
Verses from My Life

Following is a collection of poems I occasionally write, and I have now decided to upload them on here as well. I'll keep on adding new pieces whenever I finish them, so you can add this to Library. All these are in some way experiences I've collected by breathing in this world. I wish to share them with you. The chapters are not in sequence so you can pick whichever you want. They tackle various aspects, feelings, scenarios, and so on, which I've encountered. P.S. I couldn't get my desired tags so I just put the work in the most familiar tag for the work (T-T) Thank you for giving me a check, I hope to see you around often.

AezaamHoshi · Teen
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6 Chs

Night of Rain

It poured all night as I stood below the clouds,

The rain washed away my sorrow alongside the tears in my heart.


I could not realize when the lights went off,

How soon the drizzle became a storm, that also I couldn't realize.


I write not for praise, I write to let out my fears.

How my tears are being washed by the rain, I need my sins to be washed as well.


I see a few families driving away in this rain,

Some singing together, some just watching the rain.


Once in a while though a man comes, pushing his vehicle down the lane.

He seems wet throughout. Whether it's water, sweat, or perhaps tears from his eyes.


I wish of helping the man yet I see myself in the same shoes,

My legs tired, my hands numb. Incapable of pushing my vehicle another step ahead.


The rain shows no signs of halting and now the thunder has joined as well,

Staying like this, neither the car will budge nor will I move ahead.


So I take a breathe and retrieve my coat from the backseat,

Giving a glance to the man behind me.


I walk forward in this rain, myself all wet,

Not searching for any shelter to stay dry, but a home for sleeping in.


Although, I still miss my soft car seats...


This poem is a bit too personal, and it really was an "experience" writing this. It came I think 4 days after my breakup, a time when I was just...a total mess. Around 5 in the morning, I suddenly woke up and found it was raining, went to the balcony and the words just began coming to my head randomly as I wept emotionlessly.

AezaamHoshicreators' thoughts