
Vampire System: Mage Of Blood And Shadows

A young boy whose life takes a turn for the worse under his father after his mother's death. Eventually, he ends up murdering said father after his attempt to murder him drives him into a corner. Unfortunately, he ends up dying on the same spot murdered by his own father. In his death, he smiles as he has succeeded in taking the life of the one person he hated the most oblivious to the fact that this wasn't his end. Just as he drew his last breath and closed his eyes, his consciousness is called back by a sudden ding except that he wasn't called back to the world he remembered. He found himself floating in a dark astral plane and a system message in front of him. [ System awakening: 15% ] [ Transferring consciousness to new life ] [ Process initiated ] Before his mind could start processing what was going on, he found himself in the body of a newborn with two faces staring down at him. A mother who bore quite the striking resemblance to his old mother and a father whom he already hated on first sight. He was given another chance at a new life but he had one burning question in his heart. Was this fate giving him a chance to see the good in people or was it another attempt to screw him over?

Franklin_Nwakamma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Chapter 19: This Can Save Us

"Ugh, how am I going to face Lady Luna after this?" Aina groaned.

At the moment, she was outside in front of the kitchen back door with the other maids.

She had one knee on the floor with her face facing downward like she was throwing up.

"If you knew you were going to worry about that then you should have avoided drinking anything tonight."

She wasn't too quick to respond to that as she slowly raised her gaze to look at Nicole who was standing in front of her with her arms crossed.

"I didn't want to, it's just that guy, oh, he's infuriating." She grumbled before biting her lower lip.

"Really? Is that what's going on here?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing really, it's just that, you don't usually let that kind of stuff get to you so easily."


"Hey guys." Emilia suddenly chimed in.

"Huh?" Both of them responded before turning to her.

"Did you hear that?" She inquired with her hand on the back of her right ear.

"Hear what?" Aina responded with a confused expression on her face.

________ ________

Blood, the whole front porch and beyond was filled with blood but those weren't just coming from anyone, the spears that failed to hit anyone had dissolved into blood, mixing with the actual blood spilling on the floor to fill the floor with blood.

Now the ones that did manage to hit someone, those ones were still in place, stuck to the back of just one person.

Neo could have gotten stabbed by a good number of those spears alongside his mother but she shielded him, she blocked him with her body, and let herself get hit by all the spears coming her way.

She had about eight spears stuck to her back now with the one in her chest still there.

She was wearing a blue dress that night and the whole thing was soaked in blood but despite that, she didn't make much sound and held Neo with a strong grip.

Neo on the other hand was scared to death and ended up closing his eyes because.

'What the heck is going on? What is all this tonight?"

"Neo." He heard his mother call with a soft groan at that moment.

He slowly opened his eyes at that moment to see her in front of him, her whole body covered in blood and even some of it spilling out from her mouth.

"Mom." He gasped with a horrified look on his face. "Mom, no… "

"The bracelet." She muttered, her voice getting weak. "The red bracelet, go upstairs grab it, and run."

"You want me to run, what about you?" He asked, his voice sinking further into despair.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine I promise, but you have to run, if you don't…."

Another red spear came flying straight toward them at that moment but this one was heading straight for Neo but just before it could get to him, she caught it, stopping it just short of hitting his face.

The horrified look on his face grew right at that moment causing him to fall back with his whole body trembling.

"He's after you too so you have to run, run or he'll kill you."

"What are you talking about, who's he?"

"I wish I could explain things to you but for now you just have to run, hurry!"

Her eyes turned crimson as soon as she said that and right at that moment, he was compelled to quickly get up on his feet.

Two more spears came flying toward him at that moment and in order to stop them from getting to him, she blocked one with her body before catching the other one with her left hand.

Neo took off after that, heading straight for the stairs, he had gone halfway up the staircase when he got released from Luna's compel effect but he kept running with tears dropping down from his eyes.

He got to his room in no time and just after getting there, he slammed the door shut and headed straight for the cupboard beside his bed.

"I have no idea what's going on but she said to grab the bracelet."

He cleaned his tears with his sleeve before opening the lowest cabinet of the cupboard to reveal the red bracelet which had been locked away in there for over nine years now.

"Maybe this can save her from whatever's going on tonight." She muttered before picking up the bracelet.

She told him to pick the bracelet and run but he wanted to believe that it could save them, that was the only thing he could think of in a situation like this, a way to stop this.

"Yes, this thing has special properties, I'm sure it can stop this." He concluded half-heartedly before putting the bracelet on his left wrist.

He turned the back hanging on his wardrobe just after that and quickly made his way to it.

He picked up the bag and put it over his head as soon as he got to it before picking up his sheathed sword which was standing in the corner.

"Yes, this can be stopped." He reassured himself before heading for the door. "Dad's still here, he can also help, Nicole and the others are also powerful mages."

'Hang on, Mom, we can fight whatever this is, I'm not going to let anyone take this wonderful family away from me.'

He reached for the door and pulled it open and the first thing he saw after opening the door shattered everything he had just told himself into numerous pieces.

A sword, one he had seen with his father numerous times, he watched the sword pierce through Emilia's chest right in front of his door, and standing on the other end of things was his father.

"No, this isn't you, Master Henry." Emilia groaned in pain as blood slowly spilled out of her mouth down her jaw.

Henry had his gaze on the floor, his hands visibly shaking and his teeth tightly gritted.

"Keep quiet!" His voice thundered.

He lifted her with the sword just after that and tossed her down, pulling his sword out in the process.

Just before she threw her down, she turned to Neo with a smile and muttered something but that was something his mind blocked out immediately because he didn't want to believe what he just saw.

He was mortified, he couldn't believe what he had just seen but his body did believe it and it was terrified.

He was using everything he had to stop his trembling legs from giving up on him and his mouth just wouldn't close.

'Was everything just a lie?'

Henry stared at the floor for a couple of seconds, focusing on Emilia's blood dripping down his blade.

"What are you still doing there, don't you know how to run?!" Henry's voice thundered slightly, snapping Neo out of his daze.

He turned to him just after that and for a second there, his eyes looked normal until they suddenly turned crimson and lifeless.

Neo staggered a few steps back into his room as he slowly raised his sword to point it at him.

"It's your turn now." He uttered, as a sinister smile, one that he had never seen on his father's face before slowly crawled up his face.