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Okay so i sent the annoncement i think everyone knows what will happen in a few hours.

" So guys i think first things we need to build are the classe building, a wall and a lot of Traps what do you think ?"~Me

they agreed but we decided to do that after talking to the citizens.

" okay so it's time to clean up the zombies, but before that i have something to say, So you guys already know but i'm no longer human , Recently i've got a skill to change humans to vampires. what i want to say is i'm willing to change anyone who wants to be a vampire ,to be honest what we saw is just the beginning of what's gonna happen and i'm sorry but humans have a weak chance of survival of what's to come , and i don't want to loose you guys not to hunting or monsters and definitly not to old age because i'm kinda immortal we don't age and if any of you dies of age it's gonna break my heart, So why don't you guys thing about it and give me a response ?"

they agreed so i asked them to leave me and the fighting team to plan.

" Okay guys i have another skill that's allows me to transform 12 humans to noble vampires , and no i can only use it a

on 12 persons and the skill will disappear so anyone interested ?" ~me

"i am i've been waiting for you to ask since forever"~ said Alex directly

So i cut my wrist and told her to drink my blood and then i drunk her blood and used the make follower skill and i've got a message.

" Congratulations on gaining you first Harem member as a progenitor you should have a harem. transformation takes an hour

make followers (1/12)"

huh what the fuck why did it change from advisors and council to harem members fuck you system not cool.

i checked alex and she seemed to be sleeping then a red cocoon surroundered her i told the rest it's gonna take an hour to finish.

" ummm boys i'm sorry but i won't use this skill on you"~ Me

"what do you mean you won't why ?"~ brother

" I won't because when you turn you become a member of my harem according to system and no way in hell a boy is gonna f*ck me and you guys are family so that's two reasons"~ me

" oh i envy you right now you get a harem of beautiful girls"~me

" shut up, girls if you don't want to do it i'm totally cool with it i won't force anyone and i have to apologise to alex when she's done"~ me

" shut up silly we're already part of your harem now we'll gain more power and make sure to keep up with you, i think all the girls in the fighting team are willing to change no?"~ Amanda

all of them nodded so i told them that we should get to it so they finish at the same time, they agreed so i went through gave them my blood and started turning them but damn those girls they kept teasing me by sucking my blood in a lusty way they made me kinda horny 😩.

After the cocoon surroundered them i asked the boys if they want to be vampires they agreed so i told them we'll do that after the hunt, they asked me why i told them to improve their skills better i mean if they became vampires they get a huge boost in power and hunting zombies won't be a challenge anymore. they agreed with my opinion and we kept talking and making plans for the clean up, And i heard shuttering sound so i turned and saw the cocoons started to sbater of alex, cool let's see how they turn out....
