

Lan Yue was your everyone like average boy, with a sweet family and friends and with a very positive outlook towards world. Then one day his entire village, friends and family was massacred in front of his very eyes and he also got very badly injured which almost left him to die. But he was saved by an unknown person who gave him a new life and the reason to live his life which is his revenge and the his saviour also taught him martial arts and weapons and he himself became weapon for his enemies. But with time he will undergo many changes in himself and he will emerge as the most dreaded and villainous person who will rule over the entire SUN CITY. Hello everyone I have created a discord server for all of us to interact with each other and to get the best of all of my works. So here is the link for the discord server . https://discord.gg/gFqESRzv

Pritam_Mohapatra · Action
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185 Chs

Ren Xuan

After Ren Luan heard the words of Lan Xiang who has invited him to come over to his house, became really surprised.

He became surprised because just before Lan Xiang came to Ren Luan's new place to invite him, he had just finished his conversation with his Big Boss, whom he has never seen but heard a lot about him.

After thhe conversation he was literally shocked down to his spine that his Big Boss has given him the opportunity to work for him directly without involving his Boss Han Gong.

This made him really shocked because all this time his Boss Han Gong was the person he was working for and he also reported everything to him only.

But now everything has changed completely he has now an opportunity to be on the same level as his Boss which he could never thought would come to him knocking his door.

With all of these thoughts hovering in his mind Ren Luan finally decided to follow his Big Boss's instruction to be his eyes.

And when Lan Xiang came to him to invite him, till that time he has decided to accept the invitation and went with him to his house.

Then after walking for few seconds they both reached at Lan Xiang's house which really close to Hu Wen's house.

When they both were about to enter Lan Xiang's house, someone called them from behind and when they turned to see who the person was they found that it was none other than Chief Wang who said,

Chief Wang: "Xiang'er, Mr. Luan good afternoon."

Lan Xiang: "Good afternoon Uncle Wang."

Ren Luan: "Good afternoon Chief Wang."

Chief Wang: "It is quite a surprise to see both of you together at this time of the hour. What are you doing here exactly Mr. Luan ?"

Ren Luan: "I know it might seen unusual as I haven't mentioned about this to you yet. Chief Wang the thing I have moved in to stay with Uncle Wen till the village festival."

Lan Xiang: "Yes Uncle Wang Mr. Luan is telling the truth. He will stay with Uncle Wen for the time being."

Chief Wang: "This is really great Luan. I am really happy for you and old man Wen. You both can enjoy both of your company."

Lan Xiang: Yes Uncle Wang it is really great."

Ren Luan: "Thank you Chief Wang and Dr. Xiang. But Chief Wang if you don't mind may I ask you what are you doing here at this time ?"

Chief Wang: "It's completely fine Luan. I am here because this is my house and I am here at this moment because it is about time my granddaughter will come home with Yue'er."

Chief Wang said this while pointing towards his house right next to Lan Xiang's house.

Lan Xiang: "That's right Mr. Luan it is the house of Uncle Wang and it is also time when the kids will come back home."

Ren Luan: "Oh so this your house Chief Wang. Uncle Wen had told me about your home but I forgot about it. I am really sorry but now I will never forget about it."

Chief Wang: "By the way what are you both doing outside of Xiang'ers' house ?"

Lan Xiang: "To tell you the truth Uncle Wang, me and Lu'er have decided to invite Mr. Luan for a drink of tea and snacks."

Chief Wang: "Oh that's good. It will deepen your friendship."

While they all were talking with each other Zhen Lu came out of their home. When she saw her husband was having a conversation with both Ren Luan and Chief Wang.

Then she moved towards them and then she stood next to her husband and joined them in their conversation,

Zhen Lu: "Good afternoon Uncle Wang, good afternoon Mr. Luan."

Chief Wang: "Oh you are here Lu'er, good afternoon."

Ren Luan: "Good afternoon Mrs. Xiang."

Lan Xiang: "Wife why have you come out ?"

Zhen Lu: "I have been waiting for you for more than five minutes after preparing tea and snacks but you haven't returned. So I have come to check if everytime is right or not."

Lan Xiang: "We were coming but then we met Uncle Wang and then we were having some trivial talks between men, hahaha."

Hearing her husband's answer Zhen Lu pouted and then hit his stomach with her elbow. Then after getting hit wife Lan Xiang just held his stomach's that place which was hit by his wire and then he said,

Lan Xiang: "See Uncle Wang, how your daughter-in-law is hitting me."

Zhen Lu: "Stop this acting of yours my silly husband. I didn't hit you with much power. Uncle Wang see how he is teasing me."

Chief Wang: "Xiang'er stop it. Why are you teasing my dear daughter-in-law ?"

Lan Xiang: "I am sorry Uncle Wang. I am sorry Lu'er."

Chief Wang: "What do you say Lu'er should we forgive him or not ?"

Zhen Lu: "No Uncle Wang he should be punished for teasing me fufufu."

Lan Xiang: "Please forgive me I have made a mistake. I will not do tease Lu'er anymore but please forgive me."

Chief Wang: "I am sorry Xiang'er but I can't help you this time. The only person who can forgive you now is Lu'er. So ask her for forgiveness."

Lan Xiang: "My dear wife I am really sorry please forgive me. I will never ever tease you again."

Zhen Lu: "My silly husband if you want to get my forgiveness then you have get punishment then only I will forgive you."

Lan Xiang: "Okay my dear wife I will accept all of the punishments that you will give me. So tell me what is my punishment that I have do go through."

After hearing his response Zhen Lu was really surprised that her husband Lan Xiang agreed to accept the punishment. At first she only wanted to tease her husband a little as she will act as if she is angry and then after a while she will forgive him.

