

They eat and drink. They are able to do all this because of black magic. They have a different kind of farm in which they can eat only fruits and vegetables that grow and they drink the juice of red pumpkin growing in these fields. Which is red in color and acts like blood.Pumpkin juice brings agility, freshness to the body of the vampire.

This Pumpkin Juice is also known as Witch Juice


long time ago ,When there was a pact between humans and vampires, a sorceress created magic seeds from black magic that were to be sown in magical fields to keep the peace .Fruits and vegetables grown from these seeds quench the old thirst and hunger of the vampire.According to this agreement, the vampires started living in the forests of the Dark Forest, away from people, away from human settlements, away from humans. The Dark Forest, where the world of the Vampire is located, is also bound by a magic in which neither can anyone nor anyone can come out of it.The world of the vampire is luxurious with no shortage .In this world, they have to work hard, just like we humans do, there is life like it used to be here. There is life as it is here.