
Valentoro Chronicles

Albrecht_Sieg · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Village of Trent

The sunlight shone through the paned glass onto the inn room. It was early morning, and one bed lay empty. A rustle came from the other, it was Morgan. She lifted herself up, and sat on the edge of the bed. Her hair was messy, and she was drowsy. She yawned and stood, facing the other side of the room towards a dressed Dalevoro. "I see you're finally awake." He spoke while counting something in his bag. "I can never understand why you wake up so early." She responded, almost irritated. She walked to the foot of her bed, and grabbed her dry clothes from yesterday. After she was dressed, she leaned over Dalevoro's shoulder to look at what he was counting. As it turned out, it was money. Silver, copper, and gold coins is what made this country move. "Are you planning on going shopping?" Morgan said curiously. He simply nodded while he continued with his counting, not breaking focus. "Get ready, we will be heading soon."

The town was bustling with life. Street vendors lined the market district, and peddlers made their way through the crowd. Other than the normal, many street preformers and shady men also make their home here. It was a lively area, even so early in the morning. Dalevoro and Morgan were just a small speck in the massive crowd. They walked through searching for a specific stall, until they found it, dried meat. A mandatory food for a long journey, it was hard to spoil, and cheap. It was common for travelers to buy this, as such this town must have alot of travelers passing by. Townsfolk normally don't buy dried meat, as they don't travel often. "I'll take three pounds of meat." He told the vendor whilst holding up three silver coins. The vendor gladly brought out three bags, and traded them for the coins. "Pleasure doin' business." The vendor said, seemingly happy for the purchase.

The pair continued down the market district, making haste. Dalevoro seemingly didn't like places with many people, so he hurried as much as he could. Morgan however, was fascinated by the many things being sold. Food, weapons, armor, even toys. All here in the market district, it truly must be a wonderful place, she thought. However, many people started to clump together around the side of a building, almost as if there was something going on there. Morgan decided to look, and Dalevoro sighed and followed her to make sure she wasn't going to get lost. The sound of cheering drew closer as the crowd split as she pushed her way through. A smiling man stood in the middle, holding an accordion. "Thank you, Thank you! The great Hubis is truly grateful! Do not worry, the money you have given me will surely go to good investment! That being the bar down the street." He seemed to be a bard, a seemingly good one looking at the crowd. "Till next time!" He said as he packed away his accordion. As he did so, Dalevoro noticed a glowing green gem on it. He knew what it was. "Hey bard." Dalevoro spoke. "You mind coming with me?" The bard however, seemed intimated by Dalevoro. "I-I'm not sure! I'm a very busy bard, I have so many booked performances, really the people love me, I'm famous actually. So I must be on my way!" Before he could leave, Dalevoro grabbed his arm. "It will be quick." He said as he dragged him to the alley way.

"N-No! I can't be getting mugged! Well, I knew someday my brilliance would attract people like you, which only means I'm getting more popular." Dalevoro sighed at the bard. He was started to get on his nerve. "About the gem." He asked. "Huh? Oh, that thing..." The bard responded, his emotions seemed to shift rather quickly, and for no reason either. "If you cause any problems with it, I'll make sure it's the last time you'll see it." As he said that, he let go of his arm. "T-Thank you sir! And don't worry, I may be a bard but I mainly use it for protection while traveling, can't have people ruining my beautiful face." And with that, he was off. Dalevoro watched as he exited the alley. Most people with those gems turn out to be a hand full. Although, he has three of them. They were no ordinary gems, they were something rather special. A catalyst, a magic gem imbued with a special kind of magic. They allow the user to wield magic. Even if you're gifted with the ability to use magic, without a catalyst, you're just a normal guy. Even then, they have a set amount of uses before losing their power. Recharging them takes a whole day. Nonetheless, Dalevoro didn't want people that could cause problems running around, he was cautious, maybe a bit too cautious.

Soon after, Dalevoro and Morgan exited the alley, but the sight had changed, the people were quiet, and the road was cleared for something else. A horn pierced the air from the direction of the town gate. "Attention Trent! The Holy Knights of Pravda have arrived! We will be passing through in order to gain supplies for the war!" The war. They all knew what they were speaking of. Around four years ago, the country of Milto broke apart, resulting in a civil war. With the death of the previous king three years before, the nobles couldn't agree on who to replace him, as he had no kin. A pointless war, Dalevoro thought.

The army marched through, their armor a bright silver and wielding either swords or lances. One man however stood out among the many. At the front, a man clad in silver armor with a white cape engraved with the holy symbol, the sun with a sword on top of it. He seemed to be their commander. Dalevoro instinctively turned away, he was wanted by them after all. He wanted to leave this town as quick as he could, although he wished he could have finished his shopping. As he walked away, the commander glanced over, and noticed his white hair under his hood. His eyes focused upon Dalevoro. He muttered some words too another knight, and took off after Dalevoro.

