

Izuku Midoriya, his dreams broken by the man who he idolised, finds out the true face of the hero based society he lives in. With some support and a new opportunity, he decides to help bring it down, bringing some other like minded people together to help. The original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28788726/chapters/70598496

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 33

Mei walked into Giran's newest hideout, probably better known as his apartment, cases in both her hands full of new babies that had been required. " Knock knock." She called. Giran looked up from the paper work he was doing on his living room table.

" Ah. Mei. Glad you didn't have much trouble finding this place. With the usual place getting ruined by the spat the League and the Yakuza had, well..." Giran shook his head. " No. No. That's not important. How have you been?"

" Busy this last week. This stuff was really short notice." Mei placed the cases down just in time to see Ochako emerging from the back rooms. She smiled happily.

" I thought I heard you. Hey Mei."

" Chako. Sup. Studying?"

" Working too hard to do that. Me and Mina went on another demolition job for my folks in the weekend. Mina said she needed to blow off some steam."

" The League busy?"

" Yeah. Fucking Yakuza started a fucking gang war." Ochako sighed. " Usagi's planning to bring them down. Shoto loves the arm, by the way."

" Ha. I'm glad. Took a while to configure the cooling system to let his ice… Ah, you probably don't care about that." Mei smiled. " So. Shie Hassaikai, right?" She asked. Ochako nodded. "I heard from the underground network that they've been on the rise as of late. Thanks for tuning me into that, by the way Giran."

" Hey. Where else are you gonna get the information to stay on top of the game?" Giran shrugged. " Pretty much all undergrounders use it, be it brokers, inventors, some villains and even some heroes." He leaned forwards in his chair. " So. Bring the toys I asked for?"

" Yup. My babies are primed and ready." Mei grinned. " A lot of them were just enhanced versions of crap I already made. Still, making an eye was an interesting experience."

" You finally finished that?"

" Yeah. Sorry it took so long." Mei rubbed the back of her neck. " I had to consult a few people. The underground is pretty cool place once they know you're not a spy from the government, the commission, the Americans, China, Britain, the NWO and Space." Giran laughed.

" Some of 'em are nutters, but as I said. We help our own. Like it or loath it, kid, you're one of us now." He slowly got up. " Anyway, let's see what you've got for me." Mei smirked and got to work. Just another successful trade.

Hawks perched a top a building in midtown, eating fast food while watching the cars fly by in the evening light. It was something he got used to doing in Kyushu, but finding a new perch in Tokyo was a work in progress. A slight rustling from behind distracted him. " Thought I spotted your avian ass up here, Kei." Rumi said, sitting down beside him, a box of Takoyaki in her hand. " Why do you always have to find the most annoying high places to sit?"

" Just seeing the sights, Land Dweller." Keigo joked. His friend playfully punched his arm. " So. Been a pretty wild couple of days, eh?"

" Yeah. From the Rapper showing up again and this crap about Hassaikai making bullets from a kid. Yeah, it's been a bit fucked."

" How'd you meet that crazy asshole anyway?"

" Who? Rapper? Osaka. Eight years ago. I was a hero trainee and I caught wind of a tournament going down and dropped in. Bought a Luchador mask and went around yelling I was Tiger Bunny, the greatest warrior of all time." She laughed at the memory. " Though, the place came under attack by All for One of all people, of course I only learned that from O'Clock a few years after the fact. Me, O'Clock and Rapper fended off this hooded guy. It was a real mess."

" O'Clock?"

" He's some guy with a speed quirk. I think he lost it to All For One and retired. Tough bastard though." Rumi grinned. " I call that moment my hero debut even though I was still just a second year. It was a blast." Rumi looked over to Keigo. " So, Kei. Why are you in Tokyo? Isn't Kyushu your main stomping… er… flying grounds."

