The title says it all but let it be noted there will be a lot of side story and slice of life over action and what not. Also this will not be a harem and the romantic interest is already decided so just be aware. I do not own teen wolf or the cover picture just my OC
(AN: Okay, so on the poll I took on who was going to be the love interest I counted and Lydia won, even after making sure to only count everyone once since some thought they could just comment over and over again lol, unfortunately this isn't a Biden election...sorry that was in poor taste but I said what I said.... Anyways Lydia won but I still plan to turn Malia soonish.... Also some of the comments confused me and I don't think people are reading everything. They were talking about Lydia still being a banshee after I turn her.. I explained in the last chapter that the Vampire bite overwrites any other supernaturalness....or whatever the word is... Basically.. There will be no hybrids, trybrids, or any other complicated nonsense. Lydia will be 100% Vamp. No banshee nothing popping up for conveniences later.. The only screaming she will be doing will be due to the spankings she'll be receiving from Daddy Ray... Okay I'm done lol...Enjoy this chap!)
"Oh you look nice!" Mary exclaimed when she same me walking up the stairs from the basement. "Wish you wouldn't wear holy pants on your first day but whatever you want I guess, hehe." She poked fun.
"Hardyharhar." I mock laughed at her joke. I decided to go with holy faded jeans, my boots, a tight fitted grey v-neck shirt, a black chain with a silver cross around my neck, and black gem stone stud earrings. "I may look a little edgy I guess but I feel comfortable since I cant wear muscle shirts to school... stupid dress code." I grumbled.
"I'm teasing, you look great Ray, now go find me a daughter in-law! hehe." She said with a laugh.
"I doubt that, haha. I don't know if I'll find anyone I want to bring home to meet mom on the first day, we'll see." I told her giving her a hug and grabbing my bag and stuffing my blood tumbler in it and grabbing my helmet. "What are you going to do today?" I asked.
"I plan on studying some more. I still have a couple days before I start working at the hospital." She said while waving the journal at me. "Oh and the new house cleaners are suppose to show up today so I'll be showing them where they'll be cleaning and where to avoid." She added.
"Okay just make sure they don't open any of the cabinets or the fridge. It'll bring attention since all we have is chocolate in the house, pft." I told her with a chuckle. "I've already locked up the store room down stairs and you have the key if you get thirsty. I'll see you when I get home, maybe go pick another movie for us." I told her kissing her cheek before heading to the door.
"I will, have a great day Ray!" She said as I walked out to the garage and my bike.
The drive to school was nice. It wasn't terribly cold out, not that I would have noticed anyways seeing as my skin is ice cold anyways. But the sun was shining and there was a nice breeze out. So the ride was enjoyable.
When I arrived and parked my motorcycle I drew many stares from other students in the parking lot. But I just pretended not to notice and buckled my helmet to the handlebars and let my hair fall free for a few moments. I pulled part of my hair up into a pony tail to get it out of my face, though most of it was still down. With my hearing I could hear several girls gushing over the cute new kid with the gorgeous red hair, and I heard several boys cursing my good looks. 'Sorry bros, couldn't turn it off if I tried.' I mused with a smirk before heading up the steps into the school.
After I found the office and used persuasion I managed to get into all of Stile's classes. He and Scott had most of the same classes together but I'd rather stick to Stiles since he's the wild card and still... my favorite male character on the show. He wasn't supernatural before so I can't explain how curious I am to see how the bite would have changed him.
(AN:I wont really be going into much detail when it comes to classes... I've been out of high school for just over 12 years and I don't remember much of it anyways, I wont even be specifying which class is which, that's just out of laziness... sorry guys...and gals...and other...)
When I walked through the door to the first class I saw Stiles and Scott sitting there and through my hearing I heard them discussing what happened to them last night. It seems that since they were both bitten Stiles already has it figured out after noticing the changes to his body this morning. 'Smartest person in the whole series I swear' I mused while quelling my man crush.
I moved to the teacher's desk and handed him my slip. "Ah, Raymond, one of the new transfers, I thought you'd be in one of my later classes but I see something has changed." He said looking over the paper. I noticed I had the attention of all the other students after he said that.
