
The Truth and the Meeting

The Truth can hurt people that is just plain and simple. It can destroy a town. Break Friendships. Hell, Even cause wars though I only have to deal with the first two. The coffee shop that I come to is empty with most of the patrons inside being those who are of the elder variety. I smile at most and wave to others as I walk through to the back where the patio lays. The air had a mist of cold over it and though I wore a thick coat and thermals under my jeans, the cold still seemed to seep through them. It was that or the fear. I couldn't quite tell at this moment. I catch sight of her quite quickly since she's the only one outside.

She was still beautiful as ever. I know it has only been two years since I have seen her but she is still beautiful. She had grown her hair out, the long red locks now reaching to her shoulders instead of the bob cut that she spotted in High school. She's even straightened it out and it makes me remember the conversation we had with one another about doing that together. She's dressed in her own thick coat though I could tell that it was the expensive kind. She had money now and I wasn't surprised to see her spend it. I swallowed and tried to breathe through the anxiety that so quickly was rising.

This talk was good for me and her. At least that is what my therapist said. She said it was good that I spoke with her. It would make that guilt that I carried easier to deal with which was a fucked up thing to think about but something my mind needed to do. Easing it would help me focus on my other traumas and make it easier to heal. Suddenly, She turns and catches me, making my heart stop for a moment. Her face is devoid of emotions. She doesn't want to do this. She doesn't want to see me. This was all a mistake. I want to take a step back but something whispers in my ear.

Come On, You can do this! You need this and maybe she does too. I feel my face grow hot with embarrassment as I make my way to the table.

I slide my purse off my shoulders and place it on my lap as I sit. The seat burns with an icy chill and I want to hiss in discomfort but I don't. She decided on this place. I shouldn't go back about her decision.

I clear my throat then push a stray curl back underneath my wrap around my hair.

I raise my head and get a good look at her now. Yep, She was still beautiful. Her cheeks high and her chin pointed with freckles running across them though the makeup she wore covered most of them. Her eyes were still a mix of hazel green though they seemed a bit darker than before. But, neither the less Maddy was still gorgeous. And alive even after my stupid mistake. I could feel the guilt lessen.

"Hi, Maddy."


The sharp bit in her voice twists my stomach and I swallow.

"Why did you call me, Becca?" She asks to take a sip of her coffee. Something I didn't notice early and the smell of it makes me wish for a cup. Just a bit to chase away the cold and bring in some comfort.

"I think you know, Maddy. I want to talk." I answer toying with the handles of my bag. The strap is old and leathery but it's been with me since before the incident and I just don't want to get rid of it. It's another source of comfort, one I hold so deeply onto.

"Talk, Becca I want almost nothing to do with you. If It wasn't for my Marcus then I wouldn't even be in this place." The sound of his name twists my stomach and makes a wave of anger sweep through me. She is still with him. I feel the anxiety begin to morph into something else.

I stop fiddling with my strap and let out a breath. Anger brings me confidence or fuels it. I don't really know.

"I came to apologize to you. That year in High school, I didn't mean to harm you. I didn't mean to put that into your drink at prom. I am saying sorry. I am hoping you can forgive me for that." Maddy scoffs and that makes my heart flinch in response.

"That's all you've got. You're apologizing for that but not what you said about Marcus." She then finishes the rest of her coffee then slams the cup down. The force of it shakes the table and I can't help but wince for the fine China.

"You ruined his life, Becca. You ruined his life from a night you don't even remember." I steady the table then look up to her. "I remember enough, Maddy. I remember your man on top of me. I remember his friend's laughter." Maddy rolls her eyes and laughs. "You were high. You were high and instead of taking control of your actions, you went and cried wolf. He didn't rape you, Becca. You just made it all up." Those kinds of words hurt more than anything. It's the final crack in our broken relationship. It's also the final crack in the wall that is my anger. "You know what Maddy, Fuck you. Fuck you and your blinders. Fuck you and your man. And, Fuck you and that damn town. This was a mistake." I stand but before I leave I turn to her. "I hope he's really worth it, Maddy. I hope his words are worth everything because It's going to bite you in the ass, majorly."

I don't care to hear her answer. I rush back through the shop not caring what everyone sees. I push the door open and try to hold back the tears as I hurry to my car. The very feel of them burns as I race to my car. I can't get inside fast enough and when I do I can't stop them. They rush down my face like a raging river and I can't stop the pain in my chest as I tried to control them. I want to scream in rage. I want to chase the pain away but I let it happen. I need it to happen because I know if I don't deal with this pain, I'd want her back. And, Wanting her Back won't change anything or fix the situation that I am in right now. I let it out allowing the pain to fall over me and finally fade until the only thing left is the pain in my eyes and the ache in my chest. I swallow and with the back of my hand wipe away what is left of my tears before I put my key into the ignition. I welcome the purr of my car as it comes to life. I shift my car into gear and as I look back up I catch Maddy staring in my direction. Even this far I can see the pain that she is in. Her shoulders tensed and pulled back her eyes were wide but her hands were clenched within the pockets of her coat. She was hurting too but now I don't have to care about that anymore.

