
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


It had already been six grueling days since Magina and Kuro had embarked on their mission to find clues about the missing ninja. They had taken refuge in the forest to rest, but Kuro was growing increasingly fatigued. The duration of the mission had far exceeded their expectations, and Kuro deeply missed his family.

Magina, on the other hand, remained resolute and focused. He never let his guard down, constantly anticipating attacks from Iwagakure. However, to his surprise, no hostile encounters had transpired throughout their six-day journey.

During their travels, Magina had encountered a number of bandits and low-level defected ninjas from various villages. From Magina's perspective, these individuals appeared to lack any malicious intent. However, the moment they laid eyes on his weapon, they would inevitably launch an assault.

Having reached level 8, Magina had honed his skills and could now utilize his chakra to execute swift blinks. His ability to blink caught opponents off guard, allowing him to swiftly dispatch them.

Suddenly, Magina's attention was drawn to Kuro's cry, echoing through the forest. He sprinted toward Kuro and discovered his lifeless body, while a man wielding a sword stood nearby, a wicked smile etched on his face.

Enraged by this sight, Magina lunged at the man, swiftly slashing his neck. However, to his astonishment, the man instantly transformed into a shadow clone, dissipating into thin air. The real killer had slipped away. Magina stole a fleeting glance at Kuro's lifeless form, his determination to bring the murderer to justice fueling his pursuit as he follow through the man who is running and jumping through the trees.


The man attempted to launch a surprise attack on Magina from behind, but Magina's heightened senses allowed him to detect the movement and parry the strike with ease. It became clear that the man he had been chasing earlier was nothing more than a clone, while the one standing before him now was the true culprit.

Magina stared at the man, his face contorted with shock. This was the missing ninja he had been relentlessly tracking.

"Why did you kill him?" Magina's voice trembled with anger as he ground his teeth, uncertain of how he would break the news of Kuro's demise to his family upon his return.

"Why? Does Hikari need a reason to kill someone?" Hikari retorted, his smile betraying his belief that Magina was a naive individual. Unbeknownst to Hikari, Magina had been tailing him since the previous day, on the direct orders of Amekage. Hikari's insatiable greed had been aroused when he witnessed Magina dispatching other missing-nin with ease.

Without uttering a word, Magina intensified his assault, slashing furiously at Hikari. He paid no attention to Hikari's feeble attempts to strike back, solely focused on his own relentless attack.

The two combatants inflicted numerous wounds upon each other, their bodies battered and bleeding. Despite his injuries, Magina, thanks to his Uzumaki bloodline, possessed extraordinary stamina, while Hikari, gasping for breath, suffered from multiple wounds.

"Sorry about your friend. How about this? I'll give you my money, and we can let bygones be bygones," Hikari proposed, hoping to strike a deal as he winced in pain, his chakra reserves fully depleted. He couldn't fathom why his energy had been drained so rapidly, considering he had only utilized shadow clones and low-level ninjutsu. Hikari believed that Magina would be swayed by the wounds they had both sustained and accept his offer.

"Poosh!" Without uttering a word, Magina blinked near Hikari, propelling himself towards his adversary and swiftly severing his head.

Magina gathered Hikari's belongings, including his head, bringing his total tally to nine ninja heads. He planned to present the missing-nin's head to Hanzo and exchange the remaining eight for ryo at the village's bounty issuance.

With great reverence, Magina buried Kuro's lifeless body near the spot where he had fallen, bidding a sorrowful farewell to his fallen comrade. In the short time they had spent together, Magina had witnessed Kuro's deep love for his family, a love that resonated with his own.

"Fortunately, I was prepared," Magina whispered to himself, recalling how he had procured potions from Uzumaki Village before embarking on the mission. He drank a green potion from a vial, rejuvenating his weary body, and continued his journey.

After another five days of traveling, facing no further obstacles or hindrances, Magina arrived on the outskirts of Amekagure. The rain poured incessantly, drenching his armor and body.


Half an hour later, Magina stood tall outside the leader's building. His armor clung to his body, dripping with rainwater, but he paid no mind to his appearance as he entered the establishment.

Without waiting for the Amekage to speak, Magina stepped forward and placed the bag containing the severed head on the table. Hanzo smiled and nodded, expressing his confidence in Magina's abilities.

"I knew I could count on you. I hope this mission strengthens our collaboration," Hanzo said, extending his hand for a handshake.

Magina returned the smile, not dwelling on the thought but rather focusing on how their combined efforts could bring about positive change. "Here's to a fruitful collaboration," he replied, shaking the Hanzo's hand firmly.

Hanzo's smile widened, and he handed Magina a pouch containing the agreed-upon payment. Magina accepted it without hesitation, acknowledging the amount before taking his leave.

Magina proceeded to exchange the other heads of the ninjas he had slain for ryo, ensuring he followed the proper procedures.

Finally, Magina arrived at the orphanage, where the inhabitants greeted him warmly, their smiles a stark contrast to the somberness of his heart.

Konan, beaming at Magina, cast a glance over his shoulder, hoping to catch sight of the person she yearned to see.

"Sir Magina, where is Papa?" Konan's voice trembled with nervousness, her eyes filled with concern as she failed to spot her father.

Magina's smile faded, as if a cold wave had washed over him. He was abruptly reminded of the cruel reality that his companion had perished, and he had been unable to save him or even bring his body back.

"I'm sorry, Konan. Your father lost his life during our journey," Magina said gently, his expression filled with sadness as he embraced the grieving child.

Konan burst into tears, and Magina held her tightly, overwhelmed by the sorrow of those left behind.

"Sir Magina, how did Papa die?" Konan sobbed, seeking answers from Magina amidst her grief.

Magina recounted the entire story, describing Kuro's valiant efforts and their time together. Unbeknownst to him, Kuro's heroism would spread like wildfire, captivating the attention of others. Iwagakure ninja Akatsuchi, upon hearing the tale, would be so embarrassed that he would hide his face and avoid public appearances for a month.

Hi? If you are still reading this, please comment, Its okay to not give powerstone, but comment so I can know if you are still reading. Thank you.

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