
Vergil in another world (Reboot Up)

A man gaining the inheritance of 3 amazing people through luck. I do not own anything in my novel other than my OC's. Including the cover of this novel.

ChocoCrinkols · Others
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107 Chs


We arrived at Azazel's place, and met with Jouichiro preparing food for dinner. I introduced Kuroka to Jouichiro, she was surprised as I said that the man in front of her is the best cook in this world, she was in doubt of his abilities, as she had never eaten good food besides her mother's cooking.(He was beaten by Asahi in the manga XD so in this world only 😂)

I then brought her outside with Sui Feng and introduced her to everyone, I told them by telepathy to not introduce their history to her at any cost as I still don't trust her. They then restarted the lecture of haki but this time with the addition of Sui Feng and Kuroka as I know the basics of Haki.

I then picked up a blindfold and started covering my eye. I then sealed all of my senses and tried to sense the surrounding by feeling their aura.

Meanwhile Rayleigh was explaining to them what haki was.

"Haki is a mysterious power that is found in every living being in the world. It is not that different from the typical senses. However, most people do not notice it or fail to awaken it. Broadly speaking, there are two types of Haki available to everyone, given the proper training, but there is a third type that only a certain group of "chosen ones" are said to possess. In simple terms, Haki is an ability to sense and predict spiritual energy (Kenbunshoku), use life force as physical reinforcement (Busoshoku), and, for the rare "chosen ones", overpower enemies' willpower with your own (Haoshoku)."

He paused before throwing a green pea at high speeds at me. I was trying to sense what is going on around me and I felt a small object coming to me at high speeds and dodged at the last second.

"Not bad." Rayleigh praised but I knew better, if not because of my highest talent in fighting and my speed, I wouldn't be able to dodge that. Rayleigh then continued the lecture.

"Just like what you've seen just now, the first one is Kenbunshoku Haki. Kenbunshoku Haki is a form of Haki that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see normally. The usage of this type of Haki grants its user the ability to access a kind of extrasensory perception, granting the user several helpful abilities. These abilities are great assets in most ocassions, especially in combat.

Kenbunshoku Haki, unlike the other types of Haki, has hardly any visible indication when being used (like the blackening effect of hardening for Busoshoku or the ripple effect for Haoshoku), aside from their enhanced dodge rate. Kenbunshoku Haki works best if the user is in a calm state. Any questions?"

"What are the benefits of using Kenbunshoku Haki? Just sensing enemies?" Hilda asked and Rayleigh patiently explained.

"The basic function of Kenbunshoku Haki is Presence Sensing, it allows the user to see another person through the aura, be it behind buildings, strategically hidden, or camouflaged. The user cannot actually see the person or animal with any physical characteristics, but rather recognizes the target(s) by their "aura", which is a mental image of a colored silhouette of them on a dark background."

"Another function of Kenbunshoku haki is Strength sensing where you can sense the strength of the person by using Kenbunshoku Haki. Another basic function is Intent sensing, did you remember what I just did earlier? I threw a green pea at Vergil with the intent of hitting him, but he sensed the intent and dodged it at the last second. The last basic function of Kenbunshoku haki... is emotion sensing." He then looked at Kuroka for a second before going back to teaching. It was a just a second but Sui Feng noticed it.

"This variation of Kenbunshoku allows the user to sense and empathize with the emotions and nature of others. As for the advanced use of Kenbunshoku Haki, you'll know when you reach it. The next type of haki is..."

Rayleigh then taught them the basics of the haki while occasionally throwing a green pea at me, I dodged most of them but when it will hit me, I focused on manifesting Busushoku Haki on that certain part that will be hit by the pea and block it. What makes it difficult was after focusing on manifesting Busushoku haki to block the pea was my Kenbunshoku Haki was faltering making the next pea hit me.

I am able to sense everything around me with a range of 2 meters. Not bad for an hour of training I'd say. It was around 5:30 pm when we got back and its now dinner time.

Aftee training Kuroka was about to go to the washroom and 'coincidentally' met with Sui Feng.

"I don't know what you're planning, but if you do plan to betray the master, discard the thought or leave this place immediately. You've never seen him become mad so you can be confident in that acting ability of yours, but hearing about the words of Rayleigh earlier. I'm sure he's given you a chance to leave this place if you want to or become strong alongside others to do his biddings. And should you betray him? Not even Gods can protect you, I'm sure he would gladly fight with a God to improve and finally get his hands to you."

Sui Feng said reminiscing the sight of the laboratory earlier, she quickly shook the thought and got back to the kitchen while Kuroka was shivering and scared at the thought and was contemplating whether to leave the place or to stay and become strong.

Meanwhile Vergil overheard the conversation with him spreading his Kenbunshoku Haki with demonic power just like Enel using the magnetic waves to expand his mantra.

I then ate my fill and head outside and started doing Saitama training. 100 Push-Ups, 100 Sit-Ups, 100 Squats, and 10 km running. I completed the training and decided to see the rewards of saving Kuroka and Shirone.

[Save Kuroka and Shirone(Completed)

Difficulty: medium

Description: The only 2 nekoshou left at the Naberius family underground laboratory are being used as a test subject in creating a super devil.

Rewards: Smokin' Sexy Style(B-rank weapon summoning ticket)]

'Eh? A new ticket? A weapon ticket huh? I wonder what will I get? Nah, I'll use the ticket when I have many high class tickets.' as I thought.

I then continued training my Kenbunshoku haki and using my demonic energy as a medium to expand my senses. I trained and experimented as I start to feel asleep. I then head back to my room and immediately slept as I laid down.

Meanwhile, in Kuroka's room, she was constantly contemplating whether she would join or leave. To be powerful but do his biddings or leave, be alone and let fate decide.


Another rushed one, lemme know if it needs any adjustments. Back to work 😂😂