
Vampire In Africa

War was waged when the hunters and the hellcast tore the veil between the human world and the supper natural realm.The hunters wanted to have the ultimate power by defeating the five regions and rule both the human and the supernatural world. But little did they know the ultimate power was the seed. The seed of an unholy and forbidden union between the Vampire Queen and the Alpha King. The seed that possessed the ultimate power was on a forsaken flight to Africa to escape the second war. If only he hadn't made that damn promise to his mother. He never thought the creator would pair him with a soulmate and never had he bargain to fall in love with an insufferable beauty who was a light to his darkness. Would their love bring peace and unity between their families?

mariskywhite · Fantasy
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19 Chs

A Different Dimension Part 2

20th Century

Nikolai couldn't believe that after days of being ignored by Samurai, he was finally ready to speak to him. Although he was worried about his friend, what he hadn't anticipated was that his leader was giving in to insanity without even realizing it. Previously when he had woken up from his unconscious state, he looked lost like he was in a different realm but now hearing him say it was unbelievable to his ears.

"Samurai, you know I've always been pleased and envied your wisdom but don't you think your mind is playing tricks on you." Nikolai said, clearing his throat.

"No!" He said vehemently.

"It's not that I don't believe you. But taking a look at your head wound, you must have taken a great fall which messed with your head," Nikolai paused to look at Samurai's head bandage. 

"You can't lose your brains now to a fraction of your imagination." Nikolai add in a teasing tone, followed by a laughter causing the Guardian to frown.

Samurai sighed heavily and this is why he was avoiding him because he knew the hybrid won't believe him. "When I drifted off to a different realm, I could not feel my dragon. Don't you think if it was all in my head then my dragon would have brought me out of the so called madness? We could not sense each other. I felt empty like a human."

Nikolai opened his mouth to speak but ended up closing it because he knew Samurai was right. If his friend was going mad then his dragon should have saved him. "It may not be madness because as supernatural creatures we are immune to it. Therefore, I believe it was a magic spell casted on you to drive you to insanity."

Samurai ignored the contradictory nonsense coming out from the king's mouth and said, "whatever it was that dragged my soul from my body into a different realm where my dragon could not reach out to me is a force to be reckoned with. " Samurai's eyes blazed with fear, making Nikolai anxious.

Dragons are fearless creatures and if Samurai the Guardian lord was afraid of whatever force that attacked him then there is a cause for alarm. "As shape shifters, we can't function without our magic soul. So why would someone or something take you away from your dragon? After all you are your dragon and your dragon is you. So how is that even possible?" Nikolai was still finding it hard to believe what Samurai is saying.

'Whatever spell they cast on him has really worked since he believes that nonsense.' Thought Nikolai. 

Another thought crossed his mind making him stare at Samurai longer than necessary. "What?" The Guardian shouted looking at the king Alpha's horror stricken face.

"I-f you couldn't feel your dragon, it means that you were...." He could not finish his words. 

'Is that even possible?' He asked himself.

"It means what!" Samurai snapped at Nikolai's long silence. Even though he had read Nikolai's mind, he wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth.

"You were dragged to the realm of dead souls. It was written in ancient books that the realm of dead souls has two dimensions: the underworld and the dead souls itself. They said the underworld is in a different dimension but it is still part of it."

Samurai leaned back against the wall and cupped his face. "It seems the rumour spread by the witches when we were at the training camp was true." He sighed and shook his head.

"Sorry..?" The King Alpha was confused. 

'Shouldn't he be worried about being dragged off to the underworld.

"Sometimes, you hardly make any sense! But now I know why. You never took your training seriously because you were always busy flirting and chasing Lilian around like a lower witch with her flying broom." Samurai freed his face from his palms.

"It was a hellcast who said that but the ancient scroll stated that the realm of dead souls consists of the underworld, red realm and sea of souls. And not the nonsense that your tongue speaks of it having two different dimensions which hardly makes any sense. You only make sense when it involves Lillian." He added to insult the king.

A memory of him giving Lillian a red rose which in return earned him a slap from her invaded his thoughts. The Life they had at the training camp school was memorable. He so wished they were back there, training to become councilmen.

Wiping off the silly grin from his face, "I did not spend all my training days chasing after Lillian." He said with a straight face.

"Say whatever helps you sleep at night. If my instincts are right then I believe I was in the red realm." Nikolai looked at Samurai as if he had grown the Oracle's horn on his forehead.

"We don't know what the red realm looks like therefore you can't conclude. I'm still not certain if it was even the realm of the dead souls. It was only a speculation." Nikolai turned to face his friend.

"You said you felt two different forces right and one was powerful than the other?" Nikolai asked, wanting to be certain if he heard him right the first time. 

"Yes it was exactly what I said earlier."

"And you are certain it wasn't the Oracle?" Samurai nodded at the question.

"I think it could have been an Angeli!" Nikolai said.

This time it was Samurai who burst out laughing. 'And he said I was going mad!' His subconscious mocked. Samurai blinked at his friend, "really" he said mockingly. "What of the other voice that held sadness?"

"I don't know!" he shrugged off, scratching his black hair.

"I didn't spend days in hibernation to come listen to this." Which was true, for days after Nikolai tricked him, he purposely ignored everyone to think about what happened to him.