" Yeah, but the Commission wanted me up here after All Might retired. Needed some more folks to keep the peace til everything settled back down. I ain't the only powerhouse in Kyushu, but I'm notorious enough that my name means something up here." Keigo sighed. " They think I'll scare them into keeping hiding. Like I'll make a difference. Endeavour's out of action and All Might's retired. It's a criminals wet dream. You've seen what the Leagues doing. Ballsy enough to attack an official Commission event and have a fire fight in the middle of the day. With Chisaki's group supplying Trigger and quirk removers, you can only bet it's about to get a lot worse."

" That's why we're here. To nip it in the bud before it gets that far."

" Amen to that." Keigo laughed. " You sure it's alright for our interns to be involved though? They're just kids."

" Uh, who do you think we are?" Rumi asked, pointing her stick at Hawks. " Rock Lock had a point. You and I are some of the youngest heroes in the business. You especially."

" Man, I'm only three years younger than you. Don't talk like you're some wizened old lady in comparison to me."

" Either way, I don't think we have any right to be calling others kids." Rumi looked up at the rising moon. " And besides. I couldn't stop mine even if I wanted too. That guy. He has convictions and a drive to see 'em through. He's brash, overconfident, stupid yet… I like him."

" Cause he's just like you?" Rumi smacked Keigo in the back of the head. " Hey!"

" I'm just saying. He's just a UA first year, but I don't think that'll stop him from making his mark. Might even break your records, Fly boy. He's aiming for the top. Unlike others, I think he can reach it."

" Ha. Is that so?" Hawks smirked. " Katsuki Bakugo right? His fight with Usagi was one hell of a highlight in Sports Festival. He's strong. But, if loses control of his power like he did then…"

" He's worked with Jeanist since then, you know?"

" What? Really? That kid?"

" It doesn't suit a guy like him to work with a guy so tight laced, but I think it helped him bring things into perspective. He ain't gonna change outwardly, but he's totally different from what I expected from the footage I had of him when he applied." Mirko smirked. " But that's just what makes the brat so interesting."

" Interesting guy." Hawks agreed. " This new generation, both heroes and villains. They're already making their mark."

" Better make sure we aren't left in the dust then, eh?" Keigo laughed.

" Yeah. We got this raid thing as an opportunity. Let's show 'em what some of the top ten can do."

King Explosion Murder: You fuckers there?

Runnin: Bakugo. Hello.

Queen of England: Good Afternoon

Daisy: What up

LOUD NOISES!: What is the matter?

King Explosion Murder: How many of you bastards are doing internships?

Ninjago: I am focusing on my studies

Queen of England: The same as Shin, I'm afraid.

Daisy: I'm tagging with Gang Orca alongside Tatami

LOUD NOISES!: I am not allowed due to my age unfortunately.

LOUD NOISES!: However, Nagamasa from the Second year has invited me to help out with something.

Ninjago: Something?

LOUD NOISES!: I am not sure what

King Explosion Murder: I know.

Runnin: You do? What?

" Bakubro, who are you texting?" Bakugo cursed as Eijiro sat down opposite him with his lunch.

" None of your fucking business."

" Oh come on. Don't be like that." Eijiro gave a fake look of being sad.

Daisy: Is it a secret?

Ninjago: Come now. We are allies aren't we? Don't leave us hanging.

King Explosion Murder: Sir Nighteye called some heroes together. I'm working with Mirko, so I was there too. They're doin a country wide raid on some Yakuza group


Queen of England: The Yakuza. They used to be an impressive number of criminal groups pre-quirks. However, now a days, they struggle to survive with Villains taking more prominence. Most act as generic hired goons for larger groups.

Daisy: So why are we going after them?

" Dude. That's supposed to be a secret." Eijiro hissed. Bakugo flinched. Distracted by the group chat, he didn't notice his friend look over his shoulder. " What even is this anyway?"

" If you must know, some extras from the License exam made a group chat. Me and Glasses joined it."

" Can I join?"

" No."

" Can't you at least ask?"

" We decided it would be small so the League couldn't find out about it. In case of other traitors, you know?"

" So you don't trust me?" Katsuki looked away, slightly guilty.

