
Useless talent

What would you do if you reincarnated into a world where magic is everything but you don't have talent for magic…

Tayflow · Fantasy
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37 Chs


Life isn't always fair or good, you could die anytime weather you sleep or not now you could be dying and nobody would know that your dying…

But sometimes good things happen in life too… you could win the lottery or your crush would tell you she/he liked you since elementary school… i don't think that would happen in any universe..🙄🙄🤷‍♂️

But the point is to never give up just keep going until the End… But Max was a different story… Max is our main character in this novel…

Max was empty inside… he used to be the richest young man alive…🤑🤑

He was 20 and owns 20 Bugatti and 5 Mansions and had a girlfriend… he thought she was it, he thought she was his soulmate and live together until they die old…

But she wasn't thinking the same instead… while he was sleeping 😴 Man in black clothes start to make their move…

They stealed everything they could see the money in his safe nobody knows the passcode except Max and his girlfriend…

They stool the 20 Bugatti in his garage…

Before Max knew it someone Punched him so hard his teeth broke… Max woke up in immense pain on his cheek… but before he could say anything, somebody dragged him out of his bed and then picked him up ⬆️ and slam Max face into the ground… blood and teeth were everywhere and his nose got broken…

Then Max saw 2 face's he was familiar with… it was his girlfriend Mira and his childhood friend Kevin…

When Max saw their face he was shocked… he couldn't believe it… then Max said something "WHY"…

Then both Mira and Kevin looked at each other then They Smiled with friendly face…"Why because you don't deserve this kind of wealth, you got rich out of nowhere while we struggle with life" Kevin reapplied to Max's question…

"So you trying to kill me just because I got rich but not you"

"Yes we grew up together and after you got rich it's like you forgot about me, and now everyone you knew will forget about you…

Kevin I was always there for you WHEN NOBODY WAS THERE FOR YOU I TREATED YOU LIKE MY OWN BROTHER and this how you REPAY ME…

"Like a brother 😂😂😂😂 you are nothing to me I was just using you to reach my goal even when we were children I never considered you as brother not even a Friend"…

Tears begin to drip 💧 down from Max's eyes… Max lost his parents when he was 7 years old so he was sent to the orphanage… so he was always alone until he met Kevin…

Then Kevin pulled out a gun and pointed at Max's head, Max looked at Kevin with tears on his face but Kevin show no remorse his eyes were cold 🥶

I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU, KEVIN YOU SON OF BIT…. bang and Max head drop to the ground while blood 🩸 was everywhere… Max was Dead… then Kevin and Mira left the mansion before the police showed up…

And that was the end of Max's life….so Everyone thought.