
V for Vampire

A human reborn as a vampire in the Marvel Universe. No harem — I don’t write harem stories. I aim to create a compelling narrative.... All original characters and the story itself are my own creations. --- Upcoming: ###VFV: Mutant War - I ###VFV: Mutant War - II ###D for Draculonium ###Draculonium: Rebirth ###V:1999 Universe ###V: Extinction ###VFV: DM ###R for Rebirth: Do or Die ###R for Rebirth: SFS ###E for Eternal Shadows ###Eternal Shadows: Darkness ###M for Multiverse ###Dark Vs Evil ###Dark Vs Evil: Retribution ###????:??? ?? ??? --- Title: "Eternal Shadows" In the heart of the Marvel universe, a once-human soul awakens to an existence forever changed. Reborn as a vampire, Dr. Evelyn Hartmann grapples with newfound immortality, thirst for blood, and the weight of her past. As she navigates this shadowed existence, she discovers a hidden society of supernatural beings, each with their own secrets and agendas. Haunted by memories of her former life, Evelyn seeks answers about her transformation. Alongside enigmatic allies—a brooding werewolf detective and a centuries-old sorceress—she unravels a web of ancient prophecies, forbidden alliances, and cosmic threats. Their quest leads them from the neon-lit streets of New York City to mystical realms beyond imagination. But darkness looms. A malevolent force, hungry for dominion over both mortal and supernatural realms, threatens to plunge the universe into eternal night. As Evelyn grapples with her dual nature, she must confront her deepest fears and forge alliances that defy tradition. In "Eternal Shadows," loyalty, sacrifice, and forbidden love collide. Can Evelyn find redemption in her cursed existence? Or will she become the very darkness she fights against? --- Please read only up to "Daily Life - 4" if you're an existing reader. New readers, you may also want to stop there if you prefer not to develop any negative feelings toward the author: V.

valient_vicky · Anime & Comics
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God: 2

Victor (POV)

Because I became a friend of Mentor, I usually met the Sui-San a lot. The person who planted the seed of destruction in Thanos's heart when he was born. A child can observe his surrounding changes than an adult could, her behaviour when Thanos born made him into a mad titan. Feared and hated by his mother he never had a good childhood. The behaviour of parents seen between the age up to 5 years old, determines his character and view of the world. But I can't hate her though, it's her fate.

I also informed Mentor that Titan civilization in the shadow world will come out of the shadow galaxy after 2 or 3 years. He is also happy for the development of the children of titan in Titan-I, II, III.

I am planning to leave Titan for my new journey in space after the shadow portal was built by them. I am thinking of a new planet in Evil sun for dark elves because they always wanted to return to the primordial darkness of the universe. But they are almost extinct but hidden in the universe. Their ships will be a good collection for me. Anyway, I will find them when they come towards the Asgard for Aether.

Frost giants are also a good species to be collected but with their leader, it is also not possible for now. But I can after the death of Laufey. I spend my time in both bamboo village and Titan. I also look like a 45 years old person to avoid troubles when I meet Meng Yi. I can change my age according to what I wish after I became a god. Time is unstoppable I remember seeing Meng Yi as 4 years old child 40 years ago but now he is already a middle-aged man. His son and daughters also started having marriages and children. Lu Qian retired from general post 15 years before but secretly protecting Meng Yi. Whether Meng Yi became a shadow vampire is the decision I left for Meng Tian to decide. I also visited my mother's grave. She was killed by the vampires. So, I decided not to involve with the pure breeds on the European continent. I never wanted to avenge or built hatred for my mothers' death because this is also my mother's last wish for me. She could have lived but later she later surrendered to the vampires. She wanted to save the pride and name of her family.

