

Lan Yue was your everyone like average boy, with a sweet family and friends and with a very positive outlook towards world. Then one day his entire village, friends and family was massacred in front of his very eyes and he also got very badly injured which almost left him to die. But he was saved by an unknown person who gave him a new life and the reason to live his life which is his revenge and the his saviour also taught him martial arts and weapons and he himself became weapon for his enemies. But with time he will undergo many changes in himself and he will emerge as the most dreaded and villainous person who will rule over the entire SUN CITY. Hello everyone I have created a discord server for all of us to interact with each other and to get the best of all of my works. So here is the link for the discord server . https://discord.gg/gFqESRzv

Pritam_Mohapatra · Action
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185 Chs

Be My Eyes

Inside a large office room at top floor of the largest building, a man standing in front of three dead bodies while holding a gun in his right hand.

Even if that man has killed three people he still didn't show a slight glint of remorse in his eyes. His eyes, his body language, his overall behavior was very calm without any regret.

He just glanced at the three dead bodies which were lying under his feet at his office room and the blood which has came out of their bodies painting the office floor red the entire area near the dead bodies.

Then he took the intercom which is placed inside his office and called his subordinate and and said,

The Man: "Send ten people inside my room to take out the trash from my room and send someone to clean my office from the mess created by the trash."

Subordinate: "Yes Big Boss. I will send the people immediately and I will personally monitor the entire cleaning work."

After talking with his subordinate the man hung his phone and went ahead and sat on his chair in his office.

Then the man looked at a photo frame which is placed on his table containing a photo and then he grab the photo frame and bring it closer to his face.

Seeing the photo which was inside the photo frame, the man smiled brightly and said,

The Man: "Dear I have killed the three traitors who have betrayed us in our business. I wish if you were with me right now in this world then we both were would have been really very happy.i miss you everyday, everytime, everywhere I see I just see you. Please come back to me my love."

Yes, the photo which was in the photo frame is of the lover of the man who has died and left him alone in the world.

Then the man held the photo frame close to his heart and closed his eyes. Then after closing his eyes the man went deep inside the land of sweet dreams and memories.

In his sweet land of dreams and memories the man saw the times which he has spent with the lady love of his life who has left him alone.

Then after sometimes a knock was made on the man's office door.

"Knock knock knock knock..."

Hearing the knocking sound on his office door, the man opened his eyes and then he looked at the photo again which was in his hand and then he put down the photo frame on the table and said,

The Man: "Come in."

Hearing him the door opened and twelve people entered inside the office room of the man and while entering the office all the people saw the three dead bodies and the blood covering the area near the dead bodies.

After entering the office, a man who was walking in front of the other eleven people come closer towards the table of the man and bowed down his head in front of the man and said,

Subordinate: "Big boss I have brought the people to clean the entire trash and dust from your office. "

Saying this the subordinate pointed towards the people standing behind him and the man looked at them.

Seeing their Big boss looking at them all of the people bowed their heads down in front of him. Then the man said,

The Man: "Good. Now start the cleaning work of my office and please properly monitor the entire process to be completed perfectly, Han Gong."

Han Gong "Yes sir everything will be done as per your instructions."

Then after saying this Han Gong instructed the people he brought with him and then the people started to clean the office.

Then nine people have completely covered the dead bodies in big bags and were now holding the dead bodies in their hands and were waiting for the next orders.

Seeing them the man called Han Gong near him and said,

The Man: "Use my personal elevator to take the bodies to the parking lot and then use the van parked there to take the bodies somewhere and burn them down to ashes and destroy every single thing about these trashes and you personally go and monitor that everything is carried out properly. Do I make myself clear to you Han Gong ?"

Han Gong: "Yes, I understand everything and I will personally see that everything is done according to your command Big Boss Gu Hong."

Yes, the man to whom Han Gong Was referring to as Big Boss is none other than Gu Hong who is going to be one of the antagonist of the story specifically with the life of Lan Yue.

Then after saying this Han Gong went towards the people who were waiting for the next orders and after arriving near them Han Gong instructed them everything and told them to wait for him in the parking lot.

Then he opened the elevator for the people and then returned to the side of Gu Hong and seeing Han Gong returned Gu Hong asked,

Gu Hong: "Why have you returned Han Gong ?"

Han Gong: "There is something that I want to say to you privately that's why I have returned."

Gu Hong: "Tell me what is it ?"

Han Gong: "We have some new updates about the Jiang village and there is something that you really need to see."

Gu Hong: "Go ahead tell me everything."

Han Gong: "Let me get my laptop and then I will show it to you on the big screen using the projector."

After saying this Han Gong went out of Gu Hong's office and returned after few seconds carrying a laptop in his hands.

Then he connected the projector with his laptop and he also set the big screen to display the information to his big boss on the big screen.

After everything is prepared Han Gong looked at his boss Gu Hong to get his permission to start his presentation. Then Gu Hong understood everything and nodded to gave his permission to Han Gong to start the presentation.

Then Han Gong starter to show all the photos to Gu Hong and also explained everything to him.

Han Gong: "Big Boss the first photo that you are seeing is of the Jiang Village. Then the second and third photos were also of the Jiang Village."

Then showing some more photos of Jiang village Han Gong showed Gu Hong the Jiang village.

Han Gong: "This photo is of the Jiang River where the star piece is hidden deep inside it. Then next photos are of the villagers of Jiang village."

Then Han Gong showed the photos of Chief Wang, Lan Xiang and other villagers of the Jiang village which was taken by Ren Luan.

