
Vampire In Africa

War was waged when the hunters and the hellcast tore the veil between the human world and the supper natural realm.The hunters wanted to have the ultimate power by defeating the five regions and rule both the human and the supernatural world. But little did they know the ultimate power was the seed. The seed of an unholy and forbidden union between the Vampire Queen and the Alpha King. The seed that possessed the ultimate power was on a forsaken flight to Africa to escape the second war. If only he hadn't made that damn promise to his mother. He never thought the creator would pair him with a soulmate and never had he bargain to fall in love with an insufferable beauty who was a light to his darkness. Would their love bring peace and unity between their families?

mariskywhite · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

The Confrontation

20th Century

"Where are you going?" Samurai shouted at Nikolai's retreating back.

"To see her!" He yelled back without stopping. Samurai was quick on the King's trail following him to the part that led to Lillian's chamber.

"Out of my way!" Nikolai demanded at the guard who stood at Lillian's door with a sword in hand.

"Sorry my King but the Queen gave me strict orders not to let anyone in." The guard said not moving an inch.

Before Samurai could stop the Lycan king he had grabbed the guard by the throat and threw him across the wall. The guard fell down unconscious, giving him enough time to speak with Lilian before he wakes up and call in all the castle guards. Nikolai used his foot to kick the door and stormed in.

Lilian beguiled not only the lord but the king himself only to be ignored after setting his heart on fire. His soul was delightful to see the sweet sight that laid in the bed but he needed to quench the spark of love that threatens to explode. He needed to be firm with his words, he let out a sharp breath.

"You ignored those who care about you and plotted behind their back. Yet, you speak of an unforgivable betrayal." He spoke harshly.

The king saw the fear through her eyes but soon vaporized into the air. "I haven't plotted behind anyone's back." She said with a cunning smile.

"Are you sure Lillian?" The king asked hearing the door close behind him. He needed not to turn to know who it was. Samurai came to stand beside him, both looking at the Queen with suspicion.

"Yes!" She spat.

The king Alpha was about to say something but Samurai beat him to it, "then why do you need a witch Lillian?" Samurai raised his brow at the Queen whose mouth fell open, consumed with shock.

The king chuckled, "do not let your bravery slip through your fingers now." Nikolai smirked at the numb Queen whose heart beats frantically.

"I do not know what you speak of." She said when she regained her composure.

"We know about the child!" that only from the king made her choke on her spit, blood rush to her ears, her heart went racing and all could hear it including herself.

"I-i do not know wha_" the remaining words died on her tongue.

"Don't lie Lillian, we have evidence. Why didn't you speak to us when you found out?" Samurai asked with concern.

Lillian gave up that moment, she realised there was no use hiding it. "I wanted to tell you the day I was force to sleep, I would have if you three hadn't connive against me." She accused with anger.

"But you still could have! You had plenty of ltime to talk rather than skimming with the witcher." The king voice cracked. Lillian felt the insult was a slap to her face because there was more to the Alpha's accusation.

"I was angry." She said turning her head away from the king's accusatory gaze.

Samurai could smell the King's jealousy from where he stood but he hadn't followed him here to see a jealousy and a lovers' fit. "Lillian, do you understand what bringing a child into our world means especially when you are a council head?" He asked her carefully.

She nodded, "I know which is why I'm taking the necessary precautions so no harm shall come forth to my child or me."

"Lilian, I am about to ask you a sensitive question and I beseech you to answer with all honesty." Samurai stated. Lillian nodded, urging him on.

"The only man you have ever bedded is Nikolai?" He paused hearing a growl erupting from the King. Lillian replied with a "yes."

"And you are certain the child is not of magic?" He paused waiting for a reply.

"Absurd as it sounds, yes I'm certain the child is not of magic." She said calmly.

"Have you experienced any unusual behaviour or symptoms?" he continued, his eyes lowered to Lillian's protruded belly.

"Why all these questions?" The king cut in.

"Sudden protectiveness, anger and new found abilities that I can't explain." She sighed heavily.

The guardian interest spark when he heard of the Queen's new abilities. "Which kind of abilities your highness?" He probed. The king listen attentively wanting to satisfy his curiosity.

"I attack the witcher without moving a muscle. I invaded his thoughts and strangled him without my hands. I would have killed him if he hadn't passed out. I felt I was taken over by a...." She couldn't explain it. This left both men stunned at the revelation. "

"Why that worried look?" Lilian asked, dreading for the unknown response.

"Demon!" Samurai said sharply.

"What?" She asked confused.

"The child is a demon. It seems you have forgotten of Nikolai's origins." Samurai announced.

The revelation tormented her heart, "I....I thought they were just rumours of mindless witches." Her gaze shifted to the King, "were the rumours true?" She asked, praying he would say no.

"Yes!" He nods.

The king continued, "the Oracle had told me I was his son." He said, looking conflicted accepting the truth than convincing himself he was the son of a witch.

"That explains how you had wings." With wide eyed, she mumbled to herself like a crazed woman.

Sensing her soul in affliction, "Lillian, you should know this!" Samurai said, surprised by the Queen's ignorance.

"I know Nikolai wasn't like us. But I never believed he was the true son of the Demon God though I knew he had Demon blood. We all know that lycans and werewolves have Demon blood flowing through their veins." Mira stated.

Sighing, "I'm sorry. I should have told you. It still won't change the fact that I would never acknowledged him as the one who gave birth to me." His voice was sharp and held resentment.

"I guess that also explains the electric current I felt flowing through my veins and why the child is still alive after I was dead." She clarified.

"Lillian" Nikolai said meeting her gaze.

"Why do you want a witch? Whiles Mira could be of help?" He asked her carefully.

"I thought none of you knew I was with a child so it was best I seek help from outside without her knowledge." She said with a saddened tone.