But now that he has agreed to take the punishment then she thought to teach him a little lesson for teasing her and then after thinking all of this and an appropriate punishment for him she said,

Zhen Lu: "Okay my dear husband I have decided what punishments are appropriate for you because i have decided that you have to face two punishments. So the punishments that I have chosen for you is that, the first one is you have to make dinner for all of us today and the second punishment is you have to do twenty squats while pulling your own ears."

Hearing the punishments that his wife has decided for him Lan Xiang was very surprised as well as happy but then he said,

Lan Xiang: "My dear wife it these tow are the punishments that you have chosen for me then I will accept them gladly without any problem."

Hearing Lan Xiang's response both Zhen Lu and Chief Wang laughed while Ren Luan has just ans awkward smile on his face with his hands busy in holding his phone.

Yes, all the things that had happened till now after coming out of his house with Lan Xiang then meeting Chief Wang and having a conversation with all of them and finally the arrival of Zhen Lu which leads to this situation in which they all were present are all being telecasted live for Gu Hong by the help of Ren Luan's smartphone.

Gu Hong whobwas watching all of this inside his office in his own building had no no expression on his face he just looked at the live telecast without blinking his eyes.

As he was seeing all of this a knock is made on his office door and then he glanced at the door and said,

Gu Hong: "Come in."

Han Gong: "Big Boss everything is finished and done as per your wish."

Gu Hong: "Good. Now it is time for your second and most important work."

Han Gong: "I am ready for it Big Boss. Just order me what to do next."

Gu Hong: "Good then pack your bags and go to Jiang Village and do everything as we have planned. The time is near where we have to finish everything quickly."

Han Gong: "Yes, Big Boss I will go now. Then excuse me."

Gu Hong: "Yes, go on."

Saying this Han Gong went of Gu Hong's office and soone he exited the office building and went straight towards his apartment.

And after few minutes he came out of his apartment with his luggage and put it in his car's trunk and then hebwent inside his car and sat on the driver seat and called his Big Boss,

Han Gong: "Big Boss I am leaving for the Jiang Village now."

Gu Hong: "Go on and keep me updated of the progress which you both will make for your respective assigned works.

Han Gong: "Yes Big Boss."

After this Gu Hong cut the call and then he again started to watch the live feed whereas Han Gong moved to do his work.

Meanwhile in front of the Lan house, Chief Wang, Lan Xiang, Zhen Lu and Ren Luan were standing and laughing with each other.

Zhen Lu: "Now my dear husband the time has come for your punishment number two which is twenty squats while pulling your own ears."

Lan Xiang: "Okay my lord I will do the punishment."

Just at moment when Lan Xiang was about to begin his punishment they heard a sweet female voice from behind them which asked, "What are you all doing out here ?". Then thay all turned their heads towards the voice and they saw that both A'Xin and Lan Yue were there and after seeing them they knew that the voice belonged to A'Xin.

A'Xin: "Grandfather, Uncle Xiang, Aunt Lu what are you all doing here ?"

Lan Yue: "Father who is this man ? I have never seen him in our village before."

Lan Xiang: "We all are having a conversation here with each other Yue'er and A'Xin and this man standing here is Ren Luan and he is new to our village."

Then Lan Xiang told them everything about Ren Luan including his staying at Hu Wen's house and he also introduced them.

A'Xin: "Hello Uncle Luan nice to meet you."

Lan Yue: "Hello Uncle Luan nice to meet you."

Ren Luan: "Hello kids nice to meet you all."

Zhen Lu: "It is great that you both have come Yue'er and A'Xin."

Lan Yue: "Is something going on mother that we don't know ? Tell us mother."

Then Zhen Lu said, "Yue'er adn A'Xin the thing is.." and she told them everything and after hearing her both Lan Yue and A'Xin laughed at the situation in which Lan Xiang is.

Then Zhen Lu told her husband to start his punishment and as Lan Xiang has no choice but to obey his wife he started his second punishment while Lan Yue counted for him.

After few minutes he completed his punishment with his ears now slightly red.

Then Zhen Lu told Chief Wang, Lan Yue and A'Xin to join them in tea and snacks after getting freshen up.

Then the three of them nodded in agreement and went to their respective rooms while Lan Xiang, Zhen Lu and Ren Luan went inside the Lan house.

After arriving inside the house, Zhen Lu went straight towards the kitchen to prepare everything on the plates to bring them and both Lan Xiang and Ren Luan sat on the couch in the living room.

Then they both talked about some trivial things and after few minutes Lan Yue also joined them and then both Chief Wang and A'Xin also came to their house they also joined them with A'Xin went to the kitchen to help Zhen Lu.

Then they both brought tea and snacks from the kitchen and served them and after serving them they also took tea for themselves and soon they all started to talk with each other.

While all of this was going on suddenly Ren Luan's smartphone rang and when he saw the name appearing on the screen he was surprised but he didn't show it on his face and took the call. The call was made from Han Gong.

Han Gong: "Don't say anything yet and listen to me very carefully what I am about to say and come to a distant place if you are with some people. Right now heading towards the Jiang Village. As you have already the orders from Big Boss for your new job so starting from today I will take over your previous job and I will stay with you as your big brother Ren Xuan. I will reach Jiang Village in about three hours because I have some works to so before going there. So tell anyone who asks you about the phone call that it was from your big brother and that he is coming."

After saying this Han Gong cut off the call and then Ren Luan started to act,

Ren Luan: "Okay big brother it is really great that you are coming. I am waiting for your please come soon."

After that he cut the call from his side just in an act and put the phone in his pocket and then he returned to his seat with others. Seeing him smiling Lan Xiang asked,

Lan Xiang: "What happened Mr. Luan you seem really happy now ?"

Ren Luan: "It is indeed very thing Dr. Xiang. My Big Brother Ren Xuan is coming here. I am so happy.",