
Upgrade System In The Undead Skeleton

In a world where there is no technology and there are ferocious beasts that prey on humans. Humans also become strong to fight the beasts to survive. There is a lonely child who wants to become a warrior to survive and get out of poverty. However... Plans don't match reality, he dies when he's dealing with a beast that's stronger than himself. And when he was about to die, a notification popped up. After that his world began to change...

DragonOfChocolate · Action
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106 Chs

Chapter 68 Benefit Become Class President

Currently, we are following a teacher to the classroom we are in. This teacher had yellow hair, I was curious about what element he had so I asked Rony. "Roony, do you know what elements that teacher had?" Roony looked at me and replied "Because his hair is yellow I guess it's the thunder element"

"Thunder elements? Wow! I really want to learn the thunder element" I am very interested in thunder because it is a very strong and fast element like lightning. Roony who heard me wanting to learn the thunder element looked at me and said "Unfortunately you have already learned the Metal element Bobby at this point, so you won't be able to learn the Thunder element anymore"

I heard from Roony that I can't learn the thunder element because I've studied the metal element and asked him "Can't we learn two elements at the same time Roony?"

Roony answered, "Yes, each person can only learn one element if he tries to learn two or more elements. That will unbalance his body and make him unable to raise his Warrior level to the next level."

I heard that and was very surprised "So we can only learn one element until then?" Roony replied, "Yes, that's why if you still can't determine your element when determining your element at the beginning, you should take a Non-element Foundation Skill first so that later you can choose the element you want after being sure of that element."

Hearing that I thought 'Hemp... so I can only use the Metal element forever?' when I was thinking that I wouldn't be able to learn the Thunder element and only the Metal element because I already had the Metal element from the start. We arrived in front of our classroom.

Above the door was written "Genius Class First Year" and the yellow-haired teacher said "Okay all of you this is your classroom from now on, let's go into it" then the teacher opened the classroom door and we entered the classroom with the teacher earlier.

"You can sit wherever you want" he let us sit where we like. And I chose to sit together with Roony, and the other students began to sit in their preferred seats, some at one table alone, some at one table together.

After we had taken our seats, the teacher said, "Since you have all chosen your seats, we will begin your first class at this academy." The teacher seemed to be the teacher who would be teaching us today.

"First of all, my name is Ryan. You can call me teacher Ryan, from now on I will be your homeroom teacher so if you have any questions you can ask me" The yellow-haired teacher is named Ryan and he is our homeroom teacher.

"Because you all have been called in front of the vice principal and I already know all of your names, so you don't need to introduce yourself again" luckily we didn't have to bother introducing ourselves again because he already knew our names when the vice principal called we were.

"However, you still have to introduce what type of Warrior you are and what element you are, because that will let me know what kind of material I will give you later" but it turns out we still have to tell what type of Warrior we are.

"All right, let's start with the first one who came to the academy first among you. James stood up and told us what type of Warrior and what is your element" then teacher Ryan started asking him to name his Warrior type and element.

"Okay teacher Ryan, I'm a Speed-type Warrior with a Light element." I was very surprised to find out that the white hair indicated that the person had studied the Light element. From the name alone I already knew it was an unusual element.

"Good, next Livy" then Livy stood up and mentioned the type and element, followed by Bert, Adel, and so on until the last Hans.

Now I know all the Warrior types and elements of my classmates. Livy is a Speed type Metal warrior, Bert is a Strength type Earth warrior, Jane is a Speed type Water warrior, Beval is a Speed type Wind warrior, Eric is a Defense type Fire warrior and Hans is a Strength Type Non-element Warrior. For Nanda, Adel, and Roony I already know their Warrior types and elements.

Our class is dominated by 6 Speed Warrior Types, 3 Strength Warrior Types, and 2 Defense Type Warriors. It seems that the Speed type is the favorite choice of most people.

"Okay most of you are Speed types, just like every year, there will always be more Speed types than the other types. Because this type is the one with the highest level of safety because they can run fast and can run away from opponents they can't face." It seems that Speed-type Warriors always dominate every year, because of their high level of safety, and from teacher Ryan's expression, it seems that this is just normal.

"Since you all already know the Warrior type from your classmates, now is the time for us to choose who will be the class president for this class," teacher Ryan said we will choose who will be our class president today.

James raised his right hand and asked "Teacher, what's the benefit of being class president? if there were no benefits I guess neither of us would bother wasting our time taking care of something that wasn't useful. We better practice" he asked what are the advantages of being class president, we all nodded our heads to James' question.

"Hahaha, calm down all of you. Of course, there are advantages to being the class leader, especially in the Genius class. Well, the advantage of being class president is..." teacher Ryan saw all of our serious expressions before continuing to speak.

"Firstly, every month the class leader will get 10 Beast Cores (Normal)" we were all very surprised by what teacher Ryan said because 10 Beast Cores are equivalent to 10,000 Dollars and you get that every month.

"Secondly, you will be allowed to learn 1 Skill from the Trade Hall for free every month" we were even more surprised by the second benefit, learning a Skill in the Trade Hall is the same as getting 10,000 Dollars or more every month.

"And lastly, every month the class leader will be allowed to enter the Dungeon" after explaining that all of Ryan's teachers smiled when they saw our surprised expressions, even though I was confused about what the Dungeon was but I thought it was something special.