Then Han Gong showed a photo to Gu Hong by seeing which Gu Hong became really shocked at first but then he thought something and became really angry on Han Gong.

Then in his anger, Gu Hong got up from his sit went towards Han Gong and grabbed him by his collar and lifted him up and slammed him against his office table.

Then he took out his gun from his inside pocket of his jacket and put the gun on his head and said,

Gu Hong: "Who do you think you are to play these cheap tricks on me ? I will kill you today."

Han Gong: "Big Boss, please spare me. I am not playing any tricks on you sir. Please spare me."

Gu Hong: "So you are sating that you are not playing any tricks on me, you liar. The proof is right in front of me right there. I will kill you."

Gu Hong is radiating a very severe killing intent from him and his eyes have became blood red and by seeing those eyes anyone can say that he was going to kill Han Gong by his own hands.

Then seeing that there is no way for him to stay alive by the means grovel, he thought to do something by which he can be saved.

Han Gong: "Big Boss I can show you this live."

Gu Hong: "WHAT !? What did you say ?"

Han Gong: "Just give me this last chance to prove it by showing this to you live. Please Big Boss give me this last chance. I am very loyal to you, I will never tell a lie to you or betray you. Please Big Boss this last chance."

Although Gu Hong was burning with extreme level of rage and he was overflowing with extreme killing intent but he still decided to give Han Gong one last chance solely because of his loyality towards him.

Gu Hong: "Since you are very loyal to me, I will give you this last chance to prove yourself. But if you fail to do so, then I WILL KILL YOU."

Han Gong: "Yes, Big Boss I understand."

Then Han Gong took out his smartphone and then he opened it and dialed the number of the spy who was implanted by them at the Jiang village who was none other than Ren Luan.

When Ren Luan saw that his boss is calling him directly he became very tense and quickly answered the call of his boss.

Then Han Gong told him the reason why he called him directly and said to receive his video call now.

Then Han Gong video called Ren Luan to which Ren Luan answered and started to show his surroundings to both Han Gong and Gu Hong who were watching everything on the projector.

Then he came to a certain place and showed them the thing live which had previously infuriated Gu Hong but now after seeing it live on video call made Gu Hong really very shocked.

He just couldn't get the words to speak at this moment after seeing that right in front of him.

Then he called Han Gong towards him and said to cut the video call and make the normal voice call again to Ren Luan.

Han Gong complied with his Big Boss's wish and did exactly the same thing which he has asked for. After connecting with Ren Luan over the voice call Gu Hong took over the call and said,

Gu Hong: "Listen to me very carefully Ren Luan I am now assigning you on a new job at the Jiang village which is You have to be my eyes."

Ren Luan: "Who are you in the first place to order to me around and where is my boss ?"

Gu Hong: "I am saying this very nicely so listen it and obey my orders because I am the boss of your boss. The Big Boss."

Ren Luan: "B-B-B-B-Big Boss!!!! I am really sorry Big Boss I couldn't recognize your voice. I am sorry Big Boss. Please kill me for my ignorance."

Gu Hong: "Listen to me very carefully Ren Luan I am giving you this important job and you have do it and if you do it successfully then I will give you 50 million dollars, but if you can't complete this job of mine then I will personally kill you with my own hands in the most gruesome way which will make your very soul to have nightmares of this death of yours."

Hearing this thing from his Big Boss Ren Luan just started to tremble from his head to toe and then with this fear asked him,

Ren Luan: "Big Boss I have a small doubt, if I do your job then who will do the job for which I was sent here ?"

Gu Hong: "Don't worry about that job because Han Gong will personally go there as your big brother and will do the job all by himself as he is very competent."

Hearing this Han Gong showed a smile on his as he knew again that his Big Boss is nor angry on him anymore.

Then after saying that Gu Hong cut the call and after the call dismissal Ren Luan Sighed in relief and returned back from that place to his room inside Hu Wen's house. He started to think about the job which The Big Boss has assigned him.

And on the other hand inside Gu Hong's office, Gu Hong told Han Gong,

Gu Hong: "You have heard me talking with this Ren Luan guy. So I want you to go the Jiang village as soon as possible, no I want you to leave today for the Jiang village and check for yourself if what we have seen is correct or not. Do you understand me ?"

Han Gong: "Yes, Big Boss I understand completely and I will leave for the Jiang village after finishing the pending job of mine which you have given me and after that I will immediately leave for the Jiang village and the first thing I will do is to check that for myself and let you know."

Gu Hong: "Good, now you can leave now but remember I hate people who do unfinished works. So complete your pending work and go for your new work."

Han Gong: "Yes, Big Boss then I will leave now."

After saying this Han Gong left Gu Hong's office and went to straight to the parking lot where his people were waiting for him with the dead bodies to get rid of them.

Then he started his car and went out of the parking lot with the van following behind him.

After Han Gong left his office, Gu Hong thought all my himself in his mind, "If that is really there then I will have it no matter what for myself and no can stop me from getting that."

Meanwhile at the Jiang village.

When Ren Luan was deep in his thought about the new job he heard the door of the house rang and came out of his reverie.

He thought Hu Wen has returned from his shop, so he went downstairs to open the door.

But when he opened the door he saw the person who has rang the door bell was not Hu Wen but rather it was Lan Xiang.

Seeing Lan Xiang there has taken Ren Luan by surprise, then he smiled at him while hiding his confusion and said,

Ren Luan: "Dr. Xiang why are you here at this moment ?"

Lan Xiang: "Mr. Luan I am here to invite you to my house for some snacks."

Hearing this Ren Luan became really surprised, but then he agreed and went to the Lan's house with Lan Xiang.