
Vega Brothers And Their Mates

Marcus and his two brothers, Jackson and Lucien have been living a normal life for the past ten years since they lost their parent to an old enemy. They always made it a point to keep to themselves and stay within the boundaries and rules they have set for themselves as a three man pack, and that includes, not wanting mates or anything else that would call attention to their little secrets and put them in danger, especially with werewolves and other supernatural creatures returning to town. Everything was going just fine until an old friend of their came requesting for their help. Little did they know, it was the beginning of what would change their lives forever as well as everything they stood for, starting with Marcus the eldest of the three brothers who is soon to find out the biggest surprise of his life when he and his brothers went running to the secure without a second thought. This is going to be a three in one story, so brace yourselves and stay tune for the ride.

Agnes_Oti · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Lucien and Jackson got home hoping to see Marcus so they could explain what had taken place in his absence. Lucien also had questions, never had he seen Marcus act the way he did this night or did he by any chance sleep with Laura or had something sensual with her because the tension in the car was terrible and choking.

He liked her nonetheless, it's been far too long since they had any contact with any female. They had even agreed, it was better not to even find their mates especially with Lin still alive and far more stronger than they were.

They both tried mind linking him but he had them blocked, something he haven't done before unless he wasn't in the mood for questions and answers, which is another reason the brothers found his attitude a little strange.

Maybe something else was wrong with him and badly needs his alone time to cool off.

Somewhere not far off, Marcus was back in his wolf form and in need of an escape and that was what the bar he was currently headed provided.

He badly needed to get a hold of himself, he was beginning to lose it, his emotion were in arrays as he couldn't find rest within himself.

The parting image Laura had blessed him with was no good at all, no matter what he did the image of her crying and hugging her lover still haunted him.

As he sat at the empty stool at the counter, a lady approached him, a little smile plastered across her face as she continued to flash it at him.

"hello handsome, what can I get you?"

"Something strong" he said with a nod at her.

She walked over and poured some whisky into a glass before placing it across Marcus.

She continued to eye him as he downed it in a single go with a grimace.

"I don't think i have seen you around town before, are you new here?"

Marcus peered up at her for a second as though sizing her up before replying, "Maybe, what about you?" he asked before turning his attention fully at her direction.

"What's a sexy looking lady like you doing here?".

She giggled, "working and running into cute looking guys like you sometimes?".

He nodded before gulping down another round after she filled it up before he smiled at the lady only to find Laura smiling back at her.

"Laura?", he called in shock.

"Laura? Who's Laura?" She asked puzzled and Marcus let out a frustrated growl.

He couldn't believe he was imagining some woman to be Laura.

The female at the bar heard him mumbling to himself and simply nodded in realization. Marcus looked like he was there because whoever Laura is had hurt him badly.

She leaned over the counter and touched his shoulder before saying, "If you need a shoulder to cry on, I can offer you mine"

He simply arched a brow at her as he tried to decipher what she was talking about,

"What are you talking about?" He questioned, one of his brow raised at her.

She chuckled lightly before leaning further into him, while making sure their bodies meet, "I don't know what's going on with you but I can tell you are troubled and if you want, I can help you relax"

He chuckled "really?"

"yeah!" She whispered before slowly leaning up to brush her lips against his .

"If you want, we can take this conversation to my house. I live alone" She said in a whisper, causing Marcus to shudder as lust took control of his body.

"Let's go then baby" he came down from the bar stool and wobbled a bit and chuckled.

"Careful there sweetheart" the lady called at him before dashing into the back room and then reemerged with her denim jacket hanging loosely across her shoulders.

She hurried over to Marcus before grabbing herself a arm and tugging him towards the exit.

"I think I'm drunk" he said, noting the obvious as he gave her a sideways glance.

"Yeah baby" she replied breathlessly as she tried to help him stand staring around she motioned for her friend to come help her.

Together they carried him to their car back at the garage.

"Emily do you think it's a good idea to take him to your house? He look like trouble if you ask me" Her friend said, sounding skeptical.

"It has to, who else would i pin this baby on then?",

"baby? Laura are you pregnant?" Marcus slurred, seating at the back seat.

"Emily, who's Laura?" Her friend asked. "Jenny you ask a lot of questions, I'm Laura remember ?".

Her driver corked his brows, finally understanding her mission but said nothing. He stared at the drunk man at the back and shook his head in pity.

"Baby?" Marcus slurred again and Emily pushed Jenny away before entering the back of the car with Marcus.

"Hey baby, I'm here " she said leaning into his warmth. He smiled before turning to face her, he stared at her as though she was the only thing that existed, only problem is, she doesn't smell like Laura but he could swear she has her face.

Emily leaned in as she felt butterflies fluttering in her belly. Whosoever this Laura was, this man really loved her, she felt guilty for using his love to mess with him but she needed her baby to have a father and he seem like a good match.

"I have wished to kiss your pretty lips all through this night" he whispered touching her lips, she sighed and leaned in before saying "kiss me then!"

Without warning he claimed her lips, Emily let out a tear as his love for Laura was being transferred in the kiss.

Putting her hands around his neck, she let her pregnancy hormones take over.

Her driver groaned ad he subtly watched her public display of affection, it was hard to ignore them seeing how they kissed like horny teenage at the back of his cab.

Marcus pulled her on to his lap as she was practically straddling him at this point, his lips not leaving hers for even a second as their lips devoured each other.

Emily let out a moan as Marcus hands slipped into her blouse and found her already harden nipple.

"They look slightly bigger" he whispered seductively in her mouth as he continued to caress it.

Though he reeked of alcohol, he was still what she'd expected him to be, her hands traced his muscles while their lips still fought for dominance.

Slowly Marcus removed Emily top while still locking lips with her, he snapped open the strap of her bra and her breast sprang free and he quickly buried his face in between her chest.

The driver pulled over and got down unable to bear the sexual mist the two were creating in the car .

Marcus took her sensitive nipple in his mouth and they both let out a groan. She grinded herself against the huge bulge in his pant while he continued to suck her nipple into his mouth hungrily.

He sucked as though his life depended on it before he switched to the other just as desperately.

Emily who couldn't endure the heat building up in her core any more, quickly slipped her hand into his trouser and freed his already erected dick and began to rub at it while making it pulsate.

"I need to have you inside of me" She said breathlessly as she slide his cock between her sex.

"Fuck" She groaned, sucking in a deep as she continued to ease herself against his stiff erection.

He bit her nipples making her let put a cry of guilty pleasure, putting his hands over hers in a more drunken state as she continued to rock her hip against him over and over again.

The car was filled with their moan as she continued to ride him, his mouth never leaving her boobs while she bounced softly on him.

Marcus seeing her movement was becoming sloppy, knew she needed help as he began to thrust into her from underneath while moaning out her name as Laura over and over again.

They both rode out their climax before crashing on each other bodies. Their lips met as they both tried to catch their breaths.

Seeing the sexual ruckus was over, the driver came in and resumed driving ignoring the stench of sex in the car while they struggle to shrug on their clothes all over again.