
Urban beast

Gao Yang is an orphan who crossed over to the "parallel world" at the age of six and has lived in a cozy family of five ever since. At the age of eighteen, Gao Yang stumbled upon the truth of the world: this is not a parallel world at all, but a mysterious realm where all the friends and family around him are terrible "beasts"! Gao Yang was almost killed when he found out the truth, but at the critical moment he got the system [Luck] - the longer he lives, the stronger he gets! A game of killing between lambs and wolves begins ......

Daoist5Ff1Mo · Realistic
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10 Chs

Silencing 1

The pantry was terribly quiet.

The air was frozen throughout, and Gao Yang could hear his heartbeat accelerating like crazy: it's over, definitely discovered.

Gao Yang tilted his head to look at Qing Ling, who was expressionless, her brain was thinking at high speed:

If Officer Huang is a raging beast, she has no chance of winning.

The first thing you need to do is to kill a beast, but there are hundreds of "people" outside the pantry, and once she reveals her identity as an Awakened One, she will definitely die.


There is no point, even if she escapes now, her identity has already been exposed, she will not survive more than a few days.

Qingling's last companion was stronger than her, but still died because he accidentally exposed his identity.

She had no choice but to gamble on one last possibility.

"Officer Huang, why are you here?" Three seconds later, Qingling asked.

Officer Huang slowly walked to the water fountain and bent down to receive a glass of cold water, exposing his backside completely to Qingling and Gao Yang's eyes.

After receiving the water, he turned around and leaned on the edge of the table where the water dispenser was placed: "It's still Li Weiwei's case, I want to start investigating from the people around her, so I came to the funeral service."

"Did you find out anything?" Gao Yang tried to play the look of concern about the progress of the case.

"After asking around, I have some clues. Can't tell you guys though." Officer Huang took a sip of water and smiled, "By the way, what were you guys talking about, it sounded interesting, what beast? What rules?"

Gao Yang's heart sank hard, really can't muddle through.

In that case, the dead horse is the living horse.

"A survival game that is playing recently, very hot." Gao Yang glanced at Qing Ling: "We're talking about the game."

"Is that so?" Officer Huang nodded, pondering, "What's the name of this game?"

"It's called ... 'Monster Human Hopper'."

"It's quite interesting from the name," Officer Huang sighed with envy, "Young people are just good, which is like us, beat workers, who have long been without entertainment."

Officer Huang finished drinking water, put the disposable water cup on the drinking bucket, leisurely out of the pantry.

In just a minute, Gao Yang broke out in a cold sweat, his back was all wet.

He asked Qingling: "What now?"

Qingling frowned slightly: "Two possibilities. One, he is a raging beast, already suspicious of us, and is deliberately testing us. Two, he is a demented beast."

"Demented beast?"

"Demented beasts are more special, also known as 'lost ones'. Thinking they are human, they have deceived themselves. Even if an awakened person appears in front of them, they won't hurt the awakened person, and usually automatically ignore key information and automatically correct the brain's logic and memory."

"If Officer Huang is a demented beast, we are safe." Gao Yang concluded.

"Right, but I wouldn't bet on that probability." Qing Ling walked to the door and looked through the doorway to Officer Huang in the hearth, "The raging beast is extremely thirsty for prey the pantry is terribly quiet.

The air was frozen throughout, Gao Yang could hear his heartbeat accelerating wildly: it's over, it's definitely been discovered.

Gao Yang tilted his head to look at Qingling, Qingling expressionless, her brain is thinking at high speed: If Officer Huang is a raging beast, she is a good person:

If Officer Huang is a raging beast, she has no chance of winning.

The first thing you need to do is to kill a beast, but there are hundreds of "people" outside the pantry, and once she reveals her identity as an Awakened One, she will definitely die.


There is no point, even if she escapes now, her identity has already been exposed, she will not survive more than a few days.

Qing Ling's last companion was stronger than her, but still died because she accidentally exposed her identity.

She had no choice but to gamble on one last possibility.

"Officer Huang, why are you here?" Three seconds later, Qingling asked.

Officer Huang slowly walked to the water fountain and bent down to receive a glass of cold water, exposing his backside completely to Qingling and Gao Yang's eyes.

After receiving the water, he turned around and leaned on the edge of the table where the water dispenser was placed: "It's still Li Weiwei's case, I want to start investigating from the people around her, so I came to the funeral service."

"Did you find out anything?" Gao Yang tried to play the look of concern about the progress of the case.

"After asking around, I have some clues. Can't tell you guys though." Officer Huang took a sip of water and smiled, "By the way, what were you guys talking about, it sounded interesting, what beast? What rules?"

Gao Yang's heart sank hard, really can't muddle through.

In that case, the dead horse is the living horse.

"A survival game that is playing recently, very hot." Gao Yang glanced at Qing Ling: "We're talking about the game."

"Is that so?" Officer Huang nodded, pondering, "What's the name of this game?"

"It's called ... 'Monster Human Hopper'."

"It's quite interesting from the name," Officer Huang sighed with envy, "Young people are just good, which is like us, beat workers, who have long been without entertainment."