She disliked the fact that she would give birth to a Demon especially with their unkind ways. The thought hadn't crossed her mind because she thought the child would be a vampire.

"You haven't told us why you wanted a witch." Nikolai prompted.

"To conceal my baby bump." She said truthfully.

Samurai had buried himself in his thoughts for quite for a while and suddenly spoke. "We need to tell Mira. She could help. And with the pregnancy phase of Demon, the child's birth would be in a few months if my calculations were right."

"Yes the calculation is right." The Lilian retorted.

"Soon that bond will be broken, I need a scheme diversion before the people sense the broken bond and found out the truth."

"She and the child won't be safe if this gets out." Nikolai was troubled.

"The council will help you after all you are part of it. I have a plan which would work without suspicion." Samurai said, grinning.

"You have to meet with your people but before that we would have Mira hide your bump and you would stay in the human realm until the child is born then you come back to rule." Samurai mumbled.

"With the child?" Nikolai asked with concern."No, she would leave the child behind in the human realm." Samurai explained.

"How can a child be left alone without its mother?" Lilian's mother instincts kicked in.

"You will leave the child with a governess and come for your people. But you can still go back after sometime." The dragon lord said easing the worried Queen.

"In other words she will be going back and forth." Nikolai said when he understood what the guardian had said.

"Yes exactly. With that we could even hunt down the hunters and find out what they are up to."

"Killing two birds with one stone." The Queen smiled.

"Exactly." Samurai mumbled.

"But how would we be able to elude the people? They would feel the bond broken!" Lillian whispered with fear.

"Let's see if Mira could be of help with that if not we could always contact the Oracle." Samurai announced.

"We need to do it quickly before the bond becomes stronger." Nikolai chimed in.

"Else the people would be more scandalized at our abominable infidelity." He added.

"Do not worry we are all in this together and we would definitely find a way around it." Samurai assured the worried King.

The next day the council heads had a meeting at the Vampire Queen's chamber. They were planning on how to go about the Queen's pregnancy. Mira was shocked beyond words when she was told her friend was pregnant and the child was Nikolai's. At first she didn't believe how she can get pregnant for Nikolai since they were deprived of a soulmate. And Lilian wasn't the type to seek the help from a witch because of the risk involved and she wasn't desperate.

"I could hide her protruded stomach, its quite easy no sacrifices involved but the issue of the bond is another....."

"I sure something could be done." Nikolai chimed in.

"During the reign of the first council where practice of witchcraft wasn't just for mere witches, there was a witch who was known to be the most powerful more than the Oracle and had a journal recording history of rituals and spells during her brutal reign." Samurai reported, remembering how ancestors spoke ill of the powerful witch.

"The one known to perform sorcery using black magic for the Demons?" Mira question.

"Yes the same one!" Samurai stated sitting on the empty chair.

"I heard she disappeared into thin air." Lillian added.

"What my mother said was that she got chained to the walls of the underworld." Mira huffed.

"You mean the Demon realm?"

"Yes!" The witch Queen shouted.

"Anyway I would look through the witches archive and see if I can find the journal. Maybe would find a ritual for the bond." The witch finished off saying.

"Meanwhile, Lillian would be addressing the people later in the day. It would be best if you cast the spell." Samurai addressed.

"Very well then." Mira said and stood going to Lillian's bed.

"Are you ready?" She asked the exhausted Queen. Lillian nodded tiredly.

Mira stood by the bed, her hand stretched touching Lillian's stomach and then she closed her eyes. "De3 )kra no mmp3 s3 ani ehu no,y3 de ssie." She said for the first time and Lillian felt the baby moved. The witch Queen repeated the spell for the second time and she fell a cold air around her bump. The third time she repeated the spell Lillian could no longer see the protruded stomach. A smile of satisfaction appeared on Mira's face at her handwork.

"I guess we have one less problem weighed from our shoulders. Now let's prepare for the people. I will meet mine tomorrow and so would Nikolai and Mira." Samurai said looking to each council member.

"Why? Mira asked with confusion.

"We would have to explain to our people the Queen's disappearance beforehand. That she will be going to the human realm to find out what the hunters are up to and also informed them we've received reports that the hunters have allied with the Demons and are causing distraction to the human realm." Samurai explained.

"That sounds convincing with no suspicion." Stated Nikolai.

"But what about my lord?" Lillian question. She doubt they would be able to fool him.

"What about him?" Samurai raised a brow.

"Wont he be suspicious of us?" Lillian look worried.

Meanwhile, the guard at the Queen's door had been dismissed by the King before the meeting had begun, leaving the Queen's door unguarded. This gave the curious cat the opportunity to eavesdrop on the entire conversation of the council. He was curious when he heard there was a council meeting going on in the Queen's chamber. He found it strange that the Queen had avoided all of them when she woke up and now she was having a discussion with her co-councilmen.

'Had she forgiven them so soon?' He asked himself.

His jaw dropped when he heard Samurai informed Mira that the Queen was pregnant. He nearly screamed impossible if he hadn't reminded himself that he was eavesdropping and stood strong. At first he could not understand why his Queen had avoided him too since he wasn't guilty in anyway but now he understood why.

A wave of dizziness struck him like lightning when he heard the child was Nikolai's. How was this possible? No council head has been able to procreate once they sit on the throne. The council were chosen by the Oracle and who were already blessed with abilities by the creator and it was known that they can't procreate that was why they had no soulmate.

But that wasn't all, a pang of jealousy stabbed his chest. The woman he love bore someone else's child. A bastard child, no not even a bastard child but an abominable child. And the worst is it was a Demon. A demon in their realm. Thought the angry lord. His blood boil with anger at the Queen's betrayal. He could no longer tolerated it so he left without listening to the end of the conversation.