I pull out of the parking space and turn onto the main road. The streets are filled with people who are all shopping and planning the upcoming festivities. It would only be another four weeks before Christmas would be upon the town and though I had no one to celebrate this year, I could wait for the start of something new. I needed something new. I kept driving, soon leaving the bustling town and pulling out onto a long winding road decorated with snow along all sides. The trees were bare with some while others carried some green upon them. It was a beautiful sight and something I would miss when I left. I drove for about ten minutes before suddenly, I caught sight of several cars in the middle of the road. I slowed pulling my car to the side of the road before I got out. The cars that littered the road were about seven cop cars, two large SUVs, and one overturned truck that laid between the actual road and the tree line. The air smelt like smoke and gasoline though from my point I couldn't see a fire. It meant that the truck was probably leaking, which could be dangerous if the woods caught on fire so close to town. I pulled my coat closer when I caught sight of one of the Troopers, Derek, Maddy's brother and one of Marcus's best friends. He hated me which was rightly so but weirdly enough he was the only who seemed to believe that I was actually raped that night.

Though, It's not him that I am hiding myself from, instead it's the man he's talking too. Marcus. He still looked the same. He still carried that boyish charm that had him looking like the boy next door. He had shortened his hair and he had put on a little muscle but he was still the same guy. What scared me now though was his clothes, he was a trooper.

He was a cop.

They believed him enough to allow him to be a cop. I felt a burn in my stomach as I stumbled back towards my car. I couldn't let him see me. If he saw me, things would happen. They would happen again and I was just beginning to feel freedom to allow that to happen again. I get back inside and quickly lock the doors. It was stupid because he was cop and I was parole but it provided me something of a shield. I needed it because pretty as Marcus was he was like the devil incarnate when he focused on something. I look back at the scene and curse, someone saw me. It looked to be Marcus, which makes the fear in the pit of my stomach twist even harder. I swallow trying to think about what I could possibly do right now. I couldn't go around them nor could I go back to town since my cabin was out here. I was stuck just like I was two years ago. When he comes up to the car, I can tell he recognizes me. His walk changes the slow usual gait, becoming predatory and intently. I feel the bile rise and I struggle to keep it down as he comes upon my window. He knocks upon it with a kind of melodic tap. My breath shakes as I let it out and press the button. The smell of cheap cologne and coffee wafted into my nose making the nausea even worse.

" Well. Well. Well. Isn't it Backdoor Becca. Been a long time since I've seen you? How have you been? Did The Asylum do you good?" I am shaking. I can feel myself as I keep my eyes forward, not looking at him. I can't look at him because then I'll get sick and then I'll remember even more. It was the wrong thing to do because I feel him go for my wrap and pull it from my head throwing it into my lap. The action hurts pulling at my curls and making me wince. He laughs and leans down into my car. He eyes it before reaching inside and touching the label of my coat and pulling it down so that he could see my neck. His finger edges along it until it reaches the junction were my shoulder and neck mean.

"What you doing here, Becca?" He asks about his nail rubbing along that junction. It's painful and I try not to flinch or pull away. He'll do something else If I do. I know he will because that is what he does. He tests and tests until you break and then he hurts you.

"Answer me, Becca." He demands his fingers move until they are at that point. He squeezes painfully and I hold back the cry of pain. "Answer me, Becca. I won't ask again." I don't answer and he squeezes even harder. I know that I am going to bruise. But, I don't give him the satisfaction. I keep silent, bearing through the pain even though tears are beading in my eyes. He leans closer until his face is inches from mine. I feel him breathe in and sigh the smell of his breath wafting over me and making me sick. I want to vomit so badly.

"Marcus! Where the hell are you? We need you back here! The Feds need some more hands."

The Sound of Becca's brother was the greatest relief I had ever felt. He pulled his body back from my window and sucked his teeth. "I'm on my way." He answered before he tapped the roof of my car. "I'll see you soon, Becca. Now Get out of here." I hear him yell into the radio that a Civilian was coming through and that they should open the blockade.

I do as he says this time shifting my gear into drive I move forward careful of my speed and my actions until I am through the other to the other side. But, I don't stop, I keep moving until the scene is but a dot in my view and I am sure he can not see me. I keep moving until I come upon a lone structure in the snow. It was an isolated property deep in the forest where very few could find it.

It was my safe place.

It was my home.

And, It was the only place that I could truly cry. The tears flow down my face like a raging river while a scream of pain erupts through my throat as I scrub at my skin. I want him to touch off of me. I want the feeling of his hands on my skin gone. I rub until I feel pain and I can see the large bleeding welts in upon my skin.

I was truly stupid to believe that people would Welcome the sound of the truth. When it comes to people and violence they don't believe that those who look capable of it were so truly capable. The proud arrogant smile that Marcus carried or the ignorant blind loyalty of Maddy was my truth. And that was no one cared about his own. No one cared about His actions.

