
Vampire In Africa

War was waged when the hunters and the hellcast tore the veil between the human world and the supper natural realm.The hunters wanted to have the ultimate power by defeating the five regions and rule both the human and the supernatural world. But little did they know the ultimate power was the seed. The seed of an unholy and forbidden union between the Vampire Queen and the Alpha King. The seed that possessed the ultimate power was on a forsaken flight to Africa to escape the second war. If only he hadn't made that damn promise to his mother. He never thought the creator would pair him with a soulmate and never had he bargain to fall in love with an insufferable beauty who was a light to his darkness. Would their love bring peace and unity between their families?

mariskywhite · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Ignoring them

20th Century

Lilian usual cheerful spirit was now tainted with hostility and her sweet disposition was gone. Her head was turned away from him as she stared at the empty space. The walls of her room held colourful designs which was comforting unlike these two, she thought to herself.

The first thought that came to mind when she woke up was if her child was alive. She couldn't feel any heartbeat except that of hers and the anxious Alpha. She badly wanted to scream and shout at the two men most especially Samurai. He was supposed to be the sensible one since Nicolai's brain was clouded with love and protectiveness. She wasn't surprised Mira and the Alpha had betrayed her but Samurai, it was unbelievable.

"Why don't you wish to see me?" He asked, like a lost puppy who seeks his master's attention.

"I have no tongue to speak to you either." Came a quick reply from Lilian.

"but you know I am a man of conversation." Nicolai was truly stubborn. He still had the face to argue with her after betraying her trust.

"My presence will be excused." Samurai suddenly announced, wanting to give them privacy.

"Do take him along." She mumbled quietly, not sparing him a glance since she woke up.

Samurai understands she was angry at him and that was why she had ignored his presence. At least he was right when he said she had a soft spot for the stubborn king. Nicolai finally accepted the rejection with alacrity and stood up and followed Samurai out.

"What they did was meant to happen." A soft voice whispered in her ears.

"Sometimes your presence is a curse. You make an appearance to give sour news." Lilian muttered to the room's emptiness. She was aware of the invisibile force and knew perfectly who it was.

"This time, I fear I won't be the bearer of sour news." She came out of nowhere revealing herself. Her horrendous physic no longer scared Lilian. Growing up she had been scared of the being with one eye in the forehead.

The Queen sighed heavily, "what I wish to confess is hard to explain."

"Try me!" The Oracle said.

"I think I'm with seed." She closed her eyes again, fearing to see the horrific look of displeasure on the Oracle's face. "Nicolai's seed. Its unspeakable but I believe he is my soulmate. It sounds silly because we have no soulmate." The Queen added, her long lashes fanning her beautiful red eyes.

"The mind has a way of making the unthinkable justifiable. I believe the creator made it so." The Oracle whispered as she laid beside Lilian on the bed.

"I fear for my life and that of my offspring. What about my people? Won't they revolt against me?" She asked with fear.

"That I can't foresee nor tell but the universe will take it course." The Oracle spoke with uncertainty. The one eyed supernatural being looked at the ceiling.

"So then is it true?" Lilian turned her head to the woman beside her.

"What?" The Oracle's eye moved frantically in it socket.

"That I will bring forth!" She said quietly. Afraid other might hear.

"You uttered it." The Oracle smile for the first time in decades.

"I did but I wanted to be certain and that's why I confessed to you. You haven't denied nor confirmed it." Lilian was anxious and the woman was playing with her patience.

"There might be truth to your current plight or maybe not but I'm as confused as you are. The Angelis haven't spoken to me on the matter at hand. But let your curiosity recede whiles patience proceed." With that said. The Oracles disppeared as Mira made an entrance, leaving the bed light weight.

" You have no idea how thri..."

"there, don't came closer!" Lilian stopped Mira with a straight face.

Mira couldn't believe her ears. Was her friend angry at her but at what crime? She had sensed the Oracle's aura when a guard had come to announce the return of their Queen. She immediately stopped performing her rituals and came to see her. But why was Lilian angry. Her face was devoid of any emotion except the angry tone earlier.