In the alley, Dalevoro and Morgan took a more unseen way to the inn. Unfortunately, someone was following them. Dalevoro stopped, not wanting to lead him to the inn. Instead he turned towards his follower, and placed a hand on his sword, preparing for a fight. From the shadows, the commander walked forth, and spoke. "Pretty odd for a man and a girl to be hiding in an alley, wouldn't you think?" Dalevoro glared at the man, he was up to something. "Let me see your face." He said as he glared back at Dalevoro, placing his hand on his sword as well. All seemed silent as no one spoke. Only the drips of water, and the breeze could be heard. Suddenly, the silence was broken by a swift thrust. The commander was many feet away, and couldn't hope to reach Dalevoro with his sword, even if he extended it. But his sword had a glowing white stone on its crossguard. Once Dalevoro saw this, he quickly leapt to the side, even though the sword was far away. Surprisingly, something did go past him, in the spot he previously stood. A glowing white sword was lodged in the wall behind him, slowly it faded away. "I suppose that means you're skilled, which is only making me more certain you are indeed him." Dalevoro drew his sword, and removed his cloak. Underneath, he wore three necklaces, each one glowing. They shined red, purple, and yellow. "Well now, this confirms it. I never thought I would find the infamous Dalevoro the assassin here. You've been in hiding for six years, no one has been able to find you. But now I, Arthur, will be the one to avenge our King!" With that, he readied his sword in a dueling stance. Dalevoro did the same. "Father..." Morgan said, seeming to be worried. Arthur heard that word directed at Dalevoro, and almost seemed to hesitate, but stowed it away. "I can handle this, stay back." Dalevoro ordered. Morgan stepped back, watching from a safe distance. Once she was away, Dalevoro wasted no time and dashed forwards, and thrusted the blade below him ribs. Arthur acted quickly, and swung his sword from below, hitting Dalevoro's sword forcing him to take a step back. Arthur used this opportunity to swing from above, down into Dalevoro. Dalevoro, being more agile than his foe, dodged to the right, and thrust his hand unto Arthur's shoulder. As he did so, his red necklace grew brighter and a burst of flame impacted his armor, forcing him to fall back. His armor, now partly covered in black ash. "Hmph." Arthur said as he showed no signs of being hurt, and readied himself again. Dalevoro did the same, but placed his hand on the ground. This time, his purple one glowed, and a puff of smoke filled the alley. Arthur was caught off guard, and heard footsteps coming his way. Instinctively, he shot another sword forwards, blowing the smoke away, but Dalevoro was already extremely close. All Arthur could do was block his attack. Dalevoro used this opportunity to use another spell, this time his yellow one glowed. Fierce thunder emerged from his weapon, being sent to Arthur through the metal. Arthur hurried to counter, and created a field of light that surrounded him, blocking his thunder. The sight was one to behold. Two men fighting with all they have, their powers matched. Breaking the stalemate, shards of ice shattered against Arthur's armor, forcing his field to fail. As such, he fell back once more. Dalevoro looked back, and Morgan stood holding her hand facing towards Arthur. "I told you to stay back Morgan." He said irritated. "I don't want to risk you dying, Father." She responded. He sighed, and spoke. "Very well, let's get this over with as quickly as we can."

Unfortunately, fate would not have it end that way, as suddenly a loud thud shook the ground. Arthur looked surprised, making Dalevoro sure he didn't know about it. "What is..?" Arthur said. A loud crashing noise filled the air, and screams were heard. Dalevoro and Morgan ran past Arthur towards the noise, ignoring him. "Wha- Wait, get back here!" He said as he ran after them. Once out of the Alley, the three of them saw a horrific sight. Two massive Ogre's rampaged through the town, crushing buildings and killing innocent people as well as the holy knights. Behind the Ogre's, was a broken town wall. They must have came through this way. They then noticed many smaller creatures rushing through the opening, running after people and murdering them relentlessly. "My gods..." Arthur said in anguish. He looked at Dalevoro, and back at his men. It seemed like he was debating on what was more important. He gritted his teeth, and moved towards his men to aid them. "We will take on one of the Ogres." Dalevoro said to Arthur. He turned around and seemed to be stunned. "What did you say?" "We will help, just focus on what you need to do." "Why would an assassin want to help? You're a killer of innocent people, and my King." Dalevoro was silent for a moment. "Just take care of your Ogre." Dalevoro then took off after his target. "Don't think you've gotten away yet!" Arthur yelled after them. He sighed and spoke to himself. "Today just isn't my day, is it?" He looked up, and entered the battlefield with his sword drawn, and his will unbreakable. Dalevoro on the other hand, rushed down the street with Morgan, who kept up with him. It seemed she was used to fighting alongside him. Unusual for a small girl. They approached the Ogre who had wandered away from the main group deeper into town. He was alone destroying buildings, the sound of snapping wood, and rending flesh. A sound that Dalevoro was old friends with. Dalevoro drew his sword, and faced his foe. This would be a battle to remember.