"hey, I know that kid... We talked the other day at the auto shop..." Stiles told Scott. "Hey Ray!" He said aloud and I just waved to Stiles and smiled politely.
"I see you know Mr. Stilinski.." The teacher said in a nervous voice. 'He probably assumes I'm going to be as much of a trouble maker as Stiles.
"Yeah, ran into him the other day. Good guy.."I replied.
"Well lets have you sit over in the other corner towards the back. I know there's an open seat by someone you know but I can't have my class disrupted any more than it already is with Mr. McCall." He said pointing to an empty desk in the corner of the room opposite Stiles and Scott.
"Understood 'Teach'." I replied before heading over to my assigned spot. I sat there for a bit listening to Stiles and Scott guess their way through some of the silly made up stereotypes about being werewolves. None of which were true but it was amusing nonetheless. Scott being a bit more practical.
"Stiles... The ring on your finger is made of silver, obviously that wouldn't hurt us or you'd be in pain right now.." Scott stated deadpanning and I struggled to stifle a giggle at their antics.
A few moments later I heard a phone conversation outside between a girl and her mom then I noticed Scott staring at the window with a racing heart. 'Damn bro, you haven't even seen her yet... Too bad it wont work out for ya..' I mused and hung my head in respect for a future fallen bro and his heart break to come.
Pretty much everything else happened like normal. When the bell rang indicating the end of the period, I gathered my things and started making my way out and met Stiles at the door who was shaking his head at Scott's simping. "What's up bro?" I said as I looked where he was watching Scott trying to work up the nerve to talk to Allison and failing as she walked out of the class.
"Not much man. Just watching something..sad..." He said and I chuckled.
"Seems like he's got it bad... Oh well he'll figure it out." I said and we walked to the next class.
The next few classes Scott was in other classes so Stiles and I chatted and hung out before he excused himself to go dress out for lacrosse. I decided not to participate as I don't really care to play the game or any of that...The only interesting thing about lacrosse here is Coach Finstock.. That man is pure comedy gold. I decided to watch the tryouts from the stands.
Sitting there I had to roll my eyes at the teen drama that was Lydia and Allison talking about Jackson and Scott and who was cooler...'So annoying.. She's sure pretty but her acting brainless and like a bimbo is honestly going to make me snap.' I thought. Then I really contemplated using persuasion to make her act like her true self and stop playing the part everyone thinks she should. 'No!.. yesss!... no! Fuck it... I'll let it be for now and deal with it later.' I mused as I stood up to leave after having enough listening to all their drama... It was entertaining on the show but living it is different.
"Lydia who is that?" I heard Allison ask Lydia after I walked past them back towards the school.
"Hhhmm? Oh he just started today too! His name is Raymond James, but I hear he goes by just Ray. He transferred here from Red River, New Mexico with his adopted mom. I had English with him earlier and he seems smart just lazy. But Christ the boy is nice to look at. And I heard he drives a motorcycle! If I wasn't with Jackson.." Lydia replied.
'Damn, I didn't realize she did her homework on me, haha. I wondered how she new about transferring from New Mexico..' I mused as I just smiled and waited behind the bleachers to hear what was said next. I knew it was hypocritical after I just got annoyed at their gossiping but changed my mind when it was about me but I was still curious.
"Lydia, hehe. Yeah he's gorgeous though.." Allison commented and I heard the crunch from Scott getting hit, probably from not paying attention to what he was suppose to. "Doesn't really seem your type though seeing as he doesn't play lacrosse or even show any interest in it since he left.." She continued.
"I guess..." Lydia replied and I could hear a bit of hesitation in her reply.
Hearing enough I started walking away again when out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of someone standing in the woods on the other side of the field. 'Derek..' I thought before deciding it was a good time to make my presence known.
In a flash I ran around and stood beside him. "Game doesn't really seem that interesting.." I said and watched him out of the corner of my eye, he jumped away and take up a defensive stance. "Why do you look so intent on staring the boys down? You seem a little old to be having fantasies about young boys..." I continued not taking my eyes away from the field.
"Who are you?!" Derek asked with a hint of anger at my barbs.
