
Destiny? More Like Not My Problem

We were supposed to be in Philly about two hours ago but Will read the map wrong and we're in New York. I grabbed a cold soda from the cooler that we found in the van and laid down on a bean bag chair. Nico and Will were arguing about the map and Kayla was looking through books she had found. From a distance, she looked like Annabeth, but up close she looked totally different. Sure, Kayla has the same blonde hair but her eyes are darker and her lips are smaller, she's also shorter then Annabeth. They also had completely different styles, Annabeth was more of a tomboyish and while Kayla didn't really care for what she looked like. Of course, she had a style but it didn't matter what she was wearing it looked good.

I felt eyes on me and Will was staring at me, with a smug look on his face. I went red, no it's not what it looks like I mouthed. Will kept the same smile on his face as he turned around, nodding.

"Hey, Atticus," Nico called.

I turned to see him in the mirror, looking at me.

"You should probably change your clothes. You know so we don't get caught again." He said looking away from the mirror.

My face went red, I automatically thought of Kayla.

"With a girl in the van?" I asked.

I shifted my weight, it was an uncomfortable thought. The fact that he wanted me to be almost naked back here with Kayla.

"A girl and two gays I may add," Will added.

I took a deep breath, I'm not sure if that made the situation better or worse. I turned towards the bag and sighed.

"Kayla, would you mind?" I asked, my face red.

"No, not at all. If you don't we might get killed," she added.

"No, not if it saves our lives," she explained.

Kayla walked to the front of the van and sat cross-legged in between Will and Nico. I picked up the bag, inside was a red and black flannel, light jeans, and a white shirt. It also had a new pair of colored contacts, which didn't make sense. How did he find that in a hotel store? He did always look out for me maybe he brought them with him.

I changed my pants first, which I hadn't invited before but were slightly burned by the fire. Then I took my shirt and looking at the orange camp shirt. I remember the first time I've met Will it was his first day and like most he was scared. Unlike me, he had a life before camp half-blood, while I grew up there. When I meet Nico he was really young and talked About Mythomagic a lot. We became friends at the time before I found out he was the son of Hades. I remembered the first time I met Luke he was nice and very good looking. The same thing with Percy, expect people didn't like it when I would talk to Percy until he spoke to them.

I must have been staring at the shirt for a long time because I turned around and everyone's eyes were one me. Nico was looking through the mirror, Will had his head turned and Kayla has completely turned around.

"S-sorry," she managed. "We thought you were done."

I realized that they weren't staring at my face but at my body. They were staring at my scars. I had four and each one seemed to draw their attention.

"What in Hades-"

"It's nothing," I said pulling the white shirt over me.

Kayla returned to the back of the van and sat across from me. I wish they hadn't seen them. They probably thought I was a freak now. Either way the mission had to be cared out and the only way that would happen is if I kept my distance and-


Nico slammed on the breaks before I could finish my thought. In front of the van was a dark-haired boy with a sword.

"Percy?" I asked.

He walked around the back and slid open the doors. He looked out of breath and tired, Annabeth followed.

"We've been chasing you for blocks," she looked at Percy. "Even though I said we wouldn't catch them like that."

"Proved. You. Wrong." Percy said in between breaths.

He looked as if he was about to faint. I guided him to a seat.

"What happened to the mission?" Annabeth asked looking at Will and Nico.

She was waiting for an answer but all she got were their fingers pointing towards Kayla.

"Technically it was Addy's fault, then Kayla's," Will explained, putting his hands in the air.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, I could tell she was livid.

"You were supposed to meet us before you left Brooklyn!" She shouted, "then Jason and Leo were after us and then Hazel and Frank with Piper."

"Why?" Why did Chiron do this? Does he think I'm not ready?" I asked interrupting her, she had the look of a madwoman.

"No," Percy said, he finally caught his breath. "It's because there's another great prophecy with a son of Artemis in it and 11 others. Rachel told us it and we didn't want to scare you."

