

This is a LeviXeren story, but instead of levi being human, he's a vampire! This story is based off of an anime named: AoT(Attack on Titans). I don't own the character's i own the plot. The question mark before Eren's name means he Isn't human. PS. Since levi is a vampire he's taller than he is in the anime and Manga. He's 6'0".Eren is 5'11" in this story. He's 18 and levi is 21. I don't own any of the characters I just own the plot. Preview: *Levi smelled Eren's arousal. He chuckled deeply and kissed him while moving his hand down to his little problem.* "Someone likes my attention~" *He purred in Eren's ear. Eren shivered in delight and moaned. He arched his back pressing his clothed member against his hand.......* Contains: Strong Language Fluff and some lime Mature content

Instinctplayer7 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

LeviXEren Part 3

A/N: Lime if ya don't like don't read.

(Eren's pov)

I stretch and open my eyes, I see sunlight shining through the windows. I feel arms around my waist. I look beside me and see levi looking at me, he smiles and kisses my neck. "Good morning, my love." I blush when he says that. His voice is raspy from sleep and I find it sexy as hell. He sees my blush and chuckles lightly he then stands up and I see he has no shirt on. I quickly look away blushing like crazy. "You can look now." He says in an exasperated voice. I look at him and sees he has a shirt on now. I sigh in relief and sit up in the bed, I look at him again hesitantly. He sighs and says "spit it out brat." I gulp nervously. "Uh, you called me 'your love' this morning and last night." He looks at me. "Yeah. What about it?" I gulp and look at him in the eyes. "Did you really mean that you liked me?" He sighs and walks over to me, he sits down in front of me and looks me in the eyes. "Yes, I meant it that way, brat. Do you feel the same?" He says in a seductive whisper, I shiver at his voice. "Yes I feel the same, captain. I was w-w-wondering if y-y-you wanted t-t-to go o-out w-with m-me?" Levi's eyes widen slightly then he smiles one of his rare smiles. "I was about to ask you that, but it seems you beat me to it....the answer is yes." He breaths that against my lips, I shiver at the closeness. Levi closes the space between us and kisses me deeply. I moan and melt into the kiss, he deepens the kiss. He leans over me more until I'm forced to lay on my back. He settles his hips between my legs and presses there slightly. I gasp at that movement, Levi takes this opportunity to deepen the kiss more. He slides his tounge in my mouth and explores the wet cavern. I moan and wrap my arms around his neck and press our bodies closer. He chuckles a little and presses his hips more between my legs and he moves his hips slightly in a slow grind. I moan against his lips louder.

(Levi's pov)

When Eren confesses to me while blushing I lose all self-control I kiss him deeply and push him on the bed. Then I settle between his legs and grind a little loving the feeling of him under me. His moans and sounds he makes are like music to my ears and just fuels my lust for him. 'Man I love this brat.' I rip his shirt off and kiss down his chest leaving a trail of red marks and bite marks. He moans even louder at my actions. I smirk and continue my assault on his upper torso. I feel his fingers run through my hair and tug lightly. I growl at the sensation and continue kissing my way down his torso. Then I kiss up his torso again until I reach his swollen red lips, I give them one last peck before I get off of him. I straighten out my clothes and walk out of the room. I lean against the door when I close it panting. 'God that kid stirs me up so much.' I think then walk off to go start my duties today.

(Eren's pov.) 

When levi walks out the room I sit up on the bed already longing for his kisses. I touch my swollen lips and smile. I fix my shirt and finger brush my hair then I go to eat and do what I have to do today. 

(Hoped you enjoyed this chapter my thirsty beautiful reader's. I'm sorry I didn't update earlier, but I kept my promise! I updated. If I made any mistakes let me know! I kept having typos so if my sentence structure is wrong let me know. Thanks for staying and reading my readers! Also 100+ reads? I only thought I would have 5 readers! Damn I'm good! Anyways that's the end of this chapter! I'm coming out of my writer's block. Thank God! See y'all soon. Stay safe and hydrated. Later!

718 words. Wow I'm coming back y'all!)