
Vampire mate

Dawn the only one left of her kind or is that just a theory......

Emma_Simovicova123 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

High walls


I dont know how long I was running for but I came to a sudden halt. A wall with a towering height above me stood standing strong. Shoot I'm stuck I whimpered with a pout on my face, in my head my wolf Alexa responded to me in my head 'damn right idiot'. Jeez your nice aren't you Alexa I replied sarcastically after I blocked her out, I felt someones presence which sent a shiver down my spine I spun around on my heals but it was just the empty field. Something doesn't feel right.



As Im watching her run into the distance my legs move on their own and follow her 'damn what the hell is going on with me' I facepalmed myself internally. I saw that she came to a halt when she pouted my heart fluttered how cute she look 'what am I thinking' I shook my head. She turned around on her heel luckily I hid behind a tree and slipped away. 'see you later'



I found myself roaming the coridoors of this maze eventually I smelled a familiar fragrance coming from the door 'Oh yeah this is my room' I heard footsteps approaching in the distance huridly I ran into my room and pretended to be asleep. "Hey wolf girl, time to wake up your coming to see headmaster" announced Sam. I groaned "No im not going" " yes you are" responded Xavier, my alpha blood caused me to respond without thinking "make me" suddenly the door burst open with a loud bang my mouth opens in awe how did he brake that, darn vampire, next thing I knew I was slouched upon Sam's shoulder. I started squirming around while throwing punches at his back "Stop struggling it was your choice" he sounded so un affected, finally I gave up qs I guess I have no choice.


When we finally stopped walking I smelt another revolting smell a low growl erupted from my chest. Jack knocked on the door after a while a low 'come in' could be heard. All three of them bowed as a sign of respect "pfft" I couldn't contain my laughter if they really expect me to bow down they have another thing coming at them.


Thanks for reading sorry for the later release I have been busy with work sorry I will hopefully be doing a mass release now! Happy reading :) Like it ? Add to library!

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