"We know Angelis made their presence known only to the Oracle. So it could never have been one. I think it was the demon king and the powerful witch!" He said firmly.

"What! That is preposterous!" The King Alpha spat out.

"Is it?" Samurai challenged with a raised brow.

"It was more powerful than the Oracle and it even called my ancestor's name." He revealed.

"You mean Ame...." Samurai quickly slapped Nikolai's mouth preventing him from finishing what he was about to say.

"Have you forgotten no one speaks the name." Samurai whispered, ignoring the King who was throwing death glares at him for covering his mouth.

He bit on the dragon's hand and he quickly freed him. "You also believe that nonsense!" Nikolai slapped his face.

"I do! Have you heard someone ever mention the name before?" he asked the king who took time thinking about it before he finally shook his head and mumbled "no!"

"Exactly! That is why they called him The unknown!" and Nikolai burst into laughter, this made Samurai get annoyed at the king Alpha because he took everything as a joke. 

"And what are Demons also called then?"

"The unseen or simply Demons!" Samurai retorted.

"Really," he stopped laughing, "I thought the unknown was for Demons?" Nikolai questioned.

"No! The unknown is given to anything related to the realm of dead souls or the underworld whiles the unseen is to the Demons realm. "

"Then why is your ancestor named the unknown?"

"How did you become a council member?" Samurai replied with a question.

"You don't know anything about ancient supernatural beings all you are good at is getting in between Lillian's legs!" He scolded and the King frown at the latter part of his words.

"Enough with this! I get daily it from my Demon. Don't add more to it." He pleaded.

"My ancestor was said to have been created from the fires of the underworld." He finally answered the ignorant King.

"I thought that was him? Is he an ancestor to you as well?" Nikolai asked with a wide eyes filled with shock.

Samurai sighed, slapping his face at his friend's stupidity and ignorance. 'Didn't Nikolai learn anything when he was with the witches?' He asked himself.

"No! We are not related in any way if that is what you meant. Your father was once an Angeli. We weren't taught how they were created." He said, looking at his friend carefully.

Samurai shook his head, 'he can ask the stupidest question any ears could be burdened to listen to.' He said inwardly.

"So do you know why no one speaks his name." Nikolai quirk his brow.

"The actual reason no. But the previous lord my uncle, said it was because his name held immense power because he was named by the creator." Nikolai sighed at Samurai's response. He had heard of it at the witches' training camp when he was growing up but he never believed it. Because he wasn't the one to believe in such rumours.

"How did he die?"

Samurai shrugs, "what I heard was that his soul got poisoned by the Demon king." This made Nikolai tense.

"You can't keep freezing or becoming angry each time you hear his name. I have told you already, that you need to ki.."

"Samurai," he cut him off, "don't begin with me killing him. Let's focus on yourself and what you think happened to you." The King Alpha said quickly.

"With the veil restored, I don't think it him who made his presence known in our realm after all the veil wasn't made not only for humans but most especially demons."

"I know what I felt Nikolai!" He snapped.

"And I believe you. But a Demon came on!" he slapped his friend's back. "Could be Mira trying to get in touch with you."

"No it's not her. Certain forces don't need the veil to be in this realm. For instance the Demon king, he has a lot of reason to make himself known. It could be an Angelis like you stated earlier or maybe the powerful witch!" He said, he knew what he felt but he didn't know how to convince the king.

"The later part doesn't make sense because we are not even certain of her existence but an Angelis? Why are you the Oracle now?" Nikolai burst out with laughter at his own silly question. 

When his laughter died down he said, "it now comes down to him. I think you are right. It was definitely him." He said with a straight face refusing to acknowledge the Demon's title.

"It could also be him playing mind games on me, acting as the distress woman. It's the only logical explanation excluding the powerful witch's theory."

"Why appear now all of a sudden?" The king Alpha asked with a painful hoarse voice.

"You," Samurai said and his friend froze.

"Nikolai.." he called out to him.

"After all these centuries. He wants to play the Dad figure now, I doubt it." The king Alpha yelled angrily.

"Unless maybe he is not after you but something else." 

Samurai paused for a second thinking, 'Could it be that the Demon king is planning another attack on their realm?' He asked himself.

The infestation of the Demons happened decades ago even before they were all born. 

'What does he want all of a sudden after decades?" Samurai asked no one in particular as the king Alpha was also lost in thought.

Suddenly it dawned on him, his gaze meeting the King with the same intensity. Both eyes held confusion and fear, "the child!" They both said in unison.

"We need to go to the Human realm. Maybe they are in danger and it was Mira with the sad voice. She needs your help." Nikolai's voice panicked as he stood up.

"Calm down first. If they were in danger we would feel it although it's in a different realm. I was certain of something and it was not Mira. I know her voice and smell."

"He wants my child!" Nikolai suddenly yelled, both his hands run through his hair with fear" he knows about his existence and that the child is a Demon." He cried out.

"Relax and Sit!" Samurai said, pulling the stubborn king down to sit back in his chair. 

"Let us think clearly first. Please sit." added Samurai as he pat on the empty stool.

"There's nothing to think further on this issue. He knows the child is a Demon and wants to take him away." Nikolai shouted.

"He never wanted you so what makes you think he wants your child?" He questioned the Alpha.

"Isn't it obvious the child is a demon whilst I am a hybrid." He growled, smashing his chair to pieces with his fist.