
Vegeta Hakaishin[Hiatus]

A boy dies and get reincarnated in Vegeta body and get his soul merged with the original. Now follow his history of dominance and how he put not only Vegeta name but also his Saiyan race at the top of all universe. I do not own the Dragon Ball series. All rights are reserved to Akira Toriyama.

Odd_Hound · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Frieza Revenge 3

After the dust dissipated, everyone could see the after match in the form of a giant crater, and no sign of Frieza or his father. Just like that, the evil that they thought that they couldn't defeat was vanquished. Now sitting on the supposed throne of the strongest warrior was a man that they didn't trust. At least not everyone had trust in him.

''Wow..Vegeta is pretty strong, isn't he? I mean that Frieza is supposed to finish everyone here and yet he was defeated so easily'' Bulma was saying with an overjoyed voice. She was surprised, but yet she was one of the few people that knew how hard Vegeta had been pushing himself recently.

The other surprised was the boy, Trunks. He didn't knew that his father achieved such power right at this moment in the history. And he was worried, that he somehow changed everything appearing here. But he will have to worry about it another time. He came here to talk to Son Goku, so he needed to wait.

After this, Vegeta went inside Frieza's ship. He wants to confirm something first. While he was inside, the others approached Bulma and the boy to see who he was too.

''Bulma, who is this guy with you?'' Yamcha asked. They, noticed him before, but he was hiding his power, so it was difficult to gauge his strength.

With a shrug, Bulma said ''Don't know, that jerk Vegeta told him to protect me. Ah but he said that he is a Saiyan. Don't ask me how he knows that.''

As Bulma is talking, Trunks was finding all of this to be a problem, not that he doesn't want to have a meeting with the others warriors, but that he doesn't want to middle too much right now, in fear of changing things.

His objective is clear, but the guy, Goku, will only arrive later. So he had no choice now but to wait since they already know about him presence.

''For a moment I thought that it was Father who was here…'' Gohan says with a sad face.

Looking at the sky, Krillin said''Yeah, Goku still hasn't come back. What's he doing right now''

''Ah! If it's about Goku-san then he will arrive in 3 hours'' Trunks blurted out. Everyone was surprised, Goku was coming back and the boy in front of them knew.

Overjoyed, Gohan almost bumps into the boy, asking ''Really? Are you sure that father is coming back?'' The boy was almost crying.

"Yes, in 3 hours. Frieza's ship must have picked Goku-san's signal and followed him.'' Trunks started to walk somewhere else while he was still talking.

Pointing to a place, the boy said "I know where he will land. If you guys want, you can go with me'' They became speechless. How would he know and how he knew Goku?

While they are preparing to go with Trunks, Vegeta was searching for something in Frieza's ship. And he finally found it. "So that's your route to these planets, huh, Cooler…"

He was searching for a way to find Frieza's brother, Cooler, information. This time it wasn't about revenge, but more about wanting to fight a strong opponent.

And Cooler would give this to him. He wanted to push his limit and explore a little bit.

''Who would think that a guy that detests his family would have an emergency device to know where he was….Or maybe he was planning to track Frieza and King Cold to kill them later...You never know with this guy'' mumbling his thought. Vegeta retrieves the device and puts it away for later.

His objective here was complete. He didn't need anything more, so he went out. While walking out, he saw the others were going to another place. ' Probably to where Kakarrot will land…'

Without much delay, Vegeta went after them, but not before making sure explode Frieza's ship. The explosion alerted the group a little bit, but they saw that it was only Vegeta.

''Really you have no tact with these things, Vegeta'' Bulma was saying while looking at him with her hands at her hips.

Raising an eyebrow and looking at her ,Vegeta answered ''Didn't you saw how tact I was before?'', implying what happened before. Bulma got his meaning and blushed with a smile, remembering what happened in the room.

Although most people didn't pay attention to it since they were curious about Goku coming back, Trunks got the meaning and was confused for a bit. He didn't knew that they had such a relationship right now. He shook his head and started flying, leading the group to the place.

Bulma jumps and hugs Vegeta again without any warning. Vegeta just allowed it, and they went flying to the place.

With Trunks leading the way, they arrive at the place where Goku would supposedly land. Trunks told them to wait, that in a few hours his ship would hit there. Most of them asked questions about how he knew it, though he didn't answer any of them.

Bulma was a bit skeptical because she saw him using a Capsule Corp. jacket, but she let it pass, seeing that the boy didn't want to answer anything. So she instead starts to try to fool around with Vegeta, sitting at his side and trying to flirt with him. She came to like how he always revert back the situation with her. She even thought that the cold eyes he gave her most of the time had a lot of charm in them.

This time, though, Vegeta was thinking about how to proceed with this situation. He needs to plan because after that the androids will come. And then possible Cell. He plans to become stronger, but right now he wants to explore other places a little bit and take care of other things in this 3 year gap.

Maybe ask for the Namekian Dragon Ball for some teleportation ability like the ''Kai Kai'', one who lets him travel to other universes. Or a "Hyperbolic Time Chamber", which would be useful too. But he will need Kakarrot with him to go to the Namekian planet.

He knows the same teleportation that Kakarrot knew, albeit he didn't train it too much. But he needs Goku there because the situation with the Namekians and him was bad, at least he thinks it is. So maybe someone like Goku would help him not get shouted down in case he wants to use their Dragon Balls.

There is Cooler too. Although he found uninteresting to middle with this before, he remembered that the guy is supposed to be a bit stronger. So searching for him before he tries to attack earth would be fun.

"You knew that he was a saiyan even before knowing him. How did you do that?'' Bulma asked, taking him out of his thoughts.

She was looking at the boy, trying to figure out a bit about him.

"His Ki have the same signature as a Saiyan, after you feel it for the first time you can't forget.'' Vegeta answered with a bored voice.

Of course he already knew who the boy was, and even if he didn't knew, he would figure it out eventually, because the look that the boy was throwing at him was an obvious one. Like he wants to talk with the person that he admires but doesn't know how to.

''Hmmm...I thought you said that you and Son-kun were the only Saiyan alive..ah Gohan-chan too''

''That's right. More precisely, there were only 4 pure blood Saiyan alive…No i think it was 5...?'' His were a bit confused, and he didn't want to spill the boy's secret. In time, if he wants to tell Bulma what he is or from where he came, he will tell. Though she will figure out pretty quickly.

''Well, he looks a lot like you, though your personality may be too different, the air around you and him are the same hehe…'' Bulma laugh a little bit from this, without knowing that the boy resembles her a lot too.

Vegeta just shook his head, the woman is a lot carefree when she wants to.

After a few hours, Trunks stood up. When he did, most of them followed the example, only to get surprised by feeling the same Ki that they are used to.

From the sky a sphere-shaped pod came crashing to Earth, and with a boon it landed a few meters ahead.

Everyone speeded to see the result and what grated them really put a smile on their faces.

''Yup, Fuu, pretty hard landing….Huh...? Oh you guys, what are you doing here?'' Goku asked, a bit confused about how they knew that he would land there.

He was finally back and these people, his friends, would welcome him that moment.