
Upgrade System In The Undead Skeleton

In a world where there is no technology and there are ferocious beasts that prey on humans. Humans also become strong to fight the beasts to survive. There is a lonely child who wants to become a warrior to survive and get out of poverty. However... Plans don't match reality, he dies when he's dealing with a beast that's stronger than himself. And when he was about to die, a notification popped up. After that his world began to change...

DragonOfChocolate · Action
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106 Chs

Chapter 29 Hunting In Adiyasa Forest

The sound of Tony's shield booming was heard. "Be careful guys, this Rabbit Beast has a strong attack, it seems that this Rabbit Beast is in the Uncommon category" Tony immediately warned the others because he had just felt the attack power of the Rabbit Beast.

"What? Uncommon categories?" the other three people were shocked and made even more serious faces.

After the attack he launched failed, the Rabbit Beast immediately went into the bushes again to hide by jumping using Tony's shield as its foothold.

Swosh... sresek sresek...

The four of us got back into formation to deal with the Rabbit Beast's attack again. "Damn, at this rate we won't be able to beat or get out of this Beast chase," Andrew said to the others. "Yeah, you're right, I have an idea," Jason said to the others.

"So what's your plan, Jason?" Tony asked Jason's plan to deal with this Rabbit Beast. "This beast has strong speed and strength, like you said this beast might be an Uncommon category or maybe it will be a level 2 beast" Jason explained the information they already had about the beast.

"Because we lost in terms of speed with him and he also has a small size, it makes it more difficult for us to attack this beast," Jason said while looking around. "So what we can do now is make a trap with bait so he wants to attack in the direction we specify."

The other three agreed with Jason's plan and nodded their heads. "Then who will be the bait?" he asked. "Among the four of us who has the strongest defense is you, Tony, so you are the most ideal to be bait" Jason pointed at Tony.

"Okay then, but will the attack of the three of you be able to hit the Rabbit Beast? because you can see for yourself that the Rabbit Beast's movements are very fast" Tony said. "Yes, Matt and I will be the ones trying to attack the Rabbit Beast when it attacks you since we two are the ones with the fastest movements out of the four of us.

Whereas Andrew has a stronger attack than the two of us but his speed is not as fast as us so he will not be effective against the Rabbit Beast."

"Okay, we'll do according to your plan," Tony said and the four of us started preparing for our respective roles.

Tony started by seemingly weakening his guard to lure the Rabbit Beast out to attack him.


And sure enough, just as expected, the Rabbit Beast immediately attacked Tony who deliberately weakened his guard without delay. "Here its comes," Tony said while preparing to block the Rabbit Beast's attack with his shield.

Seeing Tony being hit by the Rabbit Beast, the three of us started to move to attack the Rabbit Beast by blocking its exit. The Rabbit Beast realized that it had fallen into the trap we set. But right now he couldn't jump in the air.

So he inevitably attacked Tony with his feet. Tony blocked his attack with his shield.


Tony managed to hold off the Rabbit Beast's attack. But the Rabbit Beast wanted to use Tony's Shield to jump away. Realizing this, Tony slightly tilted his shield down so that the Rabbit Beast couldn't jump away using his shield.

Because Tony had his shield facing the ground, the Rabbit Beast jumped towards the ground and crashed into the ground. Matt, who saw an opportunity to attack the Rabbit Beast, immediately attacked him and managed to hit him, after that Jason continued Matt's attack to finish off the Rabbit Beast immediately.

Swosh... Creak...

The sound of bones breaking rang out and the Rabbit Beast fell to the ground and stopped breathing. Andrew also checked the Beast to make sure he was still alive or not.

"It's dead," Andrew said and looked at us. We all breathed a sigh of relief. After that, we took the Core of the Rabbit Beast and took some of its meat. Because the Rabbit Beast had a small body, it had little flesh.

Luckily after the encounter with the Rabbit Beast, we didn't find any other Beasts so we looked for a place to rest for the night.

We take turns guarding the night because the night in the forest will be dangerous if we are attacked while sleeping, fortunately, the beasts in this forest are not beasts that like to move at night, so staying the night here is not too dangerous.

Finally, morning arrived, and we started to tidy up our things to continue hunting Beast Level 2 today.

Today we tried to go deeper into the forest, from morning to noon we circled the forest looking for a Level 2 Beast but found no signs of a Level 2 Beast around our search location. When it was getting late we met the Bull Beast when we wanted to find a place to spend the night.

Then today's hunt is in vain. We decided to hunt the Bull Beast. The Bull Beast is a four-legged beast with a body that is bigger than the Goat Beast, has two horns on its head and its skin is blackish brown. At 2 meters high and 3 meters long, the Bull Beast is a beast with strong defense but slow speed. So the difficulty in hunting this beast is to penetrate its defenses.

"Okay, form a formation" Tony also gave instructions to us to make a formation to attack this Beast. Jason and Matt each went to the right and left of the Bull Beast, then Tony advanced towards the front of the Bull Beast and Andrew followed behind Tony to attack when the opportunity arose.

Jason and Matt's job is to confuse the Bull Beast with attacks from the right and left, while Tony is to block the Beast's attacks from the front, the Bull Beast attacks Tony with his horns, but Tony blocks his attacks with his shield.


Tony also tried to resist the urge from the Bull Beast. Seeing that the Bull Beast was focused on Tony, Andrew, who was behind Tony, ran up Tony's back to jump on the Bull Beast and attack him from above. "Huh..." Andrew launched his attack toward the Bull Beast.

However, the Bull Beast noticed an attack coming toward him from above. So he stopped pushing Tony and blocked Andrew's attacks with his horns.


Seeing Andrew's failed attack. Jason and Matt immediately attacked from two different directions, but because attacking the Beast's head was rather difficult from the distance and direction of the two of them, so they decided to attack the Bull Beast's hind legs.

Swosh! Slash!

Both of their attacks succeeded in hitting the Beast's legs. But the wounds caused by Jason and Matt were not too deep.

"Moo..." The Bull Beast also let out an angry voice and looked at Matt. Seeing the Bull Beast took my eyes off, Tony and Andrew. They both launched their attacks again. This time Tony attacked with his sword instead of his shield, And Andrew still attacked with his axe.

Slash! Bang!