
Valkron's Vampire God

Hinata Fujuzuki,a middle age japanese man who through some misfortune had an untimely and suffocating death. But at the end of his life, a voice, that of artificial intelligence gave him a promise. The promise of compensation for his gruesome death, compensation through reincarnation. Now reborn in a new world, he is accompanied by a system, THE VALKRON SYSTEM. One of the many systems created by the universe itself, tasked with guiding chosen candidates in their journey to becoming Gods for specific worlds. Now Dubbed Ruthven Highlord, he sets out on his thrilling and slightly long adventure to becoming one of the many Evil Gods the universe has yet to see. [Extra Tags: R18+, Harem, Twisted Mc, Overpowered MC, Reincarnation, Demons, Angeles, Elves, Vampire Mc, Kingdom Building, Conqueror, System, Multi-Personality, Psychopath, Mature Content, , Intelligent Mc, Handsome ML, Villain, Anti-Hero.]

Azurian_Element · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Nicholas Orpheus[2]-Ancient Demon

Stop your assault!!!"

A young blonde man holding a fist-sized Black Badge with symbolic runes and a red one-eyed pattern at the center suddenly commanded.

Seeing this, the guards that were bravely charging towards Ruthven suddenly stopped and in the next second, they quickly rushed to bow before the young blonde man.

"Greetings Sire!!"They said in unison.

Caught off guard by this, all present were suddenly dumbfounded, that was until words that made them all gasp echoed among the crowd...

"That's the Badge of the 'Orpheus Family'"

As soon as these words made their way into the lot's ears, they joined the guards in bowing...

Of course, Ruthven and Raiz were the only ones left standing.

'A Noble maybe?' Seeing the actions of everyone around him, a thought suddenly crossed his mind.

Not Caring much about the other's background, "What's your name boy?" Ruthven asked.

Once again, shocked expressions were visible among the group of people, but the more shocked one was the blonde man in question.

"Insolence!! Don't you know who you're talking to!!?" One of the guards suddenly asked.

After a brief moment of blankly staring at the guard, a sigh left Ruthven's mouth as he replied...

"And isn't that why I asked for his name?"

"YOU-" Just as the guard was about to speak, the soft and calming voice of the blonde man was heard.

"Nicholas Orpheus, pleased to meet you." He said with a low bow.

Shocked once more to see a noble bowing before a strange, whispers echoed among the crowd.

Ruthven let go of Raiz who was at the brink of death and moved towards Nicholas in a slow and carefree manner.

As for the now-free Raiz, as soon as he landed on the ground he began coughing out small amounts of blood, the fear still visible in his eyes.

Just as Ruthven was approaching Nicholas, a few of the guards with their spears pointed out suddenly Sood in his way.

"You not allowed to get any closer." One of them said.

Ruthven only raised his eyebrows slightly before heaving a sigh, and in the next moment every step he took released a certain amount of bloodlust.

"Seriously, if you keep getting in my way am going to end your miserable lives." He said as he strode past the guards, who for some reason could no longer move.

Soon, Ruthven was in front of Nicholas, and with his arm in front of him, he looked at the badge in his hands.

Nicholas looked at Ruthven for a while before sighing and giving him his badge.

"Did someone from the Orpheus family hand out his Eyed-Crest just like that?"

"Why would he do that, doesn't he know what the crest represents?"

"He must be drunk?"


Just like that, the whispering of the people around them got louder and Nicholas's mouth couldn't help but twitch as he looked at Ruthven, the one Infront of him.

Minutes later, Ruthven handed the badge back to Nicholas.

"Quite the interesting badge you got there." He said as he turned towards the gate when he was suddenly halted by Nicholas' words.

"You won't be able to pass through the gate without an identification card."

"ID!?" Ruthven's perplexed tone was heard.

"Yes, An Identification card is needed for a person to be able to enter any of our kingdom's cities," Nicholas explained.

Ruthven, surprised at how the barbarians he had fought less than a year ago had evolved to this point couldn't help holding his chin in deep thought.

That's when the system's words of saying that more than a thousand years have passed fully sunk in, and with this, a smile crept up his face.

Moments later when his thoughts returned to him, he looked at Nicholas...

"So where might one acquire this 'identification card' of yours?"

Nicholas who was caught off guard by this only shook his head lightly before pointing his hand to the majestic carriage behind him.

"If you wouldn't mind coming with me, I promise to provide you with an Identification card." He said with a sly smile.

Displeased by Nicholas' smile, Ruthven only sent a questioning gaze towards him as he slowly made his way towards the carriage.