And, That was my Fucking Truth.

My Cottage was a beautiful and Safe Space. A place gifted to me by my grandparents, the cottage itself had been the only place I felt comfortable to let my guard down and in a sense allowed me to fully relax in such space. The outside was painted in a bright fire truck red which made it literally stick out from the snow like a red beacon. It had a large porch along the front and a small one along the back while on the left side consisted of a large stone fireplace. The inside was the optimate of cozy with everything in soft colors of grey and white. The moment I walked in I welcomed he soft scent of lavender and honey. I let it envelope me before a barrel of black and white energy crashed into me. Konk was my two year old fur baby. He was a huge bullie with a stocky body type and large head but was a complete and utter sweetheart when it came to me. He swung his butt into my legs over and over again trying to get me to pet him as he whimpered with excitement.

"Hi, Baby. Have you been a good boy? Mommy sorry." I gushed as I bent down and showered him with attention. He "wooed" at me before running to the backdoor. I felt guilty then as it was his sign to me that he had to sue the bathroom. I smiled closing my front door and moving to my bar where I opened it and watched as he took off into the snow. He looked like a little seal as he drove straight into the snow wading through it. It made me laugh and eased the tension and fear.

Suddenly, The Shrill Chime erupted through the air causing me to jump and dig through my pockets until I found my cell phone. The name across the screen wrote "Sig'' and the photo was of a young woman with her tongue sticking out to the side and her eyes pointed upward in a clear roll. I loved that photo because it just reminded me of how crazy my friend truly was. I swiped right before placing the phone on speaker.

"Hey." I answered watching as Kronk took another head dive into the snow. A second later his massive head popped up and he shook off a layer of snow.

"How did it go?" She asked the sound of a loud tapping alerting me that Sig was up and around.

"Not Good...She didn't believe me again. Actually blamed me and called me a liar." There was an audible crash before I heard the loud and quite creative swear leave from her mouth. "That Bitch. What more proof does she need?"

"I don't know but It's done. I have tried and now she has made her choice. But, I have more bad news."


"He's a cop."


The shout was so loud, Kronk stopped and turned towards my direction with his head tilted to the side in question. I rolled my lips before sighing. "Yeah, Believed him completely...Yeah! So there's that." I don't tell her about how I came to find out he is a cop. Sig was healing and I didn't need to add anymore stress onto her then she needed right now. A new job after an extensive surgery and a big move. This was a lot for my friend but like me I know she needed it.

"Ok...Fuck...Do you feel safe out there? Do you want to take a flight here to New York? We could share a bed until you found an apartment or look for one together." She suggested. "No, I can't. I don't have a lick of cash on me until that bastard from the bar pays me then maybe I could, Sig. But until I'm stuck. But, I am good for the rest of the months so unless something happens I should be ok."


"I'm fine." A loud sharp bark drew my attention. Kronk was staring out into the distance his body tense and his gaze sharp. His usual relaxed tail raised up. He had caught something. Something that was sending him on the attack.

"Hey, Sig. I got to go. Kronk looks like he caught something and I don't want him to terrorize another squirrel again."

"Don't change the subject. But, alright. I'll talk to you later."

We said our goodbyes before I ended the call and threw my phone onto the couch by the window.

"Kronk, Come here boy." She yelled calling out to her dog who suddenly, with no warning other than a twitch of a tail, took off.

You could say that this was the start of something. The beginning of my story fully. Konk was all I had and seeing him take off like that. It scared me, making me race after him. The snow soaked my boots and coat but I kept running even though the snow left a burning pain against my hands and skin. I didn't stop.

But, Kronk Did. He stopped just at the cliff overlooking the old river bed. The river itself was the only thing not frozen over on the property. Along the Bed laid a body, the crumbled body of man. Kronk barked again, his tone aggressive as he raced down. I followed after I was scared for them both. When we got to the bottom of the bank Kronk stopped, though he was still on guard a wave of unease could be felt now on him. He whined looking back at me and then the man.

I swallowed, taking Kronk by the collar and pulling him back for a moment before giving him the order to wait. He whined but sat as I took careful steps forward. The rocks along the bank were uneven and even with such steps I could feel them shift with each step.

When I got close enough to him I bent down. Steam rose from his body telling me that he was warm, at least warm enough to have somewhat of a temperature difference from the river. I reached hoping to find a pulse.

But, What came at me I barely had enough time to scream as a black liquid material shot from his skin and wrapped around my hand in a constricting grip. Kronk began barking as the material climbed up my skin wrapping itself around me.

It was violent waves of Memories that assaulted me. Some were of a place of inky pools of black while others were of things. Inhuman things that no human could possibly comprehend. Then, There were people whose faces were only a split second.

They flashed like movies in my mind twisting it with my own. Until I heard a gasp of relief and pain. Then the world fell into darkness with the last thing I could see being the body of the man, kronk, and what looked to be the face of a monstrous creature, black like the pools and teeth like devil.

Next chapter