

The day of answers were came infront of me but it wasn't for my good. She came to my life as happiness, when i saw her in part my eyes were flashing towards her and i was like don't stop staring at her, i believed it is happiness but that won't make me less than a pervert. but ironically my fate was being close to her. her dog ran towards me and she was holding it and they both were rushing peoples were scared of the mess and somehow i tried to hold that dog and save her but her arm got injured by falling down. i held her and try to reach hospital those times i was different from usual, i was caring for someone for first time in my life. she was destined for me, from that day we become close, usually met her mother her dad died when she was only 18 years old and her mother Was died few days in a car accident and Martha become upset and i couldn't give her comfort but she never told me to do either and i was failed to convey my feelings but few day later when i visit her i saw her trying to do suicide and i tried to stop her but she said don't stop me it's all yours fault only yours and she cut her own head with a knife her blood dropped in my face i couldn't bear the pain. my first love was died infront of me while blaming me. I inform cops about this and when they were here they arrest me saying i killed her and i was prisoned in jail for 12 years and still i couldn't understand what does she meant by "it's all yours fault only yours" was I'm the reason she endup like this?

oneday a co-prisoner came to kill me and i was shocked why does he want to kill me? somehow i manage to escape from his attacks and asked him why are u doing this and what you want he said" it's all your fault only yours " and he used that knife to kill himself. Again that tragedy was upon me like a curse luckily an officer saw all this to prove my innoncent.