
Very high gate(naruto)

Naruto, from a world in which there were no tailed animals, voluntarily found himself in another place and at another time. The adventures of a talented shinobi are where evil spirits are hunted by casters from many clans, where demons are trying to establish mutually beneficial cooperation with people, and where Naruto ended up in the body of a young man... a healer, a quiet man, a widower.

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In study and in joy

The history of spellcasting turned out to be short. Both the word and the phenomenon itself appeared not too long ago, but very quickly spread throughout Koguden. It happened some seventy years ago.

It all started with Tausima, a religious and philosophical teaching about peace and serenity. At one time, the Tausists received recognition and managed to build temples. They spent a lot of time meditating and creating amulets against evil spirits. And one day, the abbot of a small mountain temple, who had very impressive, by those standards, spiritual powers, during experiments, managed to meditate to the point that he formed a golden core. The monk's strength increased many times and he began to teach his students the same technique.

They found out about the incredible strength of the monks of that remote temple and the abbot had no end of new students. He accepted everyone. Many left it after gaining the core, but many remained. The school grew and there were more immortals every year, even despite all the difficulties and nuances of training.

Everything was going a little weird. If the taus who discovered immortality had been a little more like the average person, the incantation would never have been able to spread so widely. He had only one condition — not to teach foreigners. After all, then it can bring a lot of suffering.

That taus had only one son. His name was Min Theron. He was young, smart and resourceful. Taron understood that the monks' current capabilities could be used not only to clean the temple and create ineffective amulets, but also to destroy evil spirits. The father of the young talent believed that it was too dangerous and did not correspond to the spirit of Tausianism. Of course, he was right on all counts, but it's so boring.

The conflict lasted for several years and the result was that almost all the Tausists of that temple defected to the side of Theron. The old monk left school and went deep into the forests and mountains.

And Theron has formed a new current - spellcasting. The old mountain temple became the first school, which was named the same as the local mountains — Chue. Some talented students left Chue to found their own schools. Being a spellcaster has become extremely fashionable.

Fifteen years ago, Min Theron retired. Rumor has it that he went in search of his father. Theron had no children and the talented and fair Li Ruiling took the place of the head.

It is thanks to a short history that spellcasting remains accessible to most. But some barriers are already appearing. For example, you can't just start your own school now. It is necessary to obtain either a license, or permission from the emperor, or to receive patronage of the old school. Moreover, during the first fifteen years, you need to pass a test every three years for the right to be called a school of spellcasters. It is only after the fifth three-year-old that it becomes possible to obtain a permanent license (such a rule was introduced due to the appearance of various kinds of charlatans).

And here we come to the sweetest — Chueron should be tested next year. Thirteen months, to be exact.

And I have a plan. No. A PLAN. But I'm not sure what will happen.

I want to change the focus of the school from healing to witchcraft. And there are two problems in this enterprise: no one has ever changed the profile in the middle of the way and no one has ever founded schools of witchcraft. Yes, there was Toro Dororo, the master of spells. But there was no full-fledged school with training focused on spells yet.

On the one hand, such a novelty is good because no one thought of banning it or introducing additional conditions. On the other hand, it is not clear how the inspection commission will react to this. After all, they can send you to hell. And given the local customs and dislike of innovation, it will be so.

Therefore, we will have to apply pressure levers. I know and know how to use three: bribery, threats and public opinion. Since the current case is serious— we need to use them comprehensively. I will deal with bribery and threats in a maximum of a month. But it may take much longer to manipulate public opinion.

And we also need students. And healing will have to be mastered.

Such thoughts drove me to Chueron so that I got there even faster than before with swords. I arrived late in the evening and was so excited that I didn't even want to think about sleep. The night was spent erecting protective barriers. They fit perfectly on top of the signal ones, but I had to double-check everything several times.

In the morning, I dug into the library and didn't come out for three days. I was lucky to get into a deep stream and the training went easily and quickly. It would have been possible to spend a few more days in this state, but a guest came.

The fluctuation of the barriers caused a slight feeling of irritation. It was worth leaving the dusty library littered with manuscripts, as the sunlight boldly cut into my eyes.

I was already beginning to hate the visitor.

