

Having a past that is darker than night. Having a past with many dark secrets. A secret that has been hidden for a thousand of years. Can Sabrina Lexi Muentes discover this secrets?

CHAPTER 1: New beginning

"Mom this place look very scary. It looks like there a monster or something" I said while looking outside the place. We just moved to Colorado, where my late dad grew up. My. Mom decided to moved to this place because my dad was already gone so she thinks its better to stay in small village than in a city.

"Honey, you'll soon adopt to this place. This place is awesome" my mom said while driving. I look the place with disgust. Its really not my type of place.

I just sat still in my sit. I just closed my eyes, I hate it!

"Honey, wake up we're already here" I open my tired eyes and I don't where we are. I stretched my arms and feel so sleepy.

"Honey get out of the car" my mom shouted while she's at the back of the car taking out our things. I feel so really sleepy, I just catched up my sleep.

"Sabrina!" good thing, my mom shouted my name.

"Okay, okay!" I said and quickly went out of the car. I froze when I saw the mansion.

"Mom, are sure were staying here" I said in disgust. Don't tell me were staying in this old and creepy mansion. Its like there's a ghost living in it.

"Yes honey. Oh come here and help me with this luggages" my mom said. Totally, freaking no way I am staying in this place.

"Sabrina!" my ears were irritated with her voice. I hate her shouting out my name.

"Mom, totally I am not staying here" I said while still standing.

"Will you just shut your mouth and help me here" okay! My mom is totally angry now. I think I just last here for a weeks. If only there's a way to get out of here.

I went to help mom before she'll shout at me again. We carried out luggages inside. I was totally amazed for the beauty inside of the mansion. There was a very nice and expensive chandelier hanging. The things inside like the sofa, tables and many more are like brand new.

"Mom who stays here" I asked and put down my luggages while still looking the whole place

"Your greatest great great grandmother" she said shortly.

"Greatest great great grandmother? Is she still alive? Where is she" I asked to many question. While my mom was fixing our things, she looked at me and came near me.

"Honey, you better keep still. This house belongs to your father's greatest great grandmother. Her name is Sereia. If you calculate her age right now she would be 930 yrs old" my jaw dropped after hearing. My head start in confusion. Who would stay in this 1000 yrs old?! And why this things inside doesn't seem to be old.

"For now honey better to keep still. Its hard to understand but soon you'll understand" she smiled to me and carressed my cheeks.

"Why is she that old? Is she--" she stopped my putting her index finger in my lips.

"Don't think about it" she said and went out of my sight to fix the luggages. Maybe this house is haunted.

My head hurts after thinking too much. I went to the kitchen to drink some water. Maybe I should not think too much. Maybe I should sleep.

So I went out the kitchen and my mom was finish fixing. We only brought our clothes and some sheets.

"Are you okay honey" my mom asked me and puts the back of her hand in my forehead.

"Mom no, I'm okay. I just want to sleep" I said

"Okay honey. Just go up. The pink door is your room" she said and kissed my cheek before proceeding to the kitchen. I quickly went upstairs because I really tired and exhausted. As I reached the second floor there are many doors and its hard for me to look for my room when I stopped in a crystal door. And there is a name written on it 'Sereia'. The door was very unique and different from the other door. I have the urge to open the door, as I was about to lay my hands on the door knob I felt my head hurts again so I run through the fifth door and open the door. When I opened the door I saw a topless man facing his back to me.

"WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" I scream. What does a man doing in my room.

The man was shocked after hearing my scream and quickly face where I was standing. Holy cow! My body froze after seeing such a god infront of me. He's so freakng handsome. And he has a perfect 6 pack abs.

"Done checking?" I was hit to the reality after imagining his body. I quickly look away.

"Who are you? And what the heck are you doing in my room" I asked him without looking at him. I feel so uncomfortable talking to a topless man.

He chuckled. This man is really gone crazy.

"You can look, anyway I-"

"Honey what happened" my mom came panting. We both look her standing near the door.

"Mom, what is this guy doing in my room" I asked her and she look at the guy standing at my back.

"You scared me Sabrina. He's just fixing your window because its broken" she said.

"Okay I'll leave you two. I am preparing something" she said and quickly get out of our sight leaving me with this guy. Seriously mom?!!

I look at the guy and he grin at me showing his deep dimple.

"Since you finish your work you may go now" I told him. I want to sleep, really tired. He pick up his things and went through the door. And he stop

"If I am not mistaken your the greatest great great granddaughter of Sereia" he said and I look at him with confusion. How com he knows my greatest great great grandmother.

"I just want to tell you, you should take care of yourself and don't go out at night" he said leaving me behind with a very quiet atmosphere. Of course I would take care of my self. Its none of his bussiness if I want to go out at night.

My was like a princess room. A king size bed and a pink celing and white cream is the color of the walls. And there are 4 big windows with long curtains that is tied neatly. I just went straight to the comfy bed. I fall asleep easily.

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"Honey wake up, its time for dinner" I open my tired eyes.

"Mom what time it is"

"Its already 7. Come lets eat" she said and stand up. I got up from my bed and join mom walking through the kitchen.

After I ate my dinner, I planned to go for a walk. Because the night is so calm and peaceful. I took my phone and went for a little walk until I came into a beach. There are no people around only me. And I feel the breeze of the peaceful ocean.

When I heard a strange noise.

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