if it works in this world, perhaps I can accompany you," I answer, as I open the front bag at my waist and pull out the broom handle.

I was cautiously testing, to see if the magic of the Potterverse would be usable here. They were two completely different systems of magic, with magic there being somewhat less natural than here.

The chaotic magic of that world generates the magic used by witches and wizards, but it takes a very heavy toll on the user's body. My wand is a good catalyst, so I know that my magic would work if I am wielding my wand.

Now, as for enchanted objects from the other world, I don't know if they would be well received, so nothing better than to test them and not have any surprises later.

Climbing onto the broom, I do a few turns and feel that everything seems normal, but I quickly jump off. Out of nowhere, the thing looked like it would spontaneously combust and as I felt it, it exploded.

Luckily Geralt was quick enough to create a shield around us, protecting not only us, but the horses as well.

"What was that?" he stares at me, and I can only make an apologetic face, but from the looks of it, it looked more like I had a stomachache, if his expression tells me anything.

"I think I understand now. Some concepts of magic, are mostly something similar to my old world, that's why I can use my wand, but on the other hand, enchanted objects, won't be able to be used.

As the web of enchantments in this world is different from that of my old world, what would be called flight there, here can be called explosion, or something worse. At the same time, my bag remains functional, presenting no problems.

I believe that the magic related to space is so deep, that it is minimally correct, in whatever world or reality I am in. Those who can use space magic are rare, and it is always in a broad way, taking many aspects.

If you think of it that way, it makes sense that the pouches are still in full operation. But I need to find a place to do my research, I don't want to depend on luck in this matter." I explain, but the ending was more me talking to myself.

"Kid, you got lost there. Now tell me how you're going to keep up with us?" Geralt asks me, but his eyes start to widen, as he sees that a boy of six feet tall, was now a black owl, with gray eyes of only three feet.

Taking a walk around, to test and see if there was any change in the transformation because of the new world, I start to descend once more, and before I even landed, I was back in my human form.

"It looks like everything is fine. I can follow you for quite some time in this form," I reply, with Vezemir nodding.

"That's good, when we are close to the village, we will stop for you to return to normal, it will be bad enough to have two Witcher coming, a man who turns into an animal will not make the peasants less alarmed." says the old man.

I turn once again into an owl, and follow the pair who were walking calmly. I let out an indignant *Uuh Uuh* and hear Geralt comment to Vezemir.

"I think our owl is complaining about the slow pace, from the laps it has taken and the indignant chirps I hear." he laughs, making the old man laugh along.

"Let's pick up the pace then, and hope he keeps up with us." then they both fire up the horse and speed up, while I just fly a little higher.

The trip was going smoothly, until I saw a huge creature, which soared high into the sky and then made a powerful swoop towards a certain place. Then again and again. Its maneuvering, despite its large body, was amazing.

I used all my speed, in a swoop, passing the pair riding in haste, drawing their attention. After passing them for a while, I returned to my human form.

"Wait, there's a griffin ahead, and it seems to be attacking something," I shout when I see the pair next to me. They slow down a bit until they stop and approach.

"What's it like boy?" Vezemir asks, not quite understanding.

"A griffin, attacking 10 minutes away or so." I point further up the road.

"We need to be quick then." says the old man, getting a nod from Geralt, and they speed towards the griffin, leaving me behind.

"Ahh, they won't have any fun without me." I grumble, and return to my owl form and fly toward the fight.

I arrived a little before the duo, because the road was not straight, and well, I came flying, it was my advantage. I landed in my human form on a branch, and drew my wand, while the pair arrived and took up their fighting positions.

This was my chance to test if the magic I knew would work well in this world, so why not. While the duo below fought bravely against the gigantic creature, I cast protection spells on them.

Honestly, I didn't think it would work, because of the mutations and their being more resistant to magic, but since my spells were more for protection and not invasive, they worked perfectly.

The creature, wounded, begins to take off, trying to escape, but I wasn't going to let this happen so simply. Aiming at its long, feathery neck, I launch at *Diffindo* which hits it full on, separating its head from its body with a clean cut.

The body falls heavily, breaking apart as it hits the ground, while the head floats calmly towards the Witcher duo, who look on in amazement at the scene.

Descending quietly from the tree, I see the look on Geralt's face, who doesn't take long to say. "If you could do that from the beginning, why didn't you do it before?"

"Who was it that left who behind? And now you want to charge me for help?" I reply indignantly, with him letting out a tired sigh.

"Vesemir almost got hit twice by the creature's claws, and it pissed me off. Sorry, I know you helped as best you could." he says, and from what I can understand, he was rehashing the fight, noticing odd points.

"I like the old man, I wouldn't let a giant chicken hurt him," I reply, making the wizard laugh.

"What did you call me now boy?" Vesemir approaches.

"Wise and kind man. In my world, old man is used for people with those characteristics." I reply, thinking quickly about how to get away with it.

"Let's take the griffin's head, there might be a reward for the thing." says Geralt, trying to hide his laughter.

"Right. But here, in this world, calling someone an old man is just calling them old, it's disrespectful, am I clear boy?" he tells me.

"Sure. I respect that, Grandpa. Can I have the remains of the griffin?" I ask, as I dodge a cascade, which was aimed at my head. "And what was that?" I look at the old man.

"Grandpa? I didn't give you that freedom, kid." he looked more amused than annoyed.

"Then may I?" I point to the carcass.

"Be my guest." replies the pair.

Translated with DeepL