Time skip (~ 5 years)

Now I am 50 years old and I left Titan 1 year ago. Mentor was almost crying when I left titan. I never thought he had this side. Mentor and council member also met with a titan in the shadow galaxy last year. They also felt assured that I left an entire solar system for their people. But they saw changes in titans who migrated to the shadow galaxy. I mentioned to them that each sun in the shadow galaxy will bring some evolution to the civilization for improving their sustainability in their new planets. Which made Mentor even happy that the future survival of their species is guaranteed to some extent. While I also mentioned to them that one of my civilization has declared war against Badoon for their revenge against them. Hearing this they laughed teasingly. Then I can only say goodbye to them.

Now I am moving towards the Skrull civilization for just visiting them though. But something unexpected happened on the way.

My mother ship was surrounded by Skrull civilization spaceship asking me to surrender to them. I wanted to laugh but remained silent waiting for their reaction. Skrulls are known for their chaotic evil character. These 1000 (+) spaceships of Skrulls are patrolling this space but I unexpectedly became prey for their evil.

They started attacking Castellia but it didn't even leave a scratch on the hull. I ordered Castellia to send the warships to attack the Skrulls spaceships.

Skrulls who haven't gotten any reply suddenly found the 1000 or more space ships coming out of the Castellia to attack. The fight between the shadow spaceships and Skrull spaceships started.

Skrulls who thought of Victor as an invader immediately informed his mothership about the ongoing fight and about the invader.

Victor playfulness will bring a big war against the Skrulls that will be recorded in the history of the multiverse.

Skrulls also had a good spaceship and the fight is going on for the last one hour. While Victor is watching all of this fight, suddenly got a warning about an army approaching their space. Knowing it is the army of Skrulls, Victor sends his order to Castellia to send all the warship against the Skrulls army.

The Skrull army which entered the space saw a big mothership and its fighters fighting against them. They also joined. Just like that the war between them started getting big and bigger. Skrull hearing about the Victors firepower and oppressions on them declared war against the Victor.

A new war started, a million spaceships and their motherships are sent to war with Victor. While Victor also transports his spaceships through shadow portal to the battlefield.

The news of a new unknown force having a war with Skrulls spread across the universe. Skrulls verifying the symbols in Victor's spaceship of golden dragon announced to kill and destroy anything with a golden dragon symbol. While they also enquired about the symbol to get information about the enemy and their civilization. They found Badoon are also at war with people using this symbol. This made people of the world wonder where is unknown civilization came from. But no information was found.

Victor (POV)

I wanted to use my shadow soldiers in open but it will invite unwanted trouble and attention from the celestials and other cosmic gods. Against the Skrull civilization my forces getting smaller and smaller. Both sides lost thousands of spaceships but Skrull has a large number of spaceships. So, I decided to get some war experience for my galaxy civilizations. The announcements played in the worlds of Neemorhelm, Plantora, Titan-I, II, and III regarding their new quest to prove their worth to God of death and Evil god.

Seeing this the people of this worlds are so excited because means they can finally show their gratitude towards their god who took them under his care when they were in hunger and pain.

Skrulls who were happy about their oppression on Victors forces found another new 5 forces with a different type of spaceship started attacking supporting the Victor. These forces had one thing in common they had a golden dragon symbol in their hulls and they called themselves Evil shadow forces. Their massive forces made the war between two species develop into a war between two galaxies.

This war becomes bigger and bigger while some civilization who suffered because of the Skrulls oppression and their war started joined the Shadow forces. This war made other civilizations pay attention to the newly founded shadow forces which are in a war.

Like that more forces started to join the Skrull forces forming Allied forces. This war created a great change in the universe while war progressed and continued for 1500 years. No one knows what caused the great war among civilizations but it made great changes in-universe. Everyone knows about the leader of Shadow forces is Victor a god of another galaxy.

Victor also supported his allies by allowing half of their population into the shadow galaxy. This made other civilization who hesitated to oppose the Skrulls support Victor and joined the Shadow forces council (SFC). This war led to many small and big civilization that has been oppressed or undeveloped non-interstellar races to develop into interstellar races with the help of SFC and joined with them against Skrull. Victor was called the "God of war" and "Guardian" by the other members of S.F.C.



A/N: See you later.

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