I walked across the courtyard to the main gate, abruptly opened it and had the pleasure of seeing Elder Guoliang with a sword on the edge. He looked me over, frowned and said:

- Hello, Head E.

"Welcome, Elder. How can I help you? I asked.

- Today is the ninth day. I wanted to know if you need help with the Funeral? - he answered and began to sniff imperceptibly.

- No, thank you for your concern, but I'll manage on my own. I said and slammed the gate in his face.

After sniffing, I didn't notice any foreign odors either on myself or on my clothes. And I felt annoyed.

I didn't like it when people broke into my personal space like that. As soon as I entered the ninja academy, I immediately left the shelter and began to rent an apartment. She was small, under a leaky roof, with eternal interruptions with water and there was so little money left after paying the rent that she often had to eat foot food. But I was willing to put up with all this just for the sake of privacy, privacy.

When it came to teaching, research, or inventing, my unsociability peaked. Even those with whom I was happy to communicate at any other time fell into the list of "these vile people".

The way I treated Guoliang was still polite and friendly. Thanks to a long life in an empty world, I now appreciate people much more.

After returning to school, the fuse was only enough for three hours. And an old attack was revealed: problems with motivation. I absolutely can't do something if I don't understand why to do it. During a crisis, a wave of thoughts begins to form in my head-reasons why I don't need to do what I'm doing now.

This only concerns routine and I didn't know how to deal with it before. Because of what he often threw. But one fine evening I was lucky enough to be on the verge of death only because I didn't know anything about seals. Then the motivation was so strong that I managed to learn everything to get the status of a master. And then I wanted to mess around with all the intricacies of this amazing science myself.

Death is a good motivator. But now the maximum that threatens me if I give up on medicine is uncomfortable questions. I like uncomfortable questions, it was my favorite topic at the academy. That is, this argument is more in favor of scoring.

I put down the dice card and went out into the evening coolness. I need to figure out why I decided I wanted to study medicine.

It was worth really thinking about how the image of Itachi formed in my head. Pale, cold, dead. The genius of the Uchiha clan died of tuberculosis. Is it a joke? His enemies were laughing. Not for long, really. Ha-ha.

Objectively, I was not to blame for Itachi's death and I was crystal clear about it, but inside everything turned upside down from a sense of guilt, it was worth remembering this unbearable vulgar.

I want to become a good healer not to maintain the image, but because I want to be able to fight diseases. I want to understand if it was possible to save Itachi. I don't want to be afraid that the next person I let into my inner circle will die of a heart attack or other trivial sore just because the right specialist wasn't around.

These thoughts became an epiphany. They were floating in the depths, but I pulled them to the surface only now.

The new motivation was more than enough for three weeks of incessant cramming and mastering the maximum possible amount of information for me at a time. Now it was necessary to get behind the books and work out the knowledge in practice in order to consolidate them on the subcortex and then continue the marathon.

Stretching and stretching my neck, which was numb under the shoulder blades, I crawled out of the library into the light of day and discovered that the internal clock had shamelessly gone off for two whole hours and it was not four in the morning, but two at night.

A stub of the moon and a couple of hundred stars languidly illuminated the beautiful wooden buildings, and in the middle of the courtyard sat a huge, completely black cat and admired the moon.

Thoughts slid lazily in a tired brain, while intuition screamed that I was missing something and this made it very difficult to think. So, for the last few days I've been hearing loud meowing, but I didn't pay attention to it. And it would be worth it, because the sounds did not come from the forest, but much closer. At the same time, the signal barrier, like everyone else, was silent and I thought with fear that I had completely lost my mind, messed up with the seals and sat all this time without protection, but then I remembered Guoliang's visit.

I exhaled with relief to hold my breath the next moment when the cat, hearing me, turned around. His eyes were completely white, without a pupil and without an iris.

- Fuck. I couldn't resist.

The elder wanted to help with the Repose. And I drove him away and forgot about everything myself.

Usually, after the death of the casters, no jokes remain, because during their lifetime they undergo at least one ritual of Repose.

But a child was killed here, who, of course, was not prepared for death. What seems to me to be real stupidity, people die regardless of age, but in this world it is not customary to even mention the word death in front of children. What can we say about the preparation for it.