
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Kuro the great ninja

After two weeks of stabilizing the orphanage, Magina set off on his mission to find the missing-nin. With the orphanage now full, he was determined to make the mission successful as the funds he could obtain would help expand the orphanage. Initially, Magina contemplated using a certain item to reduce the number of people, but after further consideration, he decided against it. He wanted to bring in more orphans and refugees before resorting to such measures.

Donning his alternate set of clothes, tying up his hair, wearing a mask, and sporting a violet scarf, Magina felt a sense of comfort and confidence in this attire, particularly when embarking on a hunt. As he ran through the land, a shuriken suddenly landed on the tree he had just stepped on. Aware that someone was tracking him, Magina remained composed, waiting for the individual to reveal themselves. Moments later, a wave of earth surged towards him, aimed as an attack. Swiftly evading the assault, Magina took cover in a nearby tree.

With the attack subsided, two figures emerged from the shadows. "I am Akatsuchi, and I have been sent by the Iwakage. He has heard of your lack of affiliation to any village and wishes for you to join us. I strongly suggest you accept, or else your fate may be sealed," Akatsuchi declared, his intention initially being to attack Magina. However, his companion intervened, respecting the Iwakage's wishes to recruit Magina rather than harm him.

Upon learning that the assailant hailed from Iwakagure, Magina decided to hear him out, uncertain of the Uzumaki clan's compromised state. However, Akatsuchi's final statement triggered Magina's anger, causing him to tighten his grip on his weapon, ready for battle.

"So, you want to fight, huh?" Akatsuchi sneered, feeling insulted by Magina's readiness to engage. Patting his companion's shoulder, the man began to perform a series of hand seals, while his arms transformed into massive rock fists. He lunged at Magina, attempting a powerful punch, but the attack was deflected by Magina's blade.

Magina retaliated, aiming a kick at his opponent, but the man evaded by swiftly jumping to the side. Undeterred, Magina leaped toward him, slashing with his weapon. However, the man's rock-hard body repelled Magina's blade, and Magina remained vigilant, keeping an eye on Akatsuchi in case of an attack.

The stalemate continued for several minutes, with Akuichi growing increasingly fatigued as his chakra reserves dwindled. Magina's relentless slashes proved ineffective against his opponent's rock-like defenses. All the while, Magina maintained his focus on Akatsuchi, who continued to taunt him, aware that the Ame ninja would likely arrive soon. Suddenly, seizing an opportunity, Magina blinked forward and swiftly slashed Akuichi's eyes, causing him to cry out in pain and clutch his bleeding sockets.

Not willing to waste the chance, Magina moved to deliver a fatal blow to Akatsuchi. However, an unexpected attack struck him from behind, sending him hurtling towards a tree, causing it to crack upon impact. Disappointed in himself for letting his guard down, Magina found himself in a dire situation. Akatsuchi gloated, relishing the chance to exact revenge for Akuichi's injury. His eyes filled with a vicious rage, Akatsuchi declared that Magina would either join Iwakagure or face death.

Unfazed by Akatsuchi's threats, Magina remained focused on Akuichi, who, in a last ditch effort, uttered the words, "Chakra Void." Akatsuchi's eyes widened as he witnessed something shoot out towards Akuichi, piercing his body. Pain wracked his back as he turned to see Akuichi's lifeless form.

Determined to kill Magina, Akatsuchi began forming hand seals, intending to trap and eliminate him using his Earth Release: Earth Flow River technique. Magina observed the ground beneath his feet shifting, creating a hole attempting to swallow him. Seizing the opportunity, Magina blinked towards Akatsuchi, catching him off guard. However, Akatsuchi, a seasoned ninja, swiftly punched Magina with force, sending him flying and rolling along the ground.

As Akatsuchi closed in, ready to end Magina's life, shurikens suddenly whizzed through the air, forcing him to evade. "You're lucky this time! But mark my words, I will kill you next time!" Akatsuchi growled with frustration. With that, he disappeared in a body flicker, carrying Akuichi's lifeless body with him.

After Akatsuchi's departure, a man named Kuro revealed himself, wearing a smile as he approached Magina. "Why are you here, Kuro?" Magina asked, returning the smile and curious about his unexpected presence. Kuro is one of the refugees and also a helper in the orphanage, he is also the father of the blue haired child called Konan.

"My wife and daughter insisted that I follow you, and thankfully, I did. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known what transpired," Kuro replied, his pride evident. As an early chunin, he felt a sense of accomplishment being able to keep up with Magina, who possessed the strength of a near-jonin.

Akatsuchi, had he witnessed this scene and realized that only a chunin had intervened in the fight, would have likely eliminated Kuro without a shred of mercy.

"Fortunately, he mistook the Amegakure ninja as the one who intervened," Magina remarked, amazed by the unexpected courage Kuro had displayed. He hadn't expected such bravery from someone who seemed timid due to his wife and daughter's influence.

"Well, I am Kuro, the man who frightened a jonin from Iwagakure," Kuro proudly declared, his accomplishments giving him a reason to boast for the rest of his life. "I want to join you on your mission," he added, pleading with Magina for the opportunity.

Magina considered Kuro's request and smiled, agreeing to his involvement. "Alright, but you must always stay within a 400-meter radius from me. I don't want you to get caught in the battles that lie ahead," Magina stipulated, thinking that Kuro's presence could prove helpful on their journey.

Kuro felt immense joy at being allowed to join Magina, even if it meant maintaining a distance between them.

Magina merely chuckled at Kuro's excitement, waving his hand to signal their departure. With Kuro by his side, albeit at a safe distance, Magina felt that maybe his journey would not be lonely anymore.

As the 2nd shinobi war still not happening I thought that maybe the father and Mother of the Akatsuki original is still not dead but maybe in the future hihi.

NewbieOtorcreators' thoughts