I stood there stunned. Me and eleven others will answer a call, this is not what I wanted. I wanted to just have a quest to prove I can survive and now a giant quest with my name on it. Can't you refuse a destiny? How about I just jump off of a bridge and call it a day? My life isn't that important as Percy's anyway.

"I need some air," I said as I exited the vehicle.

I walked towards the river and looked down. What a quest, find two demigods and try not to get killed. Then have people follow you to make sure you don't get hurt to succeed a density that I don't want.

"Curse the gods."

"I've never heard a child or demigod curse the gods so much before they turned 18," a man said.

I looked up and saw an 18-year-old standing before me. He had long golden hair and blue eyes. He wore a toga with a bow and quiver on his back.

"Hey Apollo," I said.

His smile was radiant.

"Are you doing what I asked?" He said.

"Watching over Will is probably the hardest job I've ever had," I answered.

He laughed a land sat down next to me. We both sat there looking at the beautiful view of New York, or wherever we are.

"You should be honored, you were chosen for greatness," Apollo explained.

I rubbed my shoulder where one of my scars was, him saying that brought back memories.

"I've been watching and you're quite the rebel," Apollo took a finger and swiped at my hair. "Getting yourself into trouble and doing pranks on people. Pushing them away, that my son is your biggest weakness. The sirens would agree with me, stop dwelling on the past."

I stopped and gazed at the ground.

"You look just like your mother," he said.

I hated it when people mentioned my mother. She didn't want me and I understood why. Nico probably didn't hate me but I hated him for a long time.

"You better put on a good show, I'll be watching. And please don't hate me." He said he imagine fading away.

"Why would I hate the only God who was ever there for me? Are more of my parents then Artemis is."

I heard footsteps approaching, usually, I would summon my bow by now but I didn't feel like it. It was a short person and judging by their walking it was a boy. He sat next to me and sighed.

"Women, am I right? That's why I go for boys now," the boy said.

I turned and looked towards him. He was good looking, with platinum blonde hair that faded to brown on the tips. It had brown eyes and a sad look on his face. He was scrawny and thin but his eyes were like doe eyes, so big and full of emotion. He turned towards me.

"God!" He shouted.

"Gods," I corrected. Mortals huh funny how the only believe in one God.

He looked at me weird then shook his head.

"I'm so sorry if it seemed like I was hitting on you. I wasn't, I swear. You see you look like my friend and I kinda got you confused." He smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head.

"It's fine really," I said.

The boy looked at the distant scenery it was a valley that looked like it went on forever. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Where ya from?" I asked, "you're not giving off a wherever-we-are vibe."

The boy looked confused like he was just told that he had to take a math test right now.

"Are you lost or something?" He asked.

"No, no I had car trouble and we pulled over for a second. I'm not the person with the map so I'm not sure where we are," I explained.

He looked down for a moment.

"You should get back your family must be getting worried." The boy stood.

"Actually I don't have a family," I said, I stood to face him.

The boy's face lit up a bit, then he held out a hand.

"The name's Alaric but my friends call me either Ricky," he explained.

I shook his hand, "Atticus but friends call me Addy."

We smiled at each other.

"Addy! Where are you? We need to talk," a voice called.

"Gotta go, sounds like a conversation I need to avoid," I explained, I turned on my heel and started to walk away.

Ricky then grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.

"I can help,"

"I highly doubt that."

He pointed towards a different direction of the voices.

"We can run," he explained.

I looked back from where the voices were coming from and the place where he was pointing. Apollo's words rang in my mind put on a good show I'll be watching. You want a show? I'll give you a show.

I ran in the direction Ricky was pointing and pulled him along. I turned and smiled at him. He then ran ahead of me and we were running together. Bye, bye destiny.

The next chapter will be told by Nico's point of view. So please don't be confused. From now on the chapters will switch point of view just like in the Heros of Olympus series. Also please don't be afraid to comment I enjoy getting them, even if it's negative.

Nope_idkcreators' thoughts