" I mean, yeah. I do. But I ain't sure if the others would." Katsuki admitted.

Queen of England: According to the HN, A lot of heroes are mobilizing on a secret mission next week. And, according the you UN, a certain Yakuza group has become to big for it's britches, so to speak.

Runnin: UN?

Queen of England: The Underground Network. During my week long internship in my second year with Marksman, she showed it too me. It's a place where Underground Heroes, traders and others from all walks of life share information. Naught to expensive, however.

Daisy: So who are these Yakuza then?

King Explosion Murder: The Shie Hassaikai

Queen of England: Precisely.

Ninjago: So these Hassaikai have made themselves an enemy of heroics?

King Explosion Murder: They're armed with quirk enhancement drugs and bullets that can fucking erase quirks.

Queen of England: What?

Runnin: Erase Quirks?

LOUD NOISES!: Impossible

King Explosion Murder: Heroes country wide are focused on erasing them.

Daisy: And the League?

King Explosion Murder: Can't find their dumb asses. But they do seem to be somehow involved in all this

Ninjago: That isn't a surprise somehow

" So, these guys are gonna help us, right?" Eijiro asked, taking a bit of his lunch. Katsuki nodded.

" We've been working out a way to track down those League fuckers and Izuku."

" Cool. What's the HN?"

" Hero Network. Some shitty place heroes share info you can access with a license. Jeanist showed it too me. It's useful but I ain't gonna rely on it even if I can access it now. I leave that to Tea Queen."

" You're gonna have to give me a run down of who these people are later. I can only guess you, Iida and I'm fairly sure Loud Noises is that first year from Shiketsu with the wind powers."

" Yeah, that's right." Bakugo admitted. " I'll fill you in later on everything later."

Queen of England: I wish everybody involved luck out there. This seems to be a troublesome affair.

Ninjago: If you need extra assistance, I shall do what I can.

Daisy: We've got this. Maybe we can get something out f them to do with those League bastards.

King Explosion Murder: We can only hope. Good luck you fucking extras. We'll all need it.

zuku woke up with his head pounding. " Don't move." Haru told him sharply. " Your body needs time to recover. It will take a few minutes." It took him a few moments to remember where he was as the anaesthetic left his system. Ochako had brought a new assortment of tools that had been requested from Alchemy late the night before. Of that, one included something Izuku had been waiting one for about two months now. A replacement for something his old friend had stolen from him during the Sports Festival. Haru had been the one to install it.

" So… is it done?"

" It is. I bandaged it back up however just to give it time to settle." Haru turned to face him. " I'll admit. I've replaced an eye before, however that robotic one was a bit odd. I apologize if I made any errors in it's installation."

" Don't worry about it." Izuku told her. " You did your best. As long as my depth perception is back to normal. That was getting annoying after a while."

" You should be safe to move now." She told him. " If you have any troubles, come see me. I'll do my best to aid you, as I was asked to." Izuku nodded to her, getting off the makeshift operating table and put his hooded jumper make on. He checked his phone and paused.

" When did this message come through?"

" About a half hour ago. I didn't read it."

" It's fine if you had." Izuku smiled. " I need to gather everyone. We're finally on." Izuku typed in a message to the League's group chat. He waited until later in the afternoon, after Denki and Ochako could get away from UA and into a place Kurogiri could easily pick them up from. Everyone gathered in Kurogiri's bar on the ground level of their apartment complex. Izuku sat in front of everyone, fighting hard to keep a smile off his face. He eyed Tengai and Rappa while everyone gathered. Once everyone had, Tomura spoke up.

" So. What's this about, Izuku?" He said. " You dragged us all here. It better be for a good reason."

" Tomura. When have I ever wasted anyone's time?" Izuku asked playfully. " Outside when I mess with you in fighting games."

" Then get on with it." Tomura sighed.

" Of course." Izuku leant his elbows resting against the bar as he rocked slightly on his bar stool. " So, to preface this, I'll admit that I met with a Hero a few days ago." There was a few surprised looks at this.