The confused but thrilled Mira could only mouth "why?" This earned her a resentful look from her co-Queen.

"A person I consider a friend and a sister turned to stabbed me in the back. I do not wish to be in the same room with you. Please leave!" Lilian said coldly.

"I'm sorry! I was worried about y.."

"Please leave!" She said cut in.

If she wasn't so angry at Mira, she would have complimented on her outfit. It was the first time she had seen Mira in a tight leather pants and cotton blouse with boots to match. She look like a badass in the human realm. Mira turned to walk away but stopped when she heard a soft giggle. Was the Vampire laughing at her despite being angry at her. Nonetheless, Mira continued her walk.

Lilian couldn't help but laugh at her friend's backside. The view was nice from where she slept. Watching her sway her hips from left to right. "Only if Samurai could see this view." She sighed when the door closed.

"You can come out now." Lilian mumbled to the empty room. Her eyes looking everywhere but no one appeared. She sighed with frustration.

The damn Oracle is gone just when she had asked her the one question which is been eating her heart out and badly wanted an answer to it. But the old hag kept beating around the bush.

"Guards!" She summoned and a guard clothed in armor came in abruptly, bowing to his Queen on one knee.

"My Queen, you sent for me?" The guard who was always stationed outside the Queen's chambers asked.

Lilian tried to sit up but she was too weak. Her little argument with her to co-councilmen had left her completely exhausted. "I need a healer? Was one assigned to me?" She needed answers and she was going to get them.

"Yes, the witcher but he got thrown into the dungeons beneath the castle an hour ago."

"What! Why? Who is responsible for this?"

"The Queen and the king" he said with fear. Why wasn't she surprised. She was sure the king out of jealousy and Mira, protectiveness.

"Have him released immediately! And have my Lord announced my awakening to my people. Their distress is wearing me thin. I can't recover on their fear!" She said weakly.

"Yes my Queen!" With one last bow he left.

Few minutes later the guard had brought in the witcher and left. The witcher was thrilled to see his Queen awake. He need not to burden his thoughts of his untimely savage death that was promised to him. "I'm glad to see my Queen awake and in one piece." He bowed his head slightly.

"I heard you nursed me back to life? Is that true?" She asked sceptically.

The witcher answered with a nod, "why? I was not injured but comatose." The Queen looked frantic.

"On the hundredth day, you failed to return to your body. The council called me to find out why." He replied with ease.

"Why?" She questioned but the witcher only shrugged innocently. She knew the witcher's tongue withheld the truth.

"Strangely, my healer fails to ensure my health is his topmost priority. Or perhaps you have manipulated your diagnosis." She accused the man who not long ago was thrilled that the Queen waking up would save him only for him to fall into more threats.

"My Queen," His eyes were wide. He was certain his ears heard clear.

"The witcher of this land is not efficient. Best described as incompetent and treacherous! For his Queen was weak." She had a smug look on her pale face. Although rumours of the Vampire Queen's temper was horrifying, it wasn't as bad as the King's terrible reputation. But now having witness the threat against his life by his Queen for the first time he believes otherwise. The Queen was being unjust to him after saving her life and now his reward was accusations of treason.

"I've heard of the Queen's kind nature to her people, therefore I beseech the same kindness." The witcher pardoned the Queen.

"I am well pleased to heard that my loyal servants praised me of my good nature. It's not fair they don't speak of my ill temper. I sure you agree that disloyal children don't deserve their mother's kindness. Now If you don't want to rot away in the dungeon for all eternity, I suggest you tell me why I hadn't woken up when I was supposed to." Her voice came out threatening than ever. She spat up, all traces of smile disappearing within seconds.

"My Queen, I am but a lowly coward and I dare say I can't speak the truth to your face." His voice was shaking.

The last time he spoke the truth he was nearly strangled to death by the Alpha. He can't live to see it happen again. Lilian was getting angry at the man blatant refusal. She was weak and didn't have the energy to argue nor punish the man before her. "Out with it! Now!" She said coldly, having lost tolerance.

"My Queen, I believe you are with a child although I know its impossible and you could have my head but I'm certain about my diagnosis." Fear flash through the man's eyes as he legs begun to wobble.

