

VOL 1 VAMPIRES BRIDE A princess, Diana is forced by her evil step mother to marry a vampire Lord, the king of Darca in exchange for more dark powers. Rumor had it that Torren the vampire lord kills his brides at most in three days of marriage. Diana has to try to live beyond the three days and things turn around when Torren is poisoned and she has to lead the people of Darca in order to protect their lands and life. How will she conquer the six kingdoms against Darca, she may have to seek help from Torrens kind. Will she conquer or be conquered? VOL 2 VAMPIRE WITHIN (MATURE CONTENT) The war with Luther is over, but there is an even bigger threat. The battle for Darca has just begun with a traitor in the court. Is it lord Torren's destiny to protect Darca or actually lady Diana's? Find out in VAMPIRE WITHIN sequel to vampires bride. VOL 3 VAMPIRES BRIDE REBORN Lady Diana is reborn and is ready... Cover Image from Pinterest.

Rita_Chioma_9038 · Fantasy
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145 Chs

8 Untamed

I got prepared and left on two different horses with my husband. Two of his guards escorted us. As we journeyed, a lot of my subjects were excited to see me. I was not an easy one to be seen as I didn't move around on my own. I was always in a carriage with Kahlan surrounded by guards but this time, I was riding on a bare horse alongside my husband. These people were truly happy even though they didn't know if Torren was going to suck their blood anytime soon. Looking at them made me feel hurt and zeal to protect them from Torrens vampire grasp.

We journeyed to a forest and on the way, Torren asked the guards to stop there. We were going to continue alone. Quite unlike me, I didn't get scared but rather excited. We got to the middle of the forest which was more of a beautiful garden than a forest. Torren halted his horse and I did the same. He got out of his horse and gently lifted me from my own horse and then led me to the garden.

'This is one spot my people do not know that exists' he said as we walked through the garden. He held my left arm tightly but gently as if not to lose me.

'By your people, do you mean our subjects my lord?' He looked at me then smiled.

'Yes my lady, our subjects'

'Why don't they know?, has nobody ever been to this forest?' I asked him, I was finally getting comfortable with him.

'Mhm, the people of Darca never go against my orders'

'I see, so you ordered them to stay out of this forest ha, why' I asked stopping to put my hands around his waist and staring into his eyes as he lifted my jaw.

'I never thought that this day would come, I have only ever hope. I wanted my queen to behold this sight before any other eyes in this kingdom' he smiled at me. His eyes were no longer dangerous to me but enchanting.

'So you have always wanted to have a queen by your side then' I was eager to ask him why he then killed his other wives but I decided not to destroy this good moment.

'About last night' Torren started, pulling me closer to him. I felt heat rush through my inner system. I didn't think he would bring that up now.

'What about last night Torren' I asked faking innocence.

'Are you scared of me?' He asked looking into my eyes to find the truth. 'No I'm not' I denied looking away from him.

'Yes you are Diana. But trust me Diana, it's okay, I would be scared of me if places were switched'

I didn't know what to say so I smiled innocently feeling guilty for what I don't even know. Maybe for being scared and trying to run away from him.

'I promise I will take away your fears. I will make you see me as your husband and not a dangerous vampire, I will never hurt you Diana no matter what'.

I put a finger across his lips to shut him up 'I may have been scared the first few days I was here but believe me, right now I am not scared of you, about last night, it wasn't you I was scared of, it was me' I stopped to avoid saying things I would not be able to explain.

The rest of the morning we sat down in the garden cuddling and laughing. I was finally able to accept Torren as my husband. I brought forced him to have fruits and pretended to be angry when he declined so just he will have them.

It was dusk and it was time to get back home. We rode our horses to meet the guards who had been waiting for us since dawn only to meet their lifeless body. Torren surveyed their bodies, they where shot by an arrow on the neck.

'I have to get you to safety Diana these people....' He didn't finish he sentence when he saw an arrow flying my way. As he wanted to push me off, he got hit by the arrow on his chest and he landed on the ground with his knees while another arrow landed on his back. I saw a man rush off but before he could run far, Torren glued him to the ground and tied him up with strong magical chains before Torren finally dropped fully to the ground.

I didn't know what to do, I didn't even know my way out of the forest. I rushed to his side and pulled him up, I crossed his his left hand over my neck, held him tightly and started to look for a way out with tears running out of my eyes. I didn't want to loose him.

I moved from one end of the forest to the other until I finally made it out to the village where people around hurried to help me carry him. He was taken to the palace.

'Put him down here' Kahlan said to the men who carried him in. I was still crying and Kahlan ran her hands across my shoulders.

'He will be fine my lady, I promise' she said trying to console me.

'How can you be certain of that Kahlan?' I still had tears running down my cheeks.

'He needs blood, he has lost so much blood my lady. Lord Torren has never had to have anything other than blood for a whole day but he did today. I think that is why he's in a critical condition, but don't worry queen Diana, once we get him blood, he will be fine' Kahlan said. At this point I imagined them bringing him an innocent subject to feed on just to recover.

'Where do you intend to get this blood?'

'There are a lot of Lord Torrens subjects out there who are willing to give up their life for him my lady'

'No, I can't stand the sight of lord Torren sucking away the life out of his subject for what I've done'

'It's not your fault my lady. If we don't give him blood, we may lose him for good'.

I thought Kahlan meant death when she said lose him for good until I saw his green eyes. Kahlan meant we could lose the tamed side of him and means trouble for everyone in that kingdom. 'I will save him' I said as I knelt close to Torren.

'My lady lord Torren would never forgive himself if he realizes you died to save him' Kahlan tried to pull me out but I knelt put.

'That is why I don't intend to die' before Kahlan could say anything further, I grabbed the knife laying on the floor and slit my wrist so Torren could get some of my blood.

'My lady he'll only fight to get the rest of your blood you have to stop it now' Kahlan tried to stop me.

'Leave us Kahlan, leave us all of you' they seemed to ignore me and try to pull out my blood dripping wrist which I already placed over Torrens mouth.

'I said leave or I'll have you all executed at dawn' I screamed, they had never seen me like that so they all left and I was left alone with my husband. Torren desired my blood so much that he wanted to dig his teeth into my neck but he fought it. He fought so much and I could feel his pain but there was nothing else I could do to help him.

His vampire side seemed untamed at that point. He was like a wild beast seeking for a soul to devour. I was scared but remembered Torren had promised never to hurt me no matter what. 'Fight it Torren, you are not dangerous, you are only one of a rare kind' I tried to tame him caress his shoulders and it really worked. Torren relaxed and in just a few moments he was fast asleep. I enjoyed watching him sleep until I also slept off without realizing it.