

Silene likes a prince. His name is VEMOIRE. He has black hair, white complexion and height is near 5 feet 11 inches. The one who has worked hard to get a handsome and 6 pec body and he is so attracted that someone is attracted to him Once you see it, keep watching. He is handsome and dashing .Vamoyer likes to run fast, climb heights, due to which sometimes he gets into trouble. His life is a royal life. There is a glimpse of the royality in everything he does. It is part of his habit to dictate to everyone. But there is also someone in front of whom he does not have one and he becomes like an idol, because probably he loves her so much that he does not want to avoid her talk.He fulfills everything.who is she?

daughter of vamp priest.

yes ,she is not Silin

she is Claire, daughter of vamp priest.