
Chapter 2

It wont go away. The heat is gone and now the frigid cold air takes over. I can hardly move. I think i like the heat, its more bearable. I tried to escape, I really did, But it was no use. I know that if i open my eyes i won't see anything except a dark and cold vastness that i will never be able to escape. I am one of many. Unimportant, yet still there. I still hope that someday I'll be able to open my eyes and see color once more. But for now everything is painted in black in white. The little light i have flickers and dissapears, making everything darker and colder. I stare at the fireplace in front of me willing my body to move. But of course i can't. Im stuck. The frigid air swoops in around me encasing me. I can hear them. The voices. They laugh and laugh. I've tried everything to make them stop. They won't and they never will.