
Versatile System Online

With the power granted by the systems, humanity thought of itself as invincible, but was it? It wasn’t. Apparently, humanity was the weakest and had been thrown in a den of wolves. The other races eyed the resources on Earth and attacked the planet. Even though system online had granted the humans with everything, they were powerless against the might of dragons and titans. They prepared themselves as everything fell into chaos and the world they knew of was destroyed. Amidst all the chaos stood Ray, a teenager whose system granted him affinities to various elements while his mythical bloodline allowed him to control the seven most powerful elemental powers of all time. Follow Ray on his journey to become stronger and conquer the universe, as he fights to save humanity from extinction. ______________ A/N:- The novel's pace may seem very variable at first but this is just the start, the world in the novel and story is very big and follows a bit different system of power from other types of novels. Also, the chapters are being updated continuously while I am also editing them to make them better for you all to read. I would appreciate your input so I could better the novel. Note:- I don't own the cover. If the owner wants me to take it down, then please post a comment. I will take it down. ........... Note:- For mass release and bonus chapters:- 15 Golden Tickets= 1 bonus chapter. 150 power stones= 1 bonus chapter. 1 Magic Castle= 3 bonus chapters. Other than that, any gifts to the novel will have bonus releases to them. Have fun ;) Discord Channel Link:- https://discord.gg/tvHBPZ5MQF

PRO_GAMER_2345 · Fantasy
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409 Chs

System Fusion

Logging in...

Ray saw the endless darkness around him change into the world as he appeared right at the place where he logged off. After all, he decided to log in right after reaching his home as his task was to join the academy and gain more knowledge about systems along with perfecting his supreme system.

As the world around him fully loaded, he could see all the caravans moving as usual, traders selling things while merchants advertised things to sell. Then, Ray went to a nearby restaurant to have a chat with Aurora. After all, he could not just stand in the middle of the city square to have a chat with his system while his gaze remained vacant.

"A cup of tea please", He said to the waitress who took his order. Then he began to chat with Aurora without a care in the world.

"Haven't you been quite silent for a system?" he asked. 

 "Well, it's not that you trust me that much to value my opinion or to discuss matters with me, hence what's in it for me to speak from time to time if you will ignore me" 

Aurora replied to him in a sad voice that was free of any malice as Aurora although a being who was a millennia-old was just a system with a young consciousness that had not talked for a long time.

To this Ray's reply was practical as he said, "Well you tell me, how can I fully trust someone who I literally know nothing about and can practically hear all of my thoughts, so… if you have any way to make me trust you, I'm in" 

Aurora was overjoyed when she heard this as she had some idea why Ray didn't trust her but she needed to hear it from him and she also had a way to make Ray fully trust her. Therefore, she replied,

"Well.. you are in luck then as not only do I have a way to make my innocence known to you and earn your trust, but I could also make the system more responsive and help you get stronger". 

"Really!!!"Ray asked excitedly, as he did not even focus on the part about trust or innocence and simply thought about getting stronger. Then he replied after regaining his composure,

"Well, if you can do that then let's do it as I'm pretty sure that systems are not able to harm their host or else…." While saying that Ray even gave her a silent reminder of what happened to systems that thought of harming their hosts.

Aurora then replied, " Yeah, as if I would be foolish enough to harm my host". Then she proceeded, "So, when do we start the processes"

"You know you could wait and let me finish my tea", Ray replied while sipping his tea that had freshly arrived.

After finishing his tea, Ray paid for the tea and went on to book a training room as Aurora told him that not only would the process take some but it will also hurt. Therefore, to avoid any trouble, Ray booked the training room for the whole day and paid 20 bronze coins.


 " AAhhhhhhh!!!!!",

Ray screamed at top of his lungs but unfortunately, no one could hear him as the room was soundproof. Ray was going through the process Aurora had mentioned. It was a process called "System Fusion" that only systems with a consciousness had. 

After the system initialization, the person would get a system but it would be up to the person to familiarize himself with the system, whereas in the process of system fusion, the host and system would sync completely while the host would know everything about the system as well as how to use the system efficiently and the only thing unknown would be quests and the rewards gained from completing them. However, for Ray, it would be best if he was fully aware of his system abilities and Aurora would fuse completely in such a way that they would even be able to sense each other's emotions. 

Ray made a lot of plans for what to do after fusing with his system but the pain hit him too hard. Although Aurora had warned him that no system could do this process without evolving to a higher grade and it was an ability that only she had and it required high mental fortitude for the host, she told Ray that he would handle it but did not mention that he would be able to handle it due to the strange primal energy within his body that would protect him from any irreversible damage to either his body or soul. Therefore, she went on and completed the process.

The process took a total of four hours to complete as Aurora fused the system slowly or else Ray's brain would have fried from excessive knowledge flowing in at an incomprehensible rate. 


"Ughh!!, Where am I",

Ray asked in confusion as his vision returned. Although his consciousness had returned, his head hurt like hell, he felt as if someone was constantly banging a massive hammer on his head. 

"You are just where you were and congratulations on successfully completing the fusion " Aurora replied to him.

"Huh!, what fus…", Ray's words got stuck in his mouth as a load of information flooded into his brain as his eyes rolled back to their whites but just as they did, Ray's condition stabilized with a slight release of the primal energy that constantly circulated within his body. 

"Oh, so it did work," Ray said as he made sense of those unknown memories and realized that those were the memories Aurora remembered. Therefore, he sympathized with her as he spoke,

"And Aurora I'm really sad about you, I can understand your loneliness and behavior for being locked in a dark place with nothing to do and no one to," 

"Ohh, it's good you understand and don't worry, the dark days are over and now that I have a host once again, I am sure that the coming days will be as bright as the sun," Aurora replied to him, her voice energetic as she spoke in happiness. She then thought to herself,

"Finally, relief from that darkness," and thanked the gods for obtaining someone to talk to and to be out of the dark place where she was kept to hide her existence from certain people.

Then Aurora asked, " So… Do you trust me now?"

"Yeah I do somewhat trust you now", Ray replied to her while he checked his system interface and realized that the system worked even better than before and felt much smoother as well.

Then he asked Aurora,

 "by the way, can you tell me the other benefits of this fusion apart from linking our minds and memories and smoother interface"

"There are a lot of benefits to it and the list could go on forever but let me state the most beneficial and useful benefits that would aid you in an increase of your strength", Aurora said to Ray. Then she continued,

" The very first benefit would undoubtedly be your spell channeling time as the time required for your body to channel your spell through your affinities would decrease by a substantial amount while the amount of mana required to channel would also lower, other than that, your abilities would consume less energy as well. While their versatility would increase even more. Moreover, when you level up to the point of using spirit attacks, your spirit force would also be purer than others and the chances for obtaining more beast souls would also increase"

As Aurora finished her explanation, Ray's eyes were glistening from the boon he earned from fusing his system while he asked, " Are there any more important benefits?"

To this, he got the answer, "You would have to figure them out by yourself"

Ray got a bit disappointed but his mood remained happy as the benefits he got this time were so much that a smile bloomed upon his face. 

However, things didn't go as planned as Aurora's voice brought him back to the ground. She said, " Wait!! I still have to tell you some important information about systems and this world".

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