"Oh how rude of me." I turned in his direction and stuck my hand out. "The name is Ray!" I said with a cheerful tone before blurring into his space again and grabbing his hand for a hand shake. "And before you get yourself worked up, I'm way out of your league so I'd calm down if I was you." I said with a smile.
He then swung his other fist at me which I easily ducked. Then I dodged the follow up kick and released the hand I was shaking.
"Now, now... That's not how you introduce yourself. I gave you my name, it's only fair for you to reciprocate, Goddess I feel sorry for your girlfriend or boyfriend.. whatever..." I said with a smile before arriving in front of him wrapping my hand around his throat and holding him off the ground a few inches. "Now I want to make it clear this is in no way meant to be sexual.. I don't know what you're into but I'm just trying to hold you still." I said while he struggled to make me release him. "I will put you down but you are going to have to calm down... you see.. the sun is out and all this is getting exhausting..." I said and he just nodded and relaxed a bit.
I dropped him and he fell flat on his ass. "*cough cough* Ugh.. What the fuck are you?!" He asked...
"Nuh-uh... Silly pup.. You still haven't introduced yourself.. Do I need to teach you manners... Of course not in a sexual way.." I chided while waving a finger side to side.
"I'm not gay or into any of those things so shut the fuck up will ya? My name is Derek Hale." He replied angrily while climbing back on to his feet.
"Hey I'm not judging you, I may be old but I'm hip, hehe" I told him while wiping a few leaves from his shoulder. "And to answer your question, I'll leave that for you to figure out, I've left enough hints after all.... Now down to business yes?" I asked and he nodded hesitantly. "What are you doing here Derek Hale?" I asked
"There's two betas out on that field right now and I'm here to make sure they don't out us to the humans by being to extraordinary or supernatural." He answered not even pretending to be a normal human seeing as I'm clearly supernatural as well.
"Ah yes, Scott and Stiles. Good kids. A bit dumb but what can you expect from freshly bitten cubs with no alpha to teach them the ropes." I said with a smile and a nod while looking back at the field where they were all practicing still other than Scott and Stiles who are glancing in our direction clearly hearing our conversation. I just smiled and waved at the boys. "Seeing as you are more experienced at what you are you should teach them Derek... Of course I'll help if I can but like you've already determined I'm something else so I don't know how much of a help I would be."
"I agree to help them.." Derek replied and I raised an eyebrow not expecting it to be this easy. Seeing my reaction he explained. "There's an alpha out there, and he doesn't have good intentions, people may get hurt, he already killed my sister..." He explained and I could hear the pain in his voice. "So I'll help the kids, and any help you could provide would be appreciated, you're clearly stronger than me, and I have a good idea at what you are although I have some doubts since you're all suppose to be dead..." He continued.
"Hahaha, ah yes, we are, aren't we?" I confirmed with a chuckle. "Well like a trend I feel like we're coming back into style.." I half joked. "Something is happening... Things are going to get strange around here Derek..." I said seriously before turning my attention back to the boys and I could tell they were listening. "I know you two can hear us, so you know that we mean you no harm, but people's lives will inevitably be put in danger and you both need to learn all you can about the world you've be thrust into. Stiles I know you're smart, but please trust me on this, you're going to need our help." I told them and saw them both nod in reply. "Very good, now I'm tired, and thirsty, so I'm going to skip the rest of the day and head home. I'll leave my number in yall's phones, hit me up when yall make plans to train or whatever you pups plan to do." I said while tossing Derek's phone back to him and watched his surprised face.
"When did you take it?" He asked in confusion.
"Bro... I've had it for most of this conversation... Anyways, see yall later.." I said before disappearing from view. I made my way into the locker room and put my number in the boys phones before heading to the office to check myself out for the day. 'Persuasion has it's advantages...' I mused cheerfully as I headed to my bike.
(AN: I decided not to just jump into a relationship with Lydia right off the bat on the first day of school like I've seen done in a few fics.
Also my updates will not be regular since I got a lot of IRL issues going on and can't really devote and set amount of time to writing... Also I love reading so sometimes I just want to read and not have to worry about writing... sorry not sorry...
Anyways I hope you all enjoy the chapter! Still need some suggestions on what yall think Mary should look like! Yall comment a pic and I'll decide and shout out the person who's pic I choose!)