Officer Huang finished drinking water, put the disposable water cup on the drinking bucket, leisurely out of the pantry.

In just a minute, Gao Yang broke out in a cold sweat, his back was all wet.

He asked Qingling: "What now?"

Qingling frowned slightly: "Two possibilities. One, he is a raging beast, already suspicious of us, and is deliberately testing us. Two, he is a demented beast."

"Demented beast?"

"Demented beasts are more special, also known as 'lost ones'. Thinking they are human, they have deceived themselves. Even if an awakened person appears in front of them, they will not harm the awakened person and usually automatically ignore key information and automatically correct the brain's logic and memory."

"If Officer Huang is a demented beast, we are safe." Gao Yang concluded.

"Right, but I wouldn't bet on that probability." Qing Ling walked to the door and looked at Officer Huang in the spirit hall through the doorway, "The raging beast is extremely hungry for prey and can eat the awakened alone and will never share it with its own kind."

Gao Yang remembered how Li Weiwei looked when she killed herself, "I've seen it ..."

"Now there are more than a hundred people in the spirit hall, there must be more than one raging beast inside. That's probably the reason why Officer Huang didn't attack us."

"He wants to eat alone." Gao Yang sucked in a cold breath.

"The possibility is high." Qing Ling looked at Gao Yang with an icy gaze, "We still have a chance to silence him first."


Late at night, 10 o'clock, Shanqing District, police station.

After the farewell party for the remains, Officer Huang drove straight back to the police station.

Qingling and Gao Yang took a taxi to follow, and after getting off, they went to a cafe across from the police station and found a window seat that was convenient for observation.

The two ordered some food and drinks, and then took out their textbooks and homework, pretending to study together, but actually killing time.

With Qingling to kill Officer Huang this matter, Gao Yang at first refused. But on second thought, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, if Qingling fails, he will die sooner or later.

Anyway, if you want to die, you might as well die standing up.

This way ... at least appear to have some dignity.

"I have quite a few questions I want to ask you." Gao Yang took a sip of orange juice.

"Say." Qing Ling bowed her head and ate the mango pancake, the way she used the knife and fork to cut the mango pancake into eight big pieces, like she was dealing with an enemy.

"Besides me, do you have other companions?"

"Didn't I tell you, I knew two before, both died."

"Then you, have been alone?" Gao Yang was incredulous.

"Two." Qing Ling's gaze drifted: "And my sister."

Gao Yang reacted, she was referring to her second personality Qing Ling.

"It's not easy for you two sisters ...."

"It's better to worry about yourself first." Qing Ling put down her fork: "In a moment, if the action fails, I will escape and hide."

"What about me?" Gao Yang asked.

"I don't know." Qing Ling's eyes were cold: "I won't care about a burden."

Gao Yang was hurt.

He's not a liability, he has talent too!

On second thought, it was better not to humiliate himself in front of a beautiful woman.

The two waited until late at night, when Officer Huang finally came out of the police station.

He walked to the police car on the side of the road, just pulled out the car keys and froze, he looked down and saw that the front tire was broken - Green Spirit remotely manipulated the dagger stabbed bad.

Officer Huang did not show too much annoyance, he took out his cell phone, laughing and making phone calls, then crossed the road and bought a pack of cigarettes.

Qingling kept a distance of about 50 meters from Gao Yang and followed carefully.

Officer Huang was smoking and talking on the phone, and when he passed a street park, he turned in, seemingly trying to take a shortcut.

"Here's your chance." Qingling quickened his pace.

"Could it be that he is setting us up?" Gao Yang was very suspicious.

Qingling's gaze was awe-inspiring, "Then we'll see who's the prey."

The late night, the street park is densely wooded, no tourists, Officer Huang walked alone at night, alone, but the more this happens, the more Gao Yang feels that this person is unpredictable, dangerous and unusual.

Qing Ling and Gao Yang took out their masks and sunglasses from their backpacks and put them on. They followed Officer Huang to the hinterland of the park and looked for an opportunity to dive behind the neatly trimmed bushes.

Qingling stretched out her left and right hands and aimed at the surveillance on the street light overhead.

She concentrated on it and seemed to be controlling something. Two seconds later, she gently clenched her fist, the monitor made a slight sound, and the "red dot" disappeared.

"You go out and call out to him, say something random to distract him." Qingling whispered, "Leave the rest to me."

Gao Yang was very nervous: "Okay."

Gao Yang took a deep breath, walked out of the bush, and quickly caught up, "Officer Huang."

Officer Huang stopped and looked back: "You are ... who?"

Gao Yang pulled off the mask: "Oh, it's me."

"Gao Yang? Why are you here so late?" Officer Huang smiled.

Gao Yang continued to perform: "About Li Weiwei, I suddenly remembered a little clue and wanted to tell you."

"Really?" Officer Huang smiled and walked towards Gao Yang, moving slightly eagerly: "Yeah, tell me about it ..."

Suddenly, Officer Huang's smile disappeared.

He turned around quickly and pulled out the gun at his waist.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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