
vault across the multiverse

Ying Zhe woke up in a strange place. The room was not very big and the atmosphere felt oppressive in front of it, there was only a desk with a somewhat peculiar computer. On the screen you could see the words "Welcome to the Vault Tec Vault Management System Collector's Edition, Greetings Supervisor." along with even Vault Boy with his typical pose. Author's note: It is not necessary to know much about Fallout since I will only use a few of its characteristics or plots, more than anything this is an outlet that I do as a hobby. English is not my native language so excuse the grammar.

Nashi103 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 1: “Welcome supervisor”

Damn my head is a mess and my memories are very blurry.


After a brief beep in front of me I saw a desktop computer with a very strange design but at the same time it was very familiar to me.

The black screen lit up and lines of code passed incessantly as the computer booted up.

"Welcome to the Vault Tec Collector's Edition Vault Management System"

Those words appeared on the screen then a little mascot appeared giving me a thumbs up, wait I think I remember his name was Vault Boy.

- Wait, why do I know that?

The lines on the screen then continued.

"Welcome Supervisor, in order to demonstrate his amazing management skills, you have been entrusted with this system so that you can protect in it everyone who deserves salvation from a miserable fate,"

- A bit vague explanation, don't you think... I thought.

"Unfortunately I am just a whim created suddenly by the goddess of destiny so excuse me if I am not coherent enough >:c." was written on the screen immediately after my thought.

- What the fuck, you have consciousness, you are not supposed to be automatic things, wait why the fuck do I know this. Wait, wait that was an angry face.

"I possess a small Consciousness that has just been granted to me by the Goddess of Destiny along with a small part of her authority that she gives me to carry out my actions, I am being created on the fly, according to the feelings of my creator at this moment I only had Curious to see what would happen, he also wanted to make fun of the other gods while causing some chaos."

What kind of dog shit am I in right now, wait because I have these expressions. Ahg my mind is in chaos what kind of shit is going on with me.


"It is detected that the host is suffering from a serious case of divergence, due to an abrupt change in the destination, it is advisable to link the host's destination with the system to increase its decreasing destiny."

After a beep that was what was written on the screen.

- Abrupt change of destiny, waning destiny, what kind of stupidity is this, agh damn this hurts too much just do it quickly damn it, I feel like I'm unraveling from the inside out.


"Initializing link…"

"10%... 40%... 70%... 100% link completed your destination has been tied to the Vault Tec Collector's Edition Vault Management System in case of failure of the System's purpose it will be shut down and your shared destiny will end. In this case it will be the immediate death of the Host, Let's have a happy cooperation ;3"


- Even though the physical pain is gone, I'm still in another problem, ugh damn, System, explain to me these things about destiny that I don't have the slightest idea what it is and believe me when I tell you, I don't want to die the minute after having woken up


"The Vault Tec Collector's Edition Vault Management System is a system created by the Goddess of Destiny to steal the destiny of those chosen by heaven. You will take what should be theirs as your own, you will snatch away the opportunities for which they dreamed, cried and bled, everything you take will be stored within this refuge, the system will help you in the integration and fusion of destinies. Due to being torn from the natural timeline so abruptly by the goddess of Destiny, your existence lacks the purpose that is given to every being to the created being, which is why your own being is falling apart, lacking a destiny. Well, in short you will be a great villain created for the amusement of the Goddess of Fate and if, before you think about it, you cannot refuse, your current destiny is only 5 days, or you steal a destiny and extend your lifespan or you perish... without pressure 😉.



- I'm screwed up. I'm really screwed. Agh damn; To start with because me, of all others.


"It's just your bad luck, the goddess just took someone at random, you can blame lady luck and get revenge on her when you are more powerful :3"

-Stop making emojis, it's creepy. I wonder.


"So host, do you want me to use the pressure of divine authority?" It was shown on the screen in a strange solemn tone.

- Huh?

I only managed to say before an enormous pressure knocked me to the ground.

