

A teenage girl who possess the most powerful magic in the universe was sent to an another universe full magic in which she unveiled many great secrets of her life. It is a novel, where you can experience all types of emotions from trust to hatred it was written in a way that you truly can be as a character and experience everything. Most importantly the novel consists of 7 members who are the survivors of many great problems. And 4 most powerful persons who saved the universe. The twist comes when Valerie discovers who the true power person of destruction. Author: 1_Shika

1_shika · Fantasy
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32 Chs

The turnover

It is 3:00 in the morning, Valerie was slightly frightened because it is a devil hour but she gained courage and came out of the bed and tip toed to the balcony without any one's notice she quickly opened a portal and called Eula to her side to have a help from her and Valerie quickly written a note and left it on a table.

Eula came they talked for few seconds and Valerie hopped on Eula and they are heading to the Death Valley.

Eula was kinda shocked to hear about the remaining but she told that she also will try her hard to help Valerie .

It was a 2 hour journey it was soo dark that even a small light is not visible .

There they are standing in front of a Death Valley . They thought they could tip toe to the valley inside as well but there was a giant guardian waiting for them .

He asked Valerie to fight with him so that he will be releasing her friends but little did Valerie know that she was being watched by someone.

Valerie without further thinking said yes and the guardian came charging towards her it was a miss she made a quick move and escaped and Valerie used the sword to fight him but it was an inch that Valerie May had fallen into the lava but there was a swift of light that came and pulled Valerie back and asked Eula to take care of Valerie with ease he fought with the gaurdian.

Valerie was furious that he came and saved her she asked him why did he end up saving me he dint replied and said let's start fresh I am Martin and let's go to save wait a minute you go and sace and I will bring the spaceship here . Valerie was in a confusion what was he taking but she don't have time so she rushed into a cave with Eula .

The cave was dark she lighted it with her fire and saw all the four member were tied together and they were unconcious .

Valerie ran towards them and untied she used her spell and power to wake them up and it worked Amelia woke up and saw Valerie and hugged her tight she cried hard, Valerie told it's not the time and woke up Catherine , lucas and Liam, Eula carried the unconcious Catherine on her back and they all sat in the spaceship that was brought by Martin . Liam shouted Lucas as it was his mistake that made all of them to go to that cafe .

Valerie came to his defence and said all of them to rest and not to fight .

After a while in the other hand Quinine who saw the note felt very sad . And thought it was her mistake not to sleep behind Valerie and comfort her …

It was a while when Valerie joined a portal with queen and their master and Mr quack sir .

They all insisted Valerie and the team to stop their work and mission and to come back to magix as soon as possible Though Valerie said sorry and it won't happen again Mr quack sir said no more nothing just come home .

Martin smirked as the conversation completed.

Valerie turned to Martin and asked is he the reason but no answer she too dint asked further and went to her room .

After a 2 hours speedy journey they reached magix and Gaurds took them the palace .

No one is understanding anything.

The queen , master and quack sir All are there facing the 6 members .

Amelia Spoke and said sorry for everything and said it will not be repeated again but queen just said stop .

She spoke saying " I am sorry it is my mistake that you Valerie lost your brother and victor left it is my mistake, I shouldn't have sent you to an important mission like this I know your just small kids no one is about 25 except Martin."

All of them denied it.

Mr quack sir spoke , I know it is tough to you but all the mission that you don't is nothing .

Everyone gasped and said what ??!!!!

Martin spoke ," yes James tricked you , in fact he is still in his deep meditation that has being going on from past 2 years everything is his magic all the fighting and likings you had is just an illusion created by him".

Valerie was excited and said that means my brother is not dead right .

Queen Said sorry Valerie I hope you know the answer .

She quietly moves back .

Today is your joining day from tomorrow onwards you are going back to magica thromp. Said the master .

Are we really going there asked Catherine.

Valerie don't let any one know that you are from earth they know in advance that you are the future queen of your mothers land said queen .

Now go and get ready .

Queen called Valerie to come with her and she went …

" I am sorry Valerie I was not a good grandmother to you and even now I am not being like a good queen I know you will hate me if I say you about your mother".

Valerie insisted queen to say it

" I am really sorry to say it but from the very beginning I had been so rude to you because I am not your real grandmother in fact I dint raised your mother she is my step daughter that's why I am jealous of your mother being soo powerful than my daughter and you too being too muck powerful that's why even knowing the truth I dint told you ".

Thank you queen for saying it talwaar now and I am going and I request you to keep this magix to your family and I am leaving to magica thromp now only .

Without speaking further Valerie left to pack her things she was devasted by knowing everything and quickly packed everything and sat in the spaceship before everyone .

She dint noticed Martin already being there .

Valerie started to open and read a book like nothing happened but soon she lost in thoughts and closed eyes there she was a women in white dress waving bye bye to her saying it's the time to concentrate and save the universe and your home planet earth and magix .

Martin pushed Valerie and woke her up he asked what is the matter .

Valerie said it's nothing and Martin said this is what I liked in you Valerie you will always leave the past and wanted to start everything freshly . I learnt it from you only Martin like see now you betrayed us and now came to our save and acting like nothing happened .

Sometimes you have to behave like this though it hurts Valerie.

Everyone came into the spaceship and waved goodbye to everyone except Valerie.

Catherine sat behind Valerie and asked her how was it to know that your going to join magica thromp …

What is magica thromp asked Valerie. Valerie you really don't know what is magica thromp .

No she replied .

It is a magic school and powerful school where we will be able to learn a lot of things .

Just like a school and collage similar to earth right. Something like that said Amelia .

So we will reach it very sooner so Valerie here is a quick review about it said Amelia and created a board with her power and became a kind of teacher and explained like this...., firstly the master Lee who is our worst nightmare always tries to find mistakes in us and next princess merinda who is our head chief and very sweet , and almost every teacher is very good as well as bad except one our magic tutor who is always so arrogant and lastly coming to the students the cheerleader is princess Julie who is worst and a kind of bully and a person who is liked by everyone and he is none other than Lucas every girl is head over heels about him.

Kinda different to know about it Lucas said Valerie…

Valerie said thank you Amelia for giving me a quick review and from now on we will definitely try our best to learn every technique…..

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

1_shikacreators' thoughts