
Vampire mate

Dawn the only one left of her kind or is that just a theory......

Emma_Simovicova123 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


I walked stealthily out of the room which I assume is a bedroom? Anyways I used my keen sense of smell to find what I had smelt before. After a few minutes of endless walking I bumped into a tall sturdy figure "Owch", I fell back on my bum when I looked up I was greeted by a handsome face jet black ruffled up hair and dashing golden eyes which flickered with amusement he was about 6 ft 5 or something so he dwarfed my 5 ft 8 figure I cried on the inside for being so small compared to everyone. "Well, well, well what do we have here" he said while taping his chin" before I could answer I was cut of by a loud booming voice which scared the hell out off me, "HUNTER GET YOUR HANDS OF OFF HER IF YOU DARE TAKE ONE STEP CLOSER I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD" boomed Sam.

Immediately, Hunter got a scared look on his face and straight away backed away and ran. " T- Thankyou" I managed to say still confused from what had just happened. He offered me his hand which I cautiously took in one slight movement I was back on my feet, "Once again thank you I will be off now", I quickly strode away towards where I could smell the field, I hesitantly looked around and began to run again. What I didn't notice was Sam with a big smirk plastered on his face.



I was just going for a leisurely stroll down the corridor when I heard a thud andd a familiar high voice 'Ouch' sounded in my ears for some bizarre reason I felt a wave of anger hit me, immediately I sped up towards the sound there I saw HUNTER with his eyes staring at her.... Without thinking it through I yelled with anger "HUNTER GET YOUR HANDS OF OFF HER IF YOU TAKE ONE STEP CLOSER I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD" under my intense gaze I saw Dawn with frightened eyes my gaze softened when I looked at her when I looked up I saw hunter running for his life "T- thank you" she muttered I offered her my hand which she hesitantly took in one swift flick of the rist she was up on her feet. "Once again thank you I will be off now" she stuttered. Then she broke off into a run and a smirk formed on my face.