- AGHHHH… use the emojis, use whatever you want but don't use damn pressure.


"At the service of her hostess 😊"

As I lifted my sore body from the ground, he asked.

-So what do I have to do now, I really don't feel like dying.


"Since the linking process has been completed, the system will be completely integrated into your being, in a few moments you will be able to view your status screen with a simple mental command. For now let's wait for that before further explanations >:3"

- ,,,, Well

*3 minutes later*



Name: Ying Zhe

Gender: ?

Age: 20



Strength: 3

Intelligence: 4

Spirit: 3

Hardness: 4

Agility: 3

Vitality: 2 (4)

Destination: 2



Whim of Fate: The Goddess of Fate has taken interest in you and has designated you as her new toy, your destiny is something that will only be controlled by her consciously or unconsciously, making you invulnerable to any alteration in past destinies. or future. by anyone other than the goddess of destiny herself, you will also be completely unrecognizable in visions of the future or destiny making you undetectable by clairvoyance, likewise you have been granted the "Destiny" statistic the higher the statistic the more Chance events can occur as well as this stat can influence some future abilities.

Devourer of Destiny: As a personal toy of the Goddess you cannot be weak, a toy of the goddess of destiny should be something to brag about, when you come across someone chosen from heaven by other gods or mythologies you will be able to devour their Destiny and take it as your own, assuming part of the target's statistics and abilities as your own, if anyone is going to shine it can only be you.

Pathless: Due to being taken from your original destiny so abruptly, your destiny is almost null, which causes meaninglessness in your existence, greatly reducing vitality, however, fortune can be found in misfortune, given the Your survival by being torn from your original path has developed a great resistance to abnormal states that have to do with: Time, illusions, hypnotism or space.


- Well, when I perish, I am something powerful hahaha, wait….

-System, tell me why I don't have a gender, if I remember clearly that he was a man, plus what the hell is this vitality, like 2. That means I'll die if a bug touches me or something like that.


"Host, given that your presence is an irregular being, depending on the task, you will have to take on different roles whether you are male or female, believe me, it is something I have no control over :(".

- It's because that goddess finds it more fun this way, right?


"I'm afraid so :c"

-So what happens to my vitality, I'm really so useless.


"all normal humans have a base stat of 4 in all their stats, unfortunately it seems that the host was a waste which is why his stats ended up like this, his stats, however his vitality can return to its original 4 points or even increase if he steals the destiny of a chosen one from heaven. Currently your body is as resistant as that of a 5-year-old child, so let's work together so that you don't become a burden and die in the next minute >:3".


- What else can I do…


- System tell me what functions the shelter has.


"Currently the shelter only has the Supervisor's Room from where there is master control of the Shelter. Depending on the destination you steal, special rooms will be created for storage. The shelter is governed by 3 essential resources: energy, water and food. . At the moment, as you are the only resident, the shelter does not have excessive expenditure, the resources in reserve can last a while, however, when you take the companions of the chosen ones, by default they will be stored here, and for their correct survival they will need the 3 different resources creating a deficit over time. "It is advisable to rob destinations to obtain the resources necessary for the proper functioning of the shelter."

Current reservations:

Energy: 1500/1500

Water: 500/500

Food: 500/500



"The System also has a store and a roulette wheel which can be used with the system's currency, which are the "Caps", you will get Badges for completing missions assigned by the system, eliminating enemies or stealing destinations, come on, master how video games your You should be a professional n.n."

- Shit, I was never good with resource games, well what is my current mission.


"Mission 1: Saimin World; The goddess of destiny has detected that a pair of mischievous Shinto gods have granted her powerful abilities and dangerous hypnosis tools, just to satisfy her strange fetishes.

Objective: Subdue the bearers of hypnosis and steal their destiny.

Difficulty: Low

Reward: Hypnotic Skill, 10 skill points, 3000 caps.

Easy truth ;3"

- Saimin I remember something with that term, well it doesn't matter if I can survive, I don't care about anything else.


"Well said. Let's go >w