

  So there was no way that Colton would betray me. As I kept running towards his neighborhood to get to his mansion, I felt strong arms wrap around me and Colton's sweet, masculine scent hit me. My running was cut short as he hugged me to him, his front pressing against my back as his lips rested beside my ear. His alluring deep voice murmured, "Please be understanding, Alexa. I cannot take it when you are upset with me."

  I took in a deep breath and let it out as I tried to stop myself from crying, but managed to say in a shaky voice, "I cannot take staying upset with you either, Colton, but it really hurt me that you can't tell me the truth. Don't you trust me?"

  He wrapped his arms tighter around me even more as he answered, "Of course, I trust you, my love. I just can't tell you now, Alexa. Please understand that and give me time to be able to tell you on my own time even though I am very scared that you might leave me."