

VOL 1 VAMPIRES BRIDE A princess, Diana is forced by her evil step mother to marry a vampire Lord, the king of Darca in exchange for more dark powers. Rumor had it that Torren the vampire lord kills his brides at most in three days of marriage. Diana has to try to live beyond the three days and things turn around when Torren is poisoned and she has to lead the people of Darca in order to protect their lands and life. How will she conquer the six kingdoms against Darca, she may have to seek help from Torrens kind. Will she conquer or be conquered? VOL 2 VAMPIRE WITHIN (MATURE CONTENT) The war with Luther is over, but there is an even bigger threat. The battle for Darca has just begun with a traitor in the court. Is it lord Torren's destiny to protect Darca or actually lady Diana's? Find out in VAMPIRE WITHIN sequel to vampires bride. VOL 3 VAMPIRES BRIDE REBORN Lady Diana is reborn and is ready... Cover Image from Pinterest.

Rita_Chioma_9038 · Fantasy
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145 Chs

United in evil

Back in Galtelo, Qarinah had poisoned her husband the king of Tron so he knew not whatever was going on and had used her Torren-given powers to conquer all kingdoms except Guzatu.

Guzatu was ruled by a very powerful king who equally had strong powers, King Stephan. He has never been defeated throughout his reign as king. It was not an easy task for Queen Qarinah to conquer his kingdom.

Queen Qarinah could not conquer his kingdom and so she smartly decided to ally with him. King Stephan who also was hungry for more power agreed to Qarinah's offer. Qarinah has offered to let king Stephan keep the crown of all seven kingdoms including Darca, as long as she kept the magic.

A lot of kingdoms had always sought ways to conquer Darca. Darca which was the weakest kingdom before Lord Torren's emergence is now the most powerful and most feared kingdom. Every king wanted to get their hands on the throne of Darca.

King Torren always had his kingdom guarded by not just soldiers but powerful magic. Even his kind, the vampires could not easily penetrate his kingdom.

''I have no business with the crown king Stephan, you can keep them all. I only desire the powers this kingdom possesses'' Queen Qarinah said to king Stephan when she went to become allies with him. Queen Qarinah had always known that her powers alone can never penetrate lord Torren so needed to seek a combined force.

''Haha, Queen Qarinah of Tron. I hear you but then your highness why should I believe you'' King Stephan knew Qarinah would never easily give up her kingdom for any reason.

''Because we have a common enemy, Torren of Darca and neither of us can bring him down alone. You seek his crown, I seek his powers and we can never get that on our own. We need to work together''

''Why do you think I seek just the crown''

''Stephan'' but Qarinah was quickly cut short my king Stephan ''you are in my kingdom woman and you will address me as your king''

''This is why I said you desire power my king'' Qarinah responded sharply.

''I will become your ally but not because I believe you but because we have a common enemy to take down, when this is all done, we will review who keeps the magic Queen Qarinah of Darca'' king Stephan stretched out his hands and Qarinah took it. They have allied and their mission is to take down Lord Torren.

King Stephan and Queen Qarinah knew that to penetrate Darca, they had to go into his kingdom without waging war, and without waging war, the only option was to convince lord Torren to hand over his kingdom, of course, that is not an option for them. They had to find a way to take lord Torren down and only then will they be able to penetrate Darca.

They thought of ways to bring lord Torren down but could not seek until finally, Qarinah thought of a plan, to send Louisa to Diana.

''Why do you think I will poison my sister's husband?'' little Louisa asked her mother though she was shivering with scare.

''Because Louisa mummy said to, and you must obey your mother and queen or else you want to end up like other people who have disobeyed the queen'' Qarinah threatened.

''Where will you tell father I have gone to, mother?'' Louisa was scared and was trying to make up reasons not to go and not to be punished.

''Your father is not in his right state of mind, he would not even know that you are gone, and don't be scared, my powers will guide you' she said patting cheeks softly.

'But I am scared mother, I can't just go to Darca and poison lord Torren, I have heard that he is very powerful, more powerful than anyone could imagine'

This made queen Qarinah angry. She hated it when people rubbed it to her face that lord Torren was more powerful than she is so she had her daughter locked up in the dungeons despite her daughter's pleas. She paid deaf ears to her daughter's pleas and turned a blind eye to her tears. Queen Qarinah was not a queen to be messed with.

Qarinah thought of poisoning lord Torren but she didn't know how to do it. She thought it would be as easy as poisoning her husband until empress Liah the ruler of Ondra came into the picture. King Stephan had warned queen Qarinah that just the two of them alone would never be able to conquer Darca and so she let empress Liah have her kingdom and enjoin in their mission. Empress Liah came from a generation of vampires but somehow, she escaped being a vampire. Her grandmother had an affair with a vampire and had her mother.

''You cannot poison Torren with your mere magical powers. You need me Qarinah, you need us. Torren possesses greater magic than you know but I know just how to take him down. You must first hurt him emotionally before you'll be able to penetrate his physical self but that will not kill him. It will only incapacitate him for some months or maybe years'' empress Liah said, she was taking charge and it annoyed queen Qarinah but she couldn't help but let her take charge.

''Torren has no emotions Liah'' king Stephan cut in.

''Yes, he does. He is in love with his wife Diana and seeing her cry will hurt his emotions''

''In love with Diana?'' Qarinah was surprised.

''You've been blinded by your quest for power that you do not even see the simplest signs. She still lives to this day and is officially the Queen of Darca. Lord Torren has never had a woman rule by his side, what does that tell you?''

After their long conversation, they decided to hurt Diana, just to hurt Torren's emotions, but how will they do that?.