" You did what?" Mustard exclaimed.

" You had a good reason, right kid?" Dabi asked.

" Of course. We were about to fight when I was doing... errands but ran into Overhaul." He glanced up at Tengai. " And his cousin, Eri." The former monk tensed up. Rappa scratched his head.

" I didn't know Overhaul had a cousin." He admitted.

" He keeps her well hidden." Tengai told him. " Not a lot of our members know. I believe from the leading members only Chronostatis, Mimic, myself and Nemoto know about her. We were told for it to remain a secret on pain of death."

" Indeed. Do you know what Overhaul is doing with her?" Izuku asked. Tengai's eye twitched. " According to information I received, Overhaul has a secret underground lab where he creates his weapon and equipment."

" I suppose Shinso found that one out, did he." Tengai asked.

" Now now, Tengai. We're all friends here. Your secrets are our secrets and all that." Izuku winked at the man. " Now, the hero in question mentioned a fun thing. That his agency had been looking in to the Shie Hassaikai. That they were planning a raid on the Shie Hassaikai. On all sectors, barring the main base. A raid that started about…" Izuku looked at his phone. " 2 hours ago by my count."

" Why didn't you tell us?!" Tengai asked, slamming his hands down on the table. Izuku grinned, reveling in the calm monk's anger. He shrugged.

" I believe it's finally time I share with you both the true meaning of our alliance with your little group." Izuku said. " Overhaul killed one of our own. And he never paid back that arm and hand he owed us. We never were about to kowtow down to him after all this."

" You bird brained fucks are so simple minded. This wasn't an alliance. It was an infiltration." Tomura gloated.

" And now that balls rolling in our favour, we can finally drop the act." Mina giggled in her seat.

" Which leads me to my next question." Izuku stood up and faced the two Shie Hassaikai members. " You Yakuza are a dying breed. Soon, Overhaul will be gone. Your group buried in the annals of history. But if you join us, you can be so much more. We can provide whatever you need. Money. Power. You don't have to fade away as some Yakuza thugs. You can join us and become true legends. What do you say?"

" Are you crazy?" Tengai hissed. " We would never betray-"

" If I joined you, could I fight?" Rappa asked calmly. Izuku smiled.

" Of course. A group like us is inevitably going to run into people who oppose our ideals, be it the police, the commission, heroes or even other villain groups. I can promise you all the fights you want, Rappa. You'd be our spear that shatters the enemy line."

" Rappa!"

" And you can promise worthy opponents?"

" All Might isn't the only strong hero. All For One isn't the only strong Villain. There are much more on their level. We'd need all the help we can get for facing them."

" Rappa! Stop! You can't be serious here!" Tengai shouted. Rappa huffed, glaring at him.

" I joined your little clubhouse cause Overjerk forced me too. I joined so I could become strong enough to defeat him. And you know how many serious fights he had me do? I can count them all on one fucking hand and when I do finally hit the field, he always has your ass holding me back. It's been two years, Monk. Two years and I've hated every god damned second of it." Rappa shouted. " But these guys? They let me loose for the first time in ages. Against the likes of Hawks and Tiger Bunny. They respect my strength. I don't give a crap about the Hassaikai. I wanna fight til my body gives out. Like hell and I gonna get that with you."

" How dare you!"

" Tengai." Izuku spoke up. " A question."

" What?"

" That girl, Eri." He said, emotionlessly. " Do you know what Overhaul has been doing with her?" The monk went quiet.

" Hmm? I know you and Toru have been whispering about some girl for a week or so now, but what's she got to do with the mafia's plans?" Mina asked, confused. Izuku looked at Tengai.

" Do you want to tell them or should I?"

" There's no way you know." Tengai challenged him.