She still had a straight face which made the witcher fear even more. He was definitely going to die if she didn't believe him but then who would believe such an outrageous nonsense. He can't explain it him self how the woman is pregnant without her beloved. Magic was his only explanation. "Let's assume I believe you. Is the child still alive?" She was too calm thought the witcher.

"Yes, my Queen!" He replied.

"Do you think me stupid!" the Queen shouted, raising her piercing voice which nearly bled him deaf. He should have known her calmness was only but a facade.

The witcher stepped back, "n- no my-my Queen." He stammered.

"Then how could I hear only two heartbeat in this room instead of three?" She raised a brow questionably.

"You are weak and so is the child my Queen. The heart beat is faint that's because the child feeds off your energy. Which is deteriorating your health " He replied quickly.

The queen's cynical laughter made the witcher doubt the mental state of his Queen. The witcher was certain the child is of magic, stealing the Queen's sanity. Lilian's eerie laughter died down as she watched the witcher with amusement. Only if that damned Oracle hadn't disappeared, she won't be in disarray now. What if the witcher was truthful about her condition. She has been weak for a year before she was force to sleep which explain the sweat. And they thought it was stress from the war.

Suddenly, she felt the bond between the people and her grow stronger. It has been centuries since she felt the bond this strong. It seems her absence was disturbing and frightening to her people and now that they can sense her, they've calmed. Volts of electric currents flowed through her being, energizing her for a brief moment. Strangely, she never felt such before neither did she have such power.

The lord had recovered a bit of his strength when he woke up. The Queen's guard came to inform him about the Queen awake. He went nigh out of his mind at the joyful news. The news only was the medication he need at the moment. He summoned the people within the hour through their mind link and announced their Queen's return.

"Alas," said the lord who burst in, ignoring the witcher's presence.

"You are awake!" He kissed the Queen's hand with joy. The lord felt a wave of dizziness and he quickly raised his head. But it was too late as he fell down on his knees and swooned.

"Oh heavens!" The Queen exclaimed with shock as she looked down at the man who had dropped down by her bed.

"Help him up to the chair." She said to the witcher quickly, fully knowing she was the cause. She needed to finish the conversation with the witcher without any interference from whosoever.

"He looks worn out! What happened to make him pass out?" Her acting skills was excellent that the Vampire suspected nothing but rather felt touched at the worried Queen.

'So the Queen cares only for the lord but not him. Wasn't he part of her children?' The witcher asked himself, he dragged the Lord's body to the nearest chair and came to stand at his previous position. Confused at how all of sudden he became jealous of the lord.

But when he remembered that his Queen was pregnant, then he understood his pang of jealousy. It was explained by the Angelis to the Oracle that the reason the creator deprived council men and women a beloved or soulmate was because of the bond they share with the people they represent. Council heads are like parents towards their people. They are able to control their people through the bond.

Having a soulmate would mean they would have to procreate. And the pregnancy process would disrupt the natural bond between the people and their representative. Hence, a new bond would be formed between the mother and child or father and child, bringing jealousy and chaos among the people since they can no longer be controlled.

"He passed out because he gave you a lot of his blood. He needs to regain his strength."

"Will he revive?" the Queen asked anxiously.

"With the required rest and blood, he will be awake in good health." The witcher retorted.

Within a blink of an eye, the witcher felt a force pulling him towards the Queen's bed. He had no control over his body. It was as if he were a puppet whose locomotion was determined by the master. Now he was certain it was black magic when the invisible force was strangling his neck. He tried to speak as his hands held his throat, he coughed out dryly.

He look to his Queen for help who had an evil smirk on, "now for your own sake I hope news of what we have spoken doesn't leave the four corners of the room.This is just me testing my power to which I do not know the full extent of it." She threatened.

He felt the hold around his neck tightened. He could not longer breathe, his eyes were failing as he tried to struggle from the invisible force.

Damn the woman, was she trying to kill him.

"Now don't try to fight me, its futile." He heard the Queen's voice in his head before he got welcomed by the darkness.