
Valkron's Vampire God

Hinata Fujuzuki,a middle age japanese man who through some misfortune had an untimely and suffocating death. But at the end of his life, a voice, that of artificial intelligence gave him a promise. The promise of compensation for his gruesome death, compensation through reincarnation. Now reborn in a new world, he is accompanied by a system, THE VALKRON SYSTEM. One of the many systems created by the universe itself, tasked with guiding chosen candidates in their journey to becoming Gods for specific worlds. Now Dubbed Ruthven Highlord, he sets out on his thrilling and slightly long adventure to becoming one of the many Evil Gods the universe has yet to see. [Extra Tags: R18+, Harem, Twisted Mc, Overpowered MC, Reincarnation, Demons, Angeles, Elves, Vampire Mc, Kingdom Building, Conqueror, System, Multi-Personality, Psychopath, Mature Content, , Intelligent Mc, Handsome ML, Villain, Anti-Hero.]

Azurian_Element · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Vampirism[1]-The Vampire's Hunger

Nicholas, now with a smile on his face entertained the thought of how their king, The Demon Lord, would react when he heard of Ruthven's return.

Noticing Nicholas's emotions, Ruthven only smiled before looking at the bowing demons in his room.

Up until now, none of them have raised their heads even once, this only made Ruthven wonder if he truly was that scary.

Still what caught his attention most was the younger version of Albert.

Catching Ruthven's gaze, Nicholas spoke...

"Master, I would like to introduce to you Sebastian, Albert's one and only son. Currently, his studying to be a butler under his father."

Nodding after hearing, Ruthven readied himself to speak when suddenly...

"Nicholas, Why do you say to...."

Inexplicable pain assaulted both his body and mind, Quickly, he held back his screams as a feeling of worms eating away at his stomach assaulted him.

But unlike when he was doing the tutorial and failed, this time there weren't any worms to be found.

Groaning once more, Ruthven gritted his teeth before realizing that....

He was hungry.

"How.... How could I be hungry when I just ate?" He asked himself.

Nicholas on the other hand, quickly noticed Ruthven's predicament and rushed towards him..

But different from Ruthven's conclusion, Nicholas thought that maybe truly back then in the Great War...

He was injured by the Four Generals.

As Nicholas neared Ruthven, he felt the thick bloodlust emitting from him and subconsciously, He stepped back.

Once again, Ruthven Groaned, and this seemed to trigger something in Nicholas as he gritted his teeth and neared him once more.

Soon, Nicholas closed in on Ruthven and before he could touch him, the word "Leave" was heard coming from Ruthven's mouth.

"But Master..." Nicholas's words were cut short once more as he heard "LEAVE!" from Ruthven again, but this time there was a chunk of killing intent, enough to cover the entire building.

An Uproar soon followed after the killing intent as a couple of the maids working in the mansion collapsed.

Elizabeth who had sensed where the killing intent was coming from, rushed towards Ruthven's room as she was joined by the head of the house, Bergroar.

Nicholas realizing the state Ruthven was in thought that it was best he not be interrupted, so as he sensed the servants heading towards Ruthven's room he left to stop them.

And The maids as well as Sebastian followed suite.

As Nicholas left Ruthven's room, He was met by three figures. Those figures were Elizabeth, Bergroar as well as Katherine.

Before Nicholas could open his mouth in an attempt to explain what the situation was to everyone, Bergroar spoke in a rushed tone..."What's Happening in there, Is Mr. Ruthven alright?"

The rush Bergroar was feeling was that of fear, fear of another war starting, because if Ruthven whom they assumed as a True descendent of the Blue-eyed Demon dies, another war would begin.

"You do not need to worry Father, Sir Ruthven Is just having a tiny problem and He said it shall be fixed as soon as possible," Nicholas said in a straight voice as He passed through the crowd of servants.

Bergroar wasn't in complete agreement with the words of his son, but as relief could be seen in his expression, he ordered his servants back to work.

Meanwhile, Ruthven was still handling his problems.

His eyes changed, his irises turned from their regular circle and turned to a more reptile like shape and as for color...

The white part of his eyes turned in to a glowing dark purple color.

His teeth grew exceedingly sharp and His skin took a pale color that resembles that of the Dead.

His shoulder length hair was now long enough to reach his Waist, and instead of being Black, it was a Completely silver in color.

The change that He had just recently gone through gave him a calm yet deadly aura that made him seem like a saint.

"Wh-what's happening to me?" Ruthven asked himself as he better tried to understand his position, and after a while of thinking, he still couldn't understand what was happening to him till the system showed up.

[Notice]: The Unique Skill relating to the User's Bloodline, {Vampirism} Has been Activated]

[Skill: Vampirism] A unique skill that shows a Vampire's true nature, Manly used when vampires are dining or are battling.

Type: Bloodline

Duration: ~/~

Activating Condition: The user needs To feel an urge to feed/ The user desires Blood.

Special Condition: The user has not devoured blood in a long time leading to forced activation. In this state, the user can go on a rampage depending on the time that has passed since the last meal.

Effects: The user shall be transformed into his vampire state and all his Stats will be raised by an unknown sum. The user will crave blood for A entire duration of 10 hours till the ability is subdued.>

"Huh, so this is the cause," He thought as he remembered the time that had passed since he was on the planet.

He then began to scan the information that was given, and while trying to figure out more things than he already knew, his attention was fixed on a certain point and That was his " Status".

The information had said that his stats would increase so he wanted to see for Himself how much they increased.

'Status Open'


Name: Ruthven { The first progenitor}

Level: 13(233/1200)

Race. : Demon - { Vampire}

Age. : 2010- {??????}

Status: Calm+{Vampirism}

Occupation: Evil God { Blood God Candidate}

Health. : [ 3000/3000]+{1500}

Mana. : 308]+{190}

Strength: 120]+{200}

Stamina: 100]+{150}

Agility: 89]+{111}

Vitality. : 50]+100}

Dexterity: 38]+{1000}>


"So that's how it is." Ruthven was Pleased with his stats, but he was also concerned about how the description said " An Unknown Sum".

This raised the possibility that he might also get a zero-stat raise the next time this happened.

This wasn't a good thing Considering that this state is one he needs when he has to feed and there might be a time when This requires him to face a strong opponent.

"Hmmm..... Oh well, I'll deal with that when the time comes" He said as he pushed the Status screen away and headed For the window.

The suit he was wearing started to turn completely white as it considered dining/drinking blood a formal occasion.

Before jumping out of the window, Ruthven bit his finger which caused a drop of blood to flow out.

While putting a lot of strength in his legs, Ruthven jumped high enough that it was almost as if he was flying.

He then began to swing around the finger He had just bitten so that the drop of blood would fall, and when it did so, He activated his skill {Blood Arts}

He activated His skill and the tiny drop of blood turned into a Tornado that swallowed His entire Body.

The tornado swelled around him For about a minute, till the point where changes could be seen.

Sharp Pointy edges, Bat-like in appearance Long red Coloured wings Grew on His back Destroying The tornado around him in the process.

Ruthven now stood above the city as a God while looking west where a place called the great forest Laid.

"Now Then Shall we begin," He said as His Face showed a hint of anticipation.


A/N: From now on I'll be doing bonuses chapters, limited for 10 days...


10PS a Day=1 Bonus Chapter same day

50PS a Day=2 Bonus Chapters same day

100PS in 2Days=3 Bonus Chapters

150Ps a week= 4 Bonus chapters In the week




10=4CHP a week.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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