
230. Confront Nemesis

<You have done your best my son>

Shigon's voice perked the ears of a young man who was lying limp inside the chamber.

The man looked up at the cracked ceiling with his reddened eyes gritting his teeth. He was frustrated and beyond saving. The scar inflicted upon him wasn't healing even after he brought the best priests and healers in the city.

"Why did I have to fight him?  Nemesis? He doesn't seem like one? It seems as though he was forced to take on me. "

<That is how you perceive him. You cannot still accept that he your Arch enemy. If are the light, darkness. darkness, light. The primeval cosmo has brought to this world in order keep him check.>

"Martial god, may I ask another question?"

<You may proceed>

"I cannot understand why. He had gone through difficulties that led him to lead a path he didn't intend to. I humbly request you to give him one more chance."