" So, you do know." Izuku stated. Tengai didn't answer. Anger burned in Izuku's eyes. " The Shie Hassaikai are selling bullets that erase a persons quirk for a few hours. Of course, selling an imperfect product is rudimentary. It's possible they have a more permanent version stashed somewhere in case of emergency." Tengai's eyes widened. " And the way they make these bullets is-"

" Silence!" Tengai shouted. Izuku glared at him. Wind channelled into his left leg before he fired a powerful blast of wind directly at the man, sending him into the bar wall before he even had a chance to raise a barrier.

" After what you've done, you don't get to order anything from me." Izuku growled angrily.

" I don't get it. What's happening?" Denki asked.

" Talking about a quirk erasing bullet after transitioning from talking about a young girl." Momo said thoughtfully. She gasped in horror. " You can't mean that. That's inhumane!"

" What are you all talking about?" Rappa asked. " Is Overfuck up to some illicit shit? That should be expected."

" No man worth the name would do such a thing. You'd have to lack a heart." Mustard reasoned.

" What? What is happening?" Mina looked around the room. " Just say it?" Anger grew in Tomura's expression. Dabi clenched his fist, glaring daggers at Tengai as the Yakuza member held his chest in pain. Ice built up on Shoto's prosthetic. Ochako pulled a long dagger from her coat pocket and floated it.

" They are suggesting that Overhaul is using his quirk to turn a child into these quirk erasing bullets." Kurogiri finally stated in a low, threatening tone. The room went silent. All eyes turned to the injured Tengai. Beside Izuku, Toru uncloaked.

" And that's why we're going to save her." She said firmly.

" Tengai." Rappa growled. " Is that true? Is this what you had me defending that fucking lab 24/7 for?"

" How… did you find out?" Tengai growled. " No-one from your group… should have been able… to get that information."

" Hello. My name is Toru Hagakure, also known as the Villain Violet though I think the heroes call me Ghost." Toru waved. She slowly sauntered her way over to him. " It's all the same to me really. My quirk is Invisibility. It renders my skin completely see through. Of course, thanks to Sensei, I was able to acquire a second quirk." She lowered her hand to her back pocket. " It allows me to negate my quirk and the quirk of those I touch. It's so strong it even renders certain Mutant quirks like mine null, hence why I can turn invisible and not invisible again." As she reached him, with speed and strength most in the room didn't even know she was capable off, Toru pinned Tengai's arm to the wall, applying a crushing grip that caused the man to slightly groan in discomfort. " I met Eri. She's a good kid. She doesn't deserve anything you've done to her. People like you? Who do nothing but cause pain to someone as innocent as that? You are worse than garbage." She pulled back the hand behind her back. Tengai's eyes went wide as she saw what she was carrying.

" No. Don't-"

" Don't what?" Toru drove the knife into the man's chest. " Hurt you? Why shouldn't I?" Izuku watched Toru from afar. He'd never seen someone usually so calm and somewhat skittish be driven to such pure, bloody anger before. Her green eyes practically glowed as she stabbed Tengai again. The other League members watched silently. Some watched with slight concern, never having seen Toru so angry before. Others watched with utter enjoyment of the girl's blood lust. " She's so scared. You've destroyed any chance she has at being happy." Toru growled. " You hurt her. So why? Why shouldn't I hurt you?" The last four words were emphasized by fresh stab wounds.

" Toru." Izuku carefully placed a hand on Toru's shoulder. She angrily swung her knife at him. Izuku dodged to the side, before grabbing her and pulling her close. Toru sobbed, the knife making a dull clatter as it hit the ground. Tengai's lifeless body hit the ground, but neither even noticed.

" I'm sorry."

" I know."

" I… I just want to protect her."

" I know." Izuku held her close for a few minutes. They both shared the same feeling. Izuku knew it. Toru knew it. And everyone watching knew how much the Hassaikai deserved it. Izuku finally let Toru go, giving her a warm smile before turning back to the others. Pulling the bandages around his newly installed eye free, He smirked. " Tomorrow at 9am, the Heroes raid Overhaul's Villa. We'll be there to show Overhaul what it means to cross us and to save Eri." Izuku glanced back at Tengai's corpse. " And Kurogiri? Please clean up the trash."