
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
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65 Chs

1. Swan Dim

That was it, and the moment of truth came like a thoroughbred horse, rushing toward me with all its might. It was only on impulse, but the truth was one, if one life was spared, another must be taken.

It was a good life, much longer than I expected to have. Being in a world where magic had its own rules and witches were as prejudiced as the non-magicians of my previous worlds was a problem.

I was born to a non-magical couple in this world, Beatrice and Carlos Dim, both wonderful people and full of affection for me, a child who, I must say, was strange to say the least.

As expected, I received the long-dreamed-of letter from Hogwarts, and there I studied, with much focus, as I was in the off-season of problems. I started Hogwarts two years after the fall of Valdemart.

When I graduated, I started helping Harry with his problems, the first of which was his obnoxious uncles. I forced them to give me custody of the boy, who started living with me from the age of 10.

With a little more peace, I was able to teach the boy the problems that he would face and help him as much as I could with his studies. He was not the lazy and unstudied boy in the books, by the time he arrived at Hogwarts, he was quite capable.

I helped him in everything, even when his godfather ran away, I created a chance for him to clear his name, which he did. Then came the blessed day, the one I knew would be the day I would die in this world.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Gina, Nev, invaded the ministry, in search of saving Sirius from the hands of Voldemort. But when they got there, they realized that they had fallen into a trap.

After intense battles and chases, they were all trapped in the veil room, in the mystery department. So Sirius, Tonks, Lupin, Moody, Kingsley, Emelina, Daedalus and I showed up to save their asses.

We took up the battle, and not wasting our breath, the children joined us, but it was then that the horrible scream of the witch Lestrange changed everything. Without much thought, I used every ounce of willpower I had, and parried, behind Sirius.

The time was very short indeed, and I could only kick him in the back, pushing him out of the way. But it was then that the terrible green spell hit me, causing me to see only the horrified looks of Harry and Hermione.

I saw them trying to catch up with me, but being stopped by the adults who were nearby. It seemed like forever, but I saw Hermione's desperation, and I could only smile at her, as if to say that everything was fine.

In the last fraction of a second, I just took a cloth bag from my waist, and threw it at Harry, who held it tightly. Then my body was pulled into the veil.

I just closed my eyes, because the countless colors and lights were too much for my eyes. Then I felt my body hit something hard and wet. Despite the cold surroundings, the air was warm, as if there were flames all around me.


As much as I wanted to open my eyes, I could not. It seemed that those lights and colors were somehow keeping me like this, and I could see, but it wasn't where I was, but where my mind was.

Flashes after flashes flashed in my mind, and I could feel my body changing, as if it was somehow adapting to something. I could feel the magic, but it was a chaotic mess, and it seemed to bombard my chest.

It was a cacophony of sensations, sights, noises, that blended together and seemed to make no sense in my mind, but somehow felt right and in place for me. That's when I heard something.

My eyes still refused to open, but I seemed to be in my body, or what I think was my body.

"That is the only other one who is alive. I wonder what information he can give us?" a somewhat aged voice asked, but still firm and with a sense of wisdom contained in it.

"I have no idea, but there is much more than we are seeing here. It's strange that they attacked a place with nothing to offer them, and that strange light that came down, seems to have opened a hole in the ceiling, and left this body behind.

But look at the robes, they look nothing like what we have seen before, and I dare say, things were not so peaceful where it came from." the voice was almost a whisper, but it was deep and loud enough to be heard.

"Do you think we should wake him up?" the wise voice asks once again.

"He doesn't seem asleep, he seems absent. As if his body is here, but his mind stuck somewhere else. I don't know if we can wake him up." says the serious voice once again.

While the pair were still talking about what to do, I feel my body respond to my intentions, and finally, I manage to open my eyes. My instincts knew what had changed, while I had it before, it was incorporated into the new me. Or should I say the new place.

Looking at the pair sitting next to each other, making a fire, I started to feel a mess of emotions, joy, anger, fear, and even horny, because I knew that this world, was much more rotten and libertine.

"Good evening boy, I hope I haven't disturbed your sleep, but we need to ask you a few things." says the older man, gray hair, thick mustache, body lake but that gave the impression of being out of shape, even if not.

Good evening sir. I don't mind answering, but I need to check a few things first. My hands start to hit the sides of my waist, and I feel the two cloth bags that I had tied up, and my eyes, see the side of where my wand was lying.

Letting out a long sigh, I calm down, and become noticeably more relaxed, I sit down again, but this time, facing the duo, and hold my wand lovingly, as I place it in my left arm holster once more.

"Already?" the white-haired, cat-eyed man better known as Geralt asks, and I notice that his hand is always close to the hilt of his sword.

"Thank you. I have." I reply handing him a smile.

"Your name and where are you from boy?" asks Vesemir, and I know it's him even if he hasn't told me his name.

"Swan Dim, but people call me Sam. And regarding where I came from, well, all I can say is, another reality, or if you prefer, another world." I answer very calmly.

"Fuck." is the only thing Geralt says, making me laugh.

"Can you tell me what happened boy?" says old Vesemir, who seemed concerned about my situation.



'Damn, once again the world gets a visitor, and once again, he appears in front of me. My luck sucks. But anyway, it is what it is.'

As much as I am not liking the idea of another being coming into this world, this boy's story intrigues me much more than that. A war, where men with wands face each other because one idiot has enslaved other idiots and now wants to have power over others.

While another idiot, refuses to kill, because he thinks that every life is important, but at the same time, suffers from the loss of those who fight beside him. How can your world be ruled by so many idiots?

Fuck, is there an idiot who refuses to acknowledge that the world is going to war, just so as not to lose his position of power? This world seems a little more fucked up than mine.

He then ended up here, because of a veil, where anyone who passed through was never found, makes a lot of sense. He seems like a good person, saving the life of his friend's godfather just so he can have a better life after the war, noble, but a bit of an idiot from my point of view.

Dark brown skin, gray eyes, good physical shape, although he looks thin, he doesn't fool my senses, and I can see that he is stronger than usual. Short hair, a few scars, and he seems to emanate a magical aura.

But no matter, I need to get back on my way and find Yen, I feel that something bad is going to happen.

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