"I hope you know the type of monster you inviting to your house." Were Ruthven's words as he passed by Nicholas, his eyes glowing in a slightly red light before returning to normal.

Shivers crept up Nicholas' back as he saw this.

After Ruthven got into the carriage, Nicholas bowed slightly to the crowd of people and joined him after a few words of apology.

Soon, the carriage strode off into the gate, leaving the crowd baffled by what they just saw.

As soon as the carriage passed the gate, a magical scene entered the eyes of Ruthven.

With medieval buildings left and right of the crowded street, fantasy scenes entered his eyes.

Except for Humans, many other races could be found on the streets, beast folk, monsters, and occasionally even some demons.

Sometimes occasional sparks of magic could be seen from these pedestrians.

"So this is what a fantasy City looks like, it's much more beautiful than one would expect," Ruthven said with his eyes focused beyond the shallow window of the carriage, But with a cough, his attention was drawn to Nicholas who was sitting opposite of him.

"If am not being rude, Would you mind telling me your name?" asked Nicholas.

Ruthven silently observed Nicholas before answering, "Ruthven... yes, I believe that is my name."

"You believe?"

"Haha, yes. As for my last name, I think it was, Highlord."

Confused by Ruthven, Nicholas tilted his head before sighing a long sigh.

"Well Then Ruthven Highlord, pleased to meet you, as I've said, am Nicholas from the Orpheus family." He said with a bow.

Seeing as it was done more than once, Ruthven couldn't help but ask, "Why is it that you keep bowing to me?"

Nicholas chuckled softly before answering...

"Am sorry, but the reason for me bowing would be your origin" He said, as his gaze drifted towards the window"If am not wrong, you have the blood of the ancient demons flowing through your veins... am I wrong?"

Ruthven only shrugged his shoulders and asked once more, "What are Ancient Demons?

Shocked by Ruthven's questions, Nicholas smiled awkwardly before responding...

"Ancient Demons are the first generation of demons that were born directly from the Mana of the blue-eyed demon, Many of the Ancient Demons died in the war against humankind but It was said that some ancient demons are still alive to this day but they choose to live in seclusion as they wait for the war to begin again."

Listening to Nicholas' explanation, Ruthven slowly nodded as he answered...

"When you put it that way... I guess you could say am an Ancient Demon" Were Ruthven's words as he came to terms with being the first demon this world had ever seen.

But to Nicholas whose thoughts had been confirmed, his eyes could only sparkle as a bright smile spread across his face.

Ruthven was confused by the child-like expression of Nicholas, but as he quickly ignored it, he asked... "Are you a demon?"

Ruthven's question was based on a feeling he had when he first saw Nicholas, The feeling of a father staring at his child.

Yes, it was a strange feeling to the single Ruthven.

Based on this, Ruthven wanted to confirm his suspicions.

Hearing the question posed to him, Nicholas froze before a sigh left his mouth.

"Am surprised you could even tell... but seeing as you are one of the Ancient Demons I guess you should be able to do this much.

"Is that so?" Ruthven asked," Well anyways, why do you look different from the other demons I've seen on the street?"

Compared to the blonde handsome man in front of him, the other demons Ruthven had seen on the street had long pointed ears and small or long horns, and as for their skin, it was always different in color, some were red while others were dark brown and so on.

"That would be because of this," Nicholas said as he began to take off the ring In his right hand.

As soon as the ring was off, A pair of vertically facial forward horns grew from Nicholas's head, and his previously human ears grew longer while his skin remained the same pale white color.

His hair only grew from shoulder-length hair to above the hip length while remaining blonde in color.

"Am sorry if this might seem like me being ashamed of my race, but I have my reasons." With a look of longing, Nicholas returned to wearing the ring and his appearance returned.

"It's not a problem for me." Ruthven said as he slightly shook his head, and at the same, the words 'Status' were heard in his head.


Name: Nicholas Orpheus

Level: 20

Race: Half-Demon {Demi-Human}

Age: 18

Status: Worried

Occupation: Noble {Count's Son}

Health: [ 539/539]

Mana: 153

Strength: 76


Agility: 88


'Ohh not bad.' Ruthven thought inward as he came to a quick realization, "Demons are more advantaged than Humans."

"Young Master we have arrived!" said the Carriage Driver.

Hearing this, Nicholas hurriedly opened the carriage door and jumped out, "Master, there's something I'd like to show you. "He said

Leaving the carriage and following closely behind him, the word 'Master' played inside Ruthven's head...

'Since when was I your Master?'

With a sigh, he slowly shook his head, and when he stopped...


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