
Vampire Deus

Dark Destiny was a 23 year old man, he grew up in an orphanage, without the love of his parents, his girlfriend was unfaithful, feeling betrayed and alone in the world, an encounter, will change the course of his life, will lead him to know his origins and the truth about the world, unknowingly he would become one of the most powerful entities in the world. >

KURO_SCAN · Fantasy
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23 Chs

moment of peace of mind

Dark who is being dragged into the teleportation circle by Stella thought internally.

[In order to officially be with Stella I must defeat them, she is my only family currently... in order to protect her... I must be strong... so strong to not lose to anyone, even if << God >> himself is the enemy].

Dark looks at Stella's face

[She found me when I felt like it was all over for me, when the only person I had betrayed me, I probably would have ended my life if she hadn't found me...]

Slowly something was igniting inside Dark, a small flame was beginning to form.

[All my life, without having a family, my parents died who knows why, in the orphanage they took care of me and educated me, but I didn't feel it as mine, it wasn't my family, we were people with circumstances. no one chose to be there, I had someone who was a pillar for me, but that pillar crumbled, but you came along to hold my world]

The little flame was beginning to burn brightly.

Dark had just been letting himself go with the flow of events, accepting everything that was coming, not thinking about what could happen, no... he decided not to, until now, accepting his new life, the opportunity he was given, accepting the woman named Stella, accepting his new reality

[In these two days... you gave me a lot of happiness, more happiness than in all my years of life, you are my family, you are my wife, you are...]

[The woman with whom I want to share the rest of my days].

A vast sea of fire appeared inside Dark.

Sensing Dark's intense feelings, Stella stops and turns her gaze towards Dark

Dark smiles at Stella and jumps up.

-What's wrong?" Dark asks, staring at Stella.

-Let's go on," Stella smiles at Dark and extends one of her hands to him.

Let's go," Dark takes Stella's hand and they head towards the teleportation circle and stand on top of it.

Stella activates the teleportation circle, then a white light surrounds them and the figure of both disappears.


-What do you think about that boy father?

-I don't know.

Akira is talking to Black Tepes, his father, who is sitting on a chair with a lot of papers on his desk.

-But...- Black pauses before continuing -I'm sure he has the power of a God... and not just any God- looking down at his hand Black sighs

He had a large burn on the palm of his hand.

[This is going to take a while to heal, he hasn't even trained and he can use that much power.]

-That much? -Akira is incredulous at her father's answer.

-Luckily he's married to your sister.

[If the Gods or Demons had found him... I don't want to imagine what would have happened.]

-You can go, I need to finish this.

Akira nods and leaves the office.

[She's lucky that girl]

Looking towards the window, as if trying to see a distant future.

-Let's get on with it-


-At last a moment alone- Stella entered the room and jumped straight onto the bed.

Dark who just entered the room, couldn't help but laugh at her attitude.

Only the two of them came back, the maid Clarisse, stayed in the castle for the time being, she didn't want to interrupt her teacher's precious time with her husband

-Tomorrow I have to go to the University - Dark says with a tired tone.

[Now I'm a vampire and I don't get tired, but mentally I'm exhausted, I want to get some sleep].

Dark walks to the bed and lies down next to Stella.

-I want to sleep- with a loud sigh, Dark disappears the black suit he had created with his power, Stella noticing he is naked, imitates him and disappears her black dress, being totally naked next to Dark.

-Stella opens her arms for Dark to come closer to her, noticing Stella's two big boobs, a great drowsiness attacks Dark, he sinks his face between her two big boobs.

He sinks his face between Stella's two hills, a few seconds later he falls into the world of dreams.


Stella watched Dark's tense face as he slept, gently stroking his hair.

[It's barely been two days, since you became a vampire... at least in part.]

A small smile forms on Stella's face.

[Even though you seem fine, I know you're not, that girl Emma was with you for a long time, you who were alone, for better or worse she was an emotional support for you]

Stella has a lot of mixed feelings about Emma, it's true that she cheated on him, but it's also true that without her, he wouldn't have lasted so long

[I'm with you now, I won't leave you again] hugging Dark a little tighter trying to convey her feelings to him.

Dark's face changes to a calm expression


Stella closes her eyes, to slowly fall into the world of sleep.


Dark has just woken up, with his face between Stella's breasts.

-This is very comfortable- -Letting himself be carried away by the soft sensation, he closes his eyes once again, seconds later he suddenly opens them with force.

[Right I have to go to the University].

Getting up quickly and trying not to lift Stella.

He quickly generates clothes on him, a black shirt and a pair of tight white colored pants along with some black colored casual shoes

As he tries to quickly leave the room he grabs the door handle with force


Seeing the crushed handle in his hand, he tries to grab his cell phone but it's gone.

[Right, it broke when Stella's father kidnapped me]

Looking around for a wall clock he catches sight of one.

[8:20 Am, I have 10 minutes to get there]

Walking to the window of the room, opening it and looking down at the floor Dark thinks.

[It should be about 3 stories high, though it honestly looks like more height]

Dark jumps through the window trying to fall as quietly as possible.

[Alright, we're off]

Feeling light Dark notices that he's not carrying his backpack with his college stuff.

[What a jerk, don't mind.... I don't think he needs them]

He quickly walks to the sidewalk through the garden and runs in the direction of the University.

[Huh?, too fast!]

He covered half the distance in just 2 seconds.

It should have been about 2 minutes, if I walk slowly from here I should get there- looking around for presences, Dark starts walking deeper into the city.

[Luckily there are no people around] Dark exhales